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May 09, 1980 - Image 12

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-05-09

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Page 12-Friday, May 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily


Active againA-
Mount St. Helens, the active volcano located 45 miles northeast of Portland in Scientists are now concerned about the possihility of avalanches and flooding in
Washington, spews smoke and ash skyward yesterday during an eruption. the area.
Nixon moves into 15-room suite


NEW YORK (UPI)-Richard Nixon
moves into his new 15-room office suite
in lower Manhattan next week and
while the rent runs $66,000 a year, that
is cheap compared to the more
fashionable locations the former
president apparently had in mind.
Warren Gardner, spokesman for the
New York regional office of the General
Services Administration, said that
aside from $66,532 in annual rent for the

new offices, the government has paid
$56,871 to furnish the Nixon suite so far.
NIXON SETTLED on 4,800 square
feet of space on the 13th floor at 26
Federal Plaza, which is in an area bet-
ween China Town and Wall Street in
lower Manhattan.
Gardner said Nixon "had several
locations in the upper East Side in
mind, but it would have been two or
three times more" expensive, since the

area is considered chic.
Nixon recently bought a house with
his own money on the upper East Side
at a cost of just under $1 million, but the
federal government pays for office
space for former presidents under a
law passed in 1958.
"IT WILL BE his private office for
his personal affairs," Gardner said.
His offices are furnished with plush
beige carpeting, costing $4,560 for the


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carpet and $1.125 to install. Vinyl wall
coverings cost $1,986 and dark brown
drapes, $3,300.
Nixon also gets a presidential pension
of about $66,000 a year, plus pensions
for other public offices he has held.
Junior high
pupil granted
with Nixon
eighth-grader Michael Morris
turned in his social studies assignment,
his teacher was first shocked and then
unbelieving. Had he really won an in-
terview with former president Richard
"He didn't think it was true," the 13-
year-old said. "He though I'd made it
up, and then I played the tape for him
and he thought it was comedian Rich
BUT WHEN Michael handed the
teached an autographed picture of the
former chief executive, the teacher had
to admit the pupil had scooped the city
media stars and snagged the first in-
terview with Nixon since he moved
from California to New York.
The assignment didn't start at the
presidential level.
All teacher Allen Urkowitz told his
See JUNIOR, Page 13




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