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June 03, 1980 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-06-03

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 5
Regents hear new hospital plans

(Continued from Page 1)
and drive costs higher, they said.
The architects pointed out if separate
buildings are constructed as in plan C,
different building codes can be
followed, depending on the eventual use
for each building. That would provide
for lower costs, they Said, than if one
building were built and the toughest
codes were followed.
One final problem the architects cited
would be the difficulty a contractor
Rack ham
. cuts use
of student
aid form
(Continued from Page 3)
need to meet future needs. "According
to the hand computations we've done
from the GAPSFAS forms we have
received so far, we will need another $5
million per year in financial aid,"
Feingold said.
The acting dean stressed that at the
piresent time the form is being used for
statistical purposes only. "There are
two separate processes - filling out the
GAPSFAS form and getting financial
aid," Feingold said.
were dissatisfied with the form, accor-
ding to administration and faculty of-
ficers. "I don't think the faculty was
comfortable with it," said Alfred
Sussman, acting University vice
president for academic affairs. "They
were worried about it for two reasons.
First, they felt that requiring such
detailed information might discourage
students who would otherwise go to
"In addition, they were afraid that
use of the GAPSFAS form would lead to
emphasis on need - rather than merit-
based scholarships," Sussman said.
"The form was going to be required
of everyone, even people applying to be
research assistants and teaching
assistants, and that seemed inap-
propriate," said Engineering Prof. Ar-
ch Naylor, chairman of the Faculty
Senate Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs. "There's no need to pry in-
to the family matters of a candidate
(whose aid is awarded solely on the
basis of merit)," he continued.
FEINGOLD SAID faculty members
were also upset that they were not con-
sulted when the graduate school
decided to use the GAPSFAS. He said
that the faculty had "a legitimate com-
plaint," and that the faculty was not
consulted because the decision was
made in late spring when it was dif-
ficult to get faculty members together.
Feingold added that "since we were
only discussing a way to collect infor-
mation, I didn't think it needed faculty
Some faculty members and students
expressed concern about the confiden-
tiality of the ETS form, but Sussman
said ETS has maintained "complete
confidentiality" in its services to the
Except for those students applying
for fellowships granted on the basis of
financial need, graduate students ap-
plying for admission to the fall, 1981
term wi oF be r ecl a cpplete a
GAPSF:AS orm,'accordig to Pleigoltk

might have obtaining bonding for a
project as large as plan A.
BONDING IS a form of insurance
that guarantees the purchaser (in this
case, the University) reimbursement if
a contractor fails to complete a project.
If bonding costs for a particular project
are extremely high, fewer contractors
are likely to bid on the project, possibly
resulting in higher construction costs.
Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing)
said he has information which indicates;

bonding is not foolproof. He said he has
heard legislative testimony in which
buyers claimed it took them a full year
to collect on their bonds.
University Vice-President and Chief
Financial Officer James Brinkerhoff,
however, told the Regents the Univer-
sity has collected up to $1 million from
bonding in the past, within a
"reasonable" time.
UNIVERSITY President Harold
Shapiro said he would seek more in-

formation on this and other regental
concerns before the regular meeting
later this month.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor),
president of his own Ann Arbor-based
construction company, said he doubted
that separate contractors could build
the pavilion-based project efficiently.
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline)
asked for cost per square foot data on
recent hospital construction in the

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