at Large
By Scott Lewis
Talk of Tigers...
... Leach on the farm
resides in last place, and no one on
D IAMOND doings ... that roster offers the Tigers im-
GOOD TRADE - It's hard to mediate help.
figure out the so-called experts who' Dan Gonzalez, who didn't exactly
are blasting Tiger General Manager distinguish himself in the outfield
Jim Campbell for trading Jason Tuesday, was hitting only .222 when
Thompson. These are the same ex- summoned by the Tigers. The most
perts who complained for so long recent addition to the club, Roger
about the Tigers' dearth of Weaver, was not even given a chan-
righthanded hitters, and who noted ce to make the 25-man squad during
almost daily Thompson's inability to spring training. Mark Fidrych still
deliver with power in clutch needs to regain confidence in him-
situations, self, and that will come through hard
Campbell, aware of these factors work, not through a hypnotist.
and watching his team sink into the , The leading performer for Evan-
AL East basement, felt he had to sville is none other than former
shake things up a bit. He stuck his Michigan quarterback Rick Leach.
neck out by dealing away a popular Leach is one of the league leaders in
young player. But in return, Detroit assists among outfielders, a
received an athlete with proven testimony to his outstanding
talent and with several good seasons throwing ability. But then, we've
still ahead of him. known about that ability for five
Al Cowens, who three years ago years, haven't we?
hit .312 with more than 100 RBI and ELSEWHERE IN THE EAST -
over six campaigns boasts an Resting uncomfortably one notch
overall .282 average, may never above the Tigers is Baltimore, and
duplicate his banner season. A Manager Earl Weaver admits con-
serious knee problem last summer cern for his defending AL champs.
probably has diminished his skills The Orioles' longtime hallmark,
somewhat. But he has a dependable their starting pitching, has been in-
bat, sure hands and a strong arm, a consistent, with the exception of
combination of qualities none of the journeyman Steve Stone. Jim
other Tiger flychasers possesses. Palmer was shelled Wednesday,
BEYOND REPROACH? - Tiger dropping his mark to 4-3, while Cy
skipper Sparky Anderson is quick to Young award winner Mike Flanagan
point the finger. in nearly every and Scott McGregor have been spot-
direction for his teah's current ty.
misfortunes. Everywhere, that is, To compound Weaver's woes,
except at himself. During the recent regular shortstop Kiko Garcia was
road trip, Anderson made a number placed on the 15-day disabled list
of tactical moves which backfired, Monday, and Rich Dauer and Doug
the kind of moves that grandstand DeCinces are both hitting under .230.
managers usually second-guess for Against Cleveland Tuesday, the
days. It appears, however, that Orioles' infield featured Dan
Tiger fans have accepted the belief Graham, Wayne Krenchiki, and
that "Sparky knows best." Lenn Sakata (all rookies) along with
Sparky obviously didn't know 38-yer-old Lee May.
Monday afternoon in New York that ZIMMER TO DEPART? -
Rick Cerone is an excellent fastall Another struggling club, Boston,
hitter, or that Graig Nettles has been may undergo a change in managers
struggling the past few weeks. Three soon. Don Zimmer, rumored each
times Anderson ordered his pitchers summer to be on his way out, only to
to walk ' Nettles, and three times return at the helm each spring, is on
CeronefpllowedwithRBIhits- the hot seat again, thanks to
When questioned by reporters miserable luck and an equally
about the move, Anderson snapped, dismal pitching staff.
"If the situation came up a thousand Ace righthander Dennis Eckersley
times, I'd walk Nettles a thousand (1-5) has been out for three weeks
times." That's right, Sparky, and with a sore lower back, while Mike
don't forget to bench .336 hitter Torrez continues to surrender
Champ Summers against south- gopher ballsatan inordinate rate.
paws, or to play Rick Peters (.200, 1 JOLTIN' JOE - Cleveland, which
hr, 4 RBI) on a semi-regular basis, returned home from a 4-2 road trip
DOWN ON THE FARM - For to Boston and Baltimore, discovered
years now, Tiger fans have heard what may be the AL's top rookie this
GM Campbell rave about the out- season. "Joltin' Joe" Charboneau, a
standing potential being developed righthanded outfielder (.295 with
in Evansville. This season, he's been eight home runs) has won the affec-
conspicuously silent about the Triple tion of Indian fans, who, like Tiger
A team, and with good reason. rooters, haven't had much to cheer
Evansville, like its parent club, about thus far in the campaign.
The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 30, 1980-Page 15
Minnesota beats
nip PhiiLies 5-4
BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP)-Minnesota's Ken Landreaux extended his
hitting streak to 30 games yesterday, highlighting a rain-delayed 5-2 victory over
the Chicago White Sox.
Landreaux singled in the fourth inning against Richard Dotson following a
walk to Roy Smalley. Smalley took third on the play and scored when Glenn Adams
hit a sacrifice fly.
JERRY KOOSMAN, 4-5, then retired the White Sox in order in the top of the fif-
th before a heavy rain storm hit Metropolitan Stadium between imnings, halting
play for an hour-and-a-half.
Koosman gave up a two-run triple to Chet Lemon in the sixth which gave the
White Sox a 2-1 lead. But the Twins rebounded with three runs in the bottom of the
Adams knocked in his second run with a double. Hosken Powell and John
Castino also singled in runs for the Twins. Rick Sofield slammed a solo home run in
the seventh, his fourth to make the score 5-2.
LANDREAUX, A left-handed hitting outfielder obtained from California in the
Rod Carew trade two years ago, also singled in the sixth inning and became just
the 27th player in major league history to hit safely in 30 or more straight games.
The last player to do that was Pete Rose, who tied a National League record by
hitting in 44 straight games in 1978. The most recent in the American League was
Ron LeFlore, who hit in 30 straight with Detroit in 1976.
Koosman allowed five hits. He also struck out five batters to tie John Clarkson
for 35th place on the all-time list at 1,998.
Dotson, 5-2, gave up six hits and four runs in 5% innings.
Pirates 5, Phillies 4
PHILADELPHIA (AP)-Catcher Ed Ott doubled in the go-ahead run in the
fifth inning and then scored on Dale Berra's hit as the Pittsburgh Pirates beat the
PhiladelphiaPhillies, 5-4, yesterday.
The victory sent the Pirates back into first place by one game over the Phillies
in the National League East.
THE SCORE WAS tied 3-3 with one out in the fifth when Bill Madlock singled
and scored all the way from first on Ott's line drive to right-center field. Berra
followed with an RBI-single off loser Dick Ruthven, 5-4.
Pittsburgh grabbed a 3-0 lead in the first inning. Phil Garner hit a one-out
single, stole second and scored on Dave Parker's single. Then Parker came around
on a single by Willie Stargell and the first of Mike Easler's three hits.
After Madlock made an out, Ott was intentionally walked, loading the bases,
and Berra walked, forcing home the third run.
THE PHILLIES CAME right back in the first with three unearned runs.
Pete Rose was safe on an error by Berra, and Greg Gross walked. Greg Luzin-
ski beat out an infield single, loading the bases. One run scored on a fielder's
choice, and Bob Boone doubled home two more.
The Phillies closed to 5-4 in the seventh on another unearned run. Winning pit-
cher Eddie Solomon; 2-0, threw wild on a grounder by Rose, who moved to second
on the miscue. Rose went to third on a ground out and scored on Mike Schmidt's
sacrifice fly.
WAAM Radio 16
SATURDAY, MAY 31-9:00 P.M.
Live coverage from Omaha, Nebraska
}.."~vYx .'?.Nl-}I I1 mii ''Y . 5t l
American League
Minnesota 5, Chicago2
CIeea sbi5, Phllaukeep0-.4
Pittsburgh5,. Philadelphia 4