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May 31, 1980 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1980-05-31

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 31,1980-Page 3
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. 70 mph winds
crash through
-lower Michigan

With wire service reports
Two separate lines of severe thunder-
storms spawning several reported tor-
nadoes delivered a double punch to
lower Michigan yesterday downing
trees and power lines and causing scat-
tered property damage.
One line of severe weather that
moved across the state during the af-
ternoon was followed several hours
later by another series of storms that
included at least two confirmed funnel
ANN ARBOR was hardest hit by the
afternoon storm system, but no funnel
clouds were sighted in the immediate
area. A spokeswoman for the North
Campus Atmospheric and Oceanic
Science laboratory reported winds -up
to 70 miles per hour ripped through the
area near 5 p.m.
A spokesman for the Detroit Edison
Co. reported that at least 2,500 Edison
customers in the Ann Arbor
metropolitan area were without power
last night. Fifty of those customers
were "primary" industrial or commer-
cial power consumers, the utility said.
"Twisting winds," hail, and lightning
were responsible for downing many
lines, the spokesman said. The com-
pany expected to restore full service by
6 a.m. this morning.
THE EVENING storms skirted
southwestern sections of the state har-
dest hit during the afternoon,. moved
through counties along the Lake
Michigan shoreline and then headed
inland on a northeasterly course.
Wexford County sheriff's deputies
confirmed one funnel cloud six miles
west of Buckley but said it apparently
did not touch down.
Another funnel cloud was confirmed
by authorities southwest of Allegan in
Allegan County but it also apparently
did not touch down.
THE TRIANGLE fraternity here
reported damage caused by a falling
tree. "The wind came through here and
knocked off a good portion of the

treetop," fraternity - member Kip
Moravec said.
The treetop then punched three holes
in the roof, shattered a window, and
cracked the concrete front porch. The
largest hole in the roof was three feet
long and one foot wide.
No injuries were reported at the
house, but Moravec said "a couple guys
were sitting on the couch when (the
wind) broke the window. It's amazing
how fast they could move."
to lay a tarp on the roof to prevent
water from drenching the inside of the
AnAnn Arbor Police Department
spokesman said no injuries were repor-
ted in the city, but added, "It really
looks like we suffered quite a bit of
(property) damage."
Leo Heatley, assistant director of the
University's safety department, said
preliminary reports indicated some
minor leakage of water at the C. C: Lit-
tle and Administration buildings.
See HEAVY, Page 5

Duily rnoto by JImKRUZ
PHIL DALIPS UNCLOGS a drain on Church St. which filled with water
following severe thunderstorms yesterday. A number of tornadoes were
reportedly sighted in lower Michigan, but no touchdowns were confirmed.

Dentistry conference to
draw international group

An air of internationalism will per-
vade Ann Arbor early next week as 150
dentists and their wives, all from dif-
ferent European and Latin American
countries, arrive in the city.
The dentists, whose home countries
include such diverse places as El
Salvador, Italy, Spain, Argentina,
Mexico, and Colombia, will be par-
ticipating in a two-week conference on
"Functional Oral Rehabilitation" spon-
sored by the School of Dentistry's

Kellogg Institute.
THE VISITORS will hear lectures by
University dentistry professors on
areas related to rebuilding of the
mouth, including talks on bruxism
(grinding of teeth) and malocclusion
(difficulties with bite). All lectures will
be given in English, with translators on
hand to put them into Spanish.
"The area of preventive dentistry is
more highly developed here (in the
United States) than in other countries,"
explained Dr. Charles Cartwright,

3 announceRe egent candidacies

assistant dean of continuing education
in the School of Dentistry and program
coordinator for the conference. "Our
effort is to preserve the natural den-
tition and restore the patient to a nor-
mal form and function."
Cartwright said the dentists became
familiar with the work of University
dentistry professors through lectures
that the professors have given in their
home countries. "We have a working
relationship with members of South
America and Spain. In choosing the
topic of the conference, we were just
responding to what we thought their
needs were," he said. Each dentist pays
a $400 tuition fee to attend the conferen-
ce, in addition to room and board fees
and transportation costs.
ferent countries provide different levels
of dental care. "In many developing
countries, the socio-economic system
has not as yet provided care for all
levels of its people," he said. "And in
Spain, there is one dentist for every
10,000 people, as compared to the
United States with one dentist for every
2,000 people.
The dentists and their wives will be

By MITCH STUART former Rackham associate dean, will
Three persons have announced their seek one of the Democratic Party's two
intention to run for election to the Regent nominations and attempt to un-
University's Board of Regents in seat the incumbents.
November. A fourth said his party may The Citizen's Party may also attempt
run a candidate as well. to put a candidate on the November
The terms of incumbents Deane ballot, according to party spokesman
Baker of Ann Arbor and David Laro of Phillip Kwik, but that plan is still ten-
Flint expire Jan. 1, 1981. The two, who tative.
are the only Republican members of The three parties will choose which
the Board, will seek their party's prospective candidates to put on the
nomination for re-election. ballot in August conventions. There is
MAN-WHthEr - .- Nell Aamrr;, ~ ng deadli e, s k nminafa s

from the floor will be accepted. 1oth
Republican and Democratic parties
traditionally run two candidates each,
to fill both vacated seats.
ALL FOUR prospective candidates
responded in kind when asked to define
the University's most pressing
problem. Retaining quality of
education while faced with declining
state appropriations and rising in-
flation will be of the highest priority for
the Regents in coming years, they said.
- - .- See.tsage7-. .

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