Page 16-Friday, June 6, 1980--The Michigan Doily
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Robertson's job:
PONTIAC (AP) - Scotty Robertson, "I LIKE this team," Robertson said
former assistant coach at Houston, of the Pistons, who won only 16 games
yesterday was named to coach the last season while losing 66. "I think it
Detroit Pistons, who finished last can win - and I'm not talking down the
season with the worst record in the road - I'm talking now.
National Basketball Association. "I feel secure because I think this
Robertson, who was introduced to club's going places. I saw more positive
Detroit reporters at a news conference, signs, during my interviews, in this
agreed to a multi-year contract. Terms club than I've seen elsewhere. I like the
were not disclosed. talent and I like the commitment that
Robertson's previous head coaching general manager Jack McCloskey has.
experience was six years ago when he made for me for the future."
became the first coach of the expansion McCloskey said the Pistons, who
New Orleans Jazz, now the Utah Jazz. have been without permanent coach
Robertson was fired by the Jazz in the since they fired Dick Vitale on Nov. 8,
club's first year and he left the NBA. He said the search took seven months
returned to the league in the 1977-78 because "I wanted to be absolutely sure
season, when he was hired as an I had the right man."
assistant to Cotton Fitzsimmons with THE PISTONS are changing coaches
the Buffalo Braves. for the 16th time since the 1957-58
Rescue Pistons
season, when the club entered the NBA.
Robertson is the fifth Pistons' coach in
six years.
In looking for a successor to Vitale,
McCloskey said he even interviewed by
telephone Bob Cole, the Australian
national basketball team coach. Mc-
Closkey said Richie Adubato, the for-
mer Piston assistant who served as in-
terim coach after Vitale's firing, was
considered for the job.
"Scotty has more experience in the
league," McCloskey said. "Richie was
in a very difficult position. It was
perhaps unfair for Richie. There was a
lot of turmoil."
McCloskey said he was helping
Adubato search for an NBA job.
"OF ALL of the openings in the NBA,
this is the one I most wanted because of =o
Major league players' contract
wins owners' official
CHICAGO (AP) - The major league been compensation for free agents.
owners, as expected, turned back op-. That item was put off and a panel of
position to the new baseball players players and owners will be appointed to
basic agreement and ratified the con- discuss the issue and make recommen-
tract by a 21-5 vote yesterday. "Some dations by Feb. 1, 1981. If approved by
clubs had certain reservations over both sides, the recommendation would
certain parts of it," said Lee MacPhail, become part of the contract.
American League president. "But it Should a compromise not be reached
didn't mean that as a whole they would by that date, the owners would be free
be opposed to it." to implement their compensation
St. Louis, Oakland, Minnesota, proposal and the players would be free
Cleveland and San Diego all voted to strike.
Against the pact. But a simple 14-12 On other matters, the new agreement
majority with a minimum of five teams increased the minimum salary from
from each league was required to ap- $21,000 to $30,000; granted an increased
prove the four-year agreement. allowance for players' expenses; in-
The Major League Players creased owners' annual contribution to
Association still has to vote on players' pension fund from $8.3 million
ratification. to $15.5 million, and reduced the num-
The key issue in the bargaining prior her of years of league experience
to the May 23 tentative agreement had required from three to two before a
player can submit his contract to bin-
ding arbitration.
According to Ray Grebey, chief
negotiator for the owners, St. Louis
voiced the strongest opposition to the
agreement. The Cardinals insisted that
owners stick to their hard line, and ac-
cept the inevitability of a strike.
Minnesota owner Calvin Griffith was
also unhappy with the free agent com-
pensation resolution. "I've lost too darn
many Minnesota Twins to free agen-
cy ... I feel I should get something
back," he said.
Cleveland Indian President Gabe
Paul expressed that club's objection to
the benefits package included in the
"As a matter of principle we thought
too much was given up in pension," said
Scotty Robertson
the organization," Robertson said.
"The people are already here working
to make the Pistons a winner. . . I
didn't come here for anything else."
Robertson, 50, also has served as an
assistant at Chicago. He also spent 10
years coaching at his college alma
mater, Louisiana Tech.
Robertson accepted the vacant slot
cognizant of the fact that he was not the
Pistons' first choice for the job. A
spokesman for the Philadelphia 76ers
said yesterday that Sixers' assistant
coach Chuck Daly rejected offers to be
head coach of the Pistons and the San
Antonio Spurs. McCloskey would not
confirm the Philadelphia report.
Hyman applies the tag to
Hawaii's Thad Reece, left,
during Wednesday night's
third-round College World
Series contest in Omaha, Neb.
Arizona, ranked third during
the season, stayed alive in the
collegiate classic by handing
Hawaii its first tournament
loss, 6-4 in 11 innings.
The win earned the Wild-
cats a berth in last night's
semi-final game against
California; which ousted top-
rated Miami, 4-3, Wednesday.
Last night, California led
Arizona, 10-8, in the bottom of
the seventh inning.
The winner of last night's af-
fair faces Hawaii this evening
for the championship.
AP Photo