The Michigan Daily-Wednesday. June 4, 1980-Page 9
Demoeratic leaders
urge Carter to expel
Cuban 'criminals'
From UPI and AP
WASHINGTON-House and Senate
Democratic leaders yesterday urged
President Carter to crack down hard on
rioters and other "criminal elements"
among Cuban refugees and send them
back to their communist-ruled island.
At the White House, press secretary
Jody Powell said Carter already has
asked the Justice Department for a
review to determine whether depor-
tation of the ringleaders is a "practical
legal option."
migration officials said they hoped to
comply with Carter's order to process
and interview 500 Cuban refugees a day
but emphasized there still may be
delays in finding them homes because
of a lack of sponsors.
Authorities at the base, home for
about 18,000 refugees for almost three*
weeks, said they feared the restless
mood of the Cubans could spawn more
protests and violence. After a protest
by about 1,000 refugeesSunday, a mob
of 300 burned five base buildings and
tried to leave the base before being tur-
ned back by local authorities.
In Key West, the 100,000th Cuban
refugee arrived and the skipper and
more than 50 Cuban-Americans on
board were arrested for importing
illegal aliens.
It was the first time Cuban-
Americans other than captains of small
boats have been jailed for ferrying
relatives and friends from the port of
Mariel in Cuba.
The 118-foot freighter Red Diamond V
unloaded 731 refugees in Key West, the
largest human cargo since the boatlift
began 4ยง days ago, as U.S. officials
worried that Cuban exiles may have hit
on a way to circumvent Carter's crack-
down on the flotilla by chartering
foreign vessels.
'Talking economics
subject of seminar
By GERRY LINS The seminar, conducted by
Economics Dept. lecturer Ann-Ander-
Unemployment, minimum wage son, concentrated on conflicts which
laws, and the effects of government occur as a result of clashing economic
controls on industry were some of the viewpoints. "Any policy will involve
topics discussed last Saturday at a costs to someone," she said. "The
seminar held at the School of Education problem doesn't lie so much with the
on "talking economics" - an attempt analysis as with disagreements about
to discover the reasons why labor, weighing the costs and benefits.
management, and government speak "Naturally, the various sectors want
the same language but arrive at dif- the policy which benefits them most,"
ferent conclusions. Anderson continued, "and, therefore,
The seminar, the first in a two-part the costs and benefits of any policy will
series entitled "Economics for Working appear different, depending on the
Women," was presented by the Univer- viewpoint taken."
sity's Program on Women and Work Anderson emphasized ,that gover-
and the Union Minorities/Women nment intervention, although often
Leadership Training Project. The beneficial, also involves costs.
second part of the seminar is scheduled "Although the government intervenes
for Sat., June 7, from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 to insure a fair wage," she explained,
p.m. at the School of Education. "this may drive wages lower in other
"THE IDEA for the seminar came industries which are not covered by the
out of requests by working women," minimum wage law."
according to Betty Kaufmann of the In-
stitute of Labor and IndustrialTONIGHT A
Relations. "They needed a firmer
grasp of economics to aid them in SECOND A CE
bargaining. The seminar is an attempt
to de-mystify economics and very much
applies to women, who are often at the Bo' ' ' Bandit
bottom of the economic ladder."
CUBAN REFUGEES LEAVE the Key West processing center under a sign
which reads "The last person to leave Cuba, please put out the lights." Cubans
waiting at the Coast Guard dock put up the sign recently.
(Continued from Page 8)
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