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June 12, 1980 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1980-06-12

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. XC, No. 25-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 12, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Registration vote today
From AP and UPI of the motions it was possible under
WASHINGTON-In a compromise S e n a te Senate rules for him to make as part of
ending a round-the-clock filibuster,thehiefotoflbuerheegsain
Senate agreed late yesterday to vote bkd i dh ibrmeasure.
this afternoon on renewal of peacetime 14u s.-w to-w ~ -hE~ d~I 5 Hatfield initiated the filibuster in
draft registration renewre of peaaetimeUhopes of blocking a final vote on Car-
Sen. Mark Hatfiejd (R-Ore.), leader ter's request for $13.3 million to renew
of the filibuster, agreed to allow the -yugmnol ftedatisl s Ysedy h eaehdvtdt u eitainfrsm ilo 9 n oeo ia asg hrl fe on rnwd f eaeatr10husa :3pm 0ya-l
ote onfilpssaged oty afterwnoon young men only if the draft itself is yesterday. The Senate had voted to cut registration for some 4 million 19- and
voeo ia psaesotl fe on renewed. off debate after 100 hours at 3:23 p.m. CARTEsr-d me n Jnayta
today in return for a vote on one of his Every major test vote indicated Car- Saturday. CARTER SAI n sanury that
amendments. ter's requestfor renewal of registration IN ANNOUNCING the compromise, registration was one of severalespon-
H ATFIELD'S AMENDMENT would as esrly as next moth-already ap- Senate Democratic Leader Robert se to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
cut the $13.3 million President Carter proved by the House-would also clear Byrd said Hatfield "has proved to be se hswr to thrSvetina ione Afghntn
sought for renewal of peacetime the Senate. very worthy adversary. He has fought a e as poer to req areedy, bt o-
registration to $4.7 million, with that the coprmiewaaraceeate. good fight." register for the draft already, but of-
rgsrtnto$.mlinwhtht The compromise was reached after a g dfgt ficials said he will not use it unless
sum going to improve the current marathon 32-hour session that lasted all Byrd said that during the 32-hour Congress endorses the idea by
system which calls for registering night Tuesday and through much of session, Hatfield exhausted all but one Congss eyndor the reatby
providing money for the registration
:- > system.
The Selective Service System has
said it plans to renew the program in
mid-July if Congress approves the
money before the end of next week:
debate began in earnest after the
Senate voted at 11:23 a.m. Tuesday to
invoke cloture, which limits debate to
100 hours before a final vote.
Hatfield immediately vowed to use
all 100 hours. The debate lasted all night
and dragged on into yesterday, with one
Republican after another making hour-
long speeches.
Some senators spent the night on cots
set up in the cloak room and others
slept in offices. Many went home.
UNDER THE registration plan, all
men born in 1961 would be required to
register in one week at the nation's post
offices. All those born in 1960 would be
S> V¢ required to register the following week.
All men born in 1962 would be required
S s k to register next year, and so on.
The maximum penalty for failure to
register would be five years in prison
;f anda $10,000 fine. No one has ever been
::. .sentenced to the maximum.
.: ... . ' :. , . . . Those registering this year would be
.:.the first since 1975, when then-
:President Gerald Ford put the Selective
AP Photo Service System into "deep standby."
Standingroom onlyCarter wanted to register young
women as well as men but both the
An exhausted Haitian lies in the wet sand on Haulover Beach, Fla. Tuesday morning after he climbed ashore and House and Senate have voted against
collapsed. 224 Haitians landed on Miami Beach Tuesday in two similar handmade wooden boats. The refugees that.
were taken to temporary holding centers for processing by Immigration and Naturalization officials.

Japan's top
govt offcal
Ohira dies
at age 70

TOKYO (AP)-Japanese Prime Minister Masayo-
shi Ohira died early this morning of a heart attack, 12
days after he was hospitalized complaining of
fatigue. He was 70.
Ohira's condition began to deteriorate at about 2
a.m. (1 p.m. EDT yesterday), a hospital spokesman
said, and Japan's prime minister since 1978 died at
about 4 p.m. EDT.
WITH OHIRA'S passing, Cabinet Secretary
Masayoshi Ito became acting prime minister. He will
serve in the caretaker post until the new Diet, or
Parliament, is chosen June 22 in previously called
elections. Then the new members of both houses of
Parliament will select a new prime minister.
Because of the relative strength and stability of
Japan's bureaucracy, Ohira's death was not expec-
ted to have a major effect on the day-to-day workings
of the government. But the upcoming elections take
{:"v;": r{. v . M: M ".

on greater importange since the new Parliament will
pick Japan's new leader.
In Washington, President Carter said Ohira's death
was "tragic for all of us." He said Ohira was "a fine
leader" and "a very close friend of mine. We have
already sent condolences to his family."
CARTER SAID HE did not think he would attend
the funeral, however. The president is scheduled to
leave Wasington for a state visit to Rome on June 19.
Ito said at a news conference 90 minutes after
Ohira's death that the prime minister "was said to be
in good condition until late last night, but at around
2:25 a.m. (1:25p.m. EDT yesterday), his condition
deteriorated badly.
"The doctors' immediate diagnosis said he died af-
ter angina pectoris, followed by a cardiac infar-
See JAPANESE, Page 9

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