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June 06, 1980 - Image 14

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-06-06

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Page 14-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily

U.N. Bits
Israel for
two bomb
(Continued from Page 1)
the Philippines, Mexico and Jamaica.
THE MEASURE "condemns the
assassination attempts on the lives of
the mayors" and "expresses deep con-
cern" that Israel failed to protect
adequately civilians in the occupied
Arab territories.
It also calls on all countries to deny
Israel aid for use in conection with
Jewish settlements in those territories,
demands an end to the occupation and
asks U.N. Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim to report on implementation
of its provisions.
The vote on the resolution had been
postponed from yesterday morning to
enable McHenry to get instructions
from the State Department on how to
vote. McHenry let others know yester-
day morning that he still lacked in-
structions, and the move from private
consultations to a public meeting for a
debate and vote was postponed again to
mid-afternoon to give him more time.
EARLY IN THE meeting, the coun-
cil-on a proposal from Tunisia-voted
10-1 with four abstentions to let the
Palestine Liberation Organization take
part in the debate with the same
privileges as if it were a UN. member.
As on similar previous occasions, the
United States voted against the motion.
Britain, France,Norway and Portugal
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I Solar airplane flies
The Gossamer Penguin lifts off during a recent test flight in California as ground crewpersons run alongside. The
aircraft, outfitted with a solar panel to capture the power of sunlight, flies at an average speed of 15 mph and an
average height of 12 feet.
bassachusetts town 'nvaded'
bbrowaninch-long caterpillars

DALTON, Mass. (AP) - They crept
in from the poplars, thousands of them,
clinging to' buildings and making
people's skin crawl. Water cannons
didn't turn back the creatures, so ex-
perts decided to try adhesives to trip up
the invasion of the caterpillars.
One family has been driven from its
apartment by the inch-long cater-
pillars, which a Daly Street resident
says are pouring out of two old poplar
trees in this Berkshire County town
"like water from a faucet."
RA FAeRTWAhm ,...a,nd,.aec he

been covered by the crawling, brown
mat made of hundreds of thousands of
satin moth caterpillars.
"It's like something out of a science
fiction or horror movie," - said Donald
Gates, whose wife and two children
moved to his sister-in-law's house Sun-
day after the bugs turned up in the
Gates' bedroom.
"We open the door very carefully to
get inside and they drop down on us as
we walk in," Gates said yesterday. He
has continued to spend nights at the
ON WEDNESDAY fire fighters using
high-pressure hoses failed to drown the
harmless, if unsightly, caterpillars.
"All they did was give them a bath!"
laughed an attendant at a neighborhood
service station.
Afterward, "the caterpillars were
more numerous than ever," admitted

Archie Caesar Sr.,.town moth superin-
tendent and tree warden.
Gates said that when an industrial
vacuum was used to scoop up the insec-
ts, "it got so clogged with the damn
things it stopped working." And, he ad-
ded, " there's no way you can take a
vacuum up an80-foot tree."
CAESAR NEXT planned to spread a
commercial adhesive, Tanglefoot,
around the base of the trees to trap the
"If that doesn't work, the last step
may be to remove the trees," he said.
State pest control officer Fred
Hayward said the bugs would only feed
for a few more days before spinning
glossy black cocoons and entering a 10-
day pupa stage.
BUT THEY will emerge as moths
that will lay more caterpillar eggs.
Residents are edgy.
"I'm almost out of, my mind over
this ... They're outside, crawling all
over the house," complained Candace
Kaley, 73. "You have to brush your way
out the door.
"I never saw so many cars on this
street. People are stopping and
looking . . . They've never seen
anything like it. Neither have I."
"They're not dangerous," said Selec-
tman William Moody, who owns one of'
the houses.
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