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May 30, 1980 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-05-30

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Page 10-Friday, May 30, 1980-The Michigan Daily
rape bill
LANSING (UPI) - Over the objec-
tions of the state police, a House panel
yesterday approved a bill preventing
law enforcement agencies from subjec-
ting rape victims to lie detector tests.
The 6-1-1 vote by the House Con-
stitutional Revision and Womens
Rights Committee ended more than a
month of angry and emotional meetings
on the bill. It now goes tothe full cham-
TESTIMONY IN the packed commit-
tee room was split between law enfor-
cement officials and attorneys opposing
the bill and feminists supporting it.
State police polygraph expert Ron
Beauchine said the tests aided officials .. .' ..
in obtaining rape convictions.
"I think people will be losing out if we
prohibitit," said Beauchine.
GERALD GIBBS of'. the ' Muskegon
County prosecutor's office added the Steam ver
tests are helpful in incest cases. in the wak
"Often a marriage is going to heck
because a daughter had sex with her Mi
mother's new-hushand," Gibbs siaid.
"There's a lot of pressure on her not
to prosecute. This way she can hold her
head up and say, 'I took the polygraph
- that jerk did it.' ( J5
THE ATTORNEY said the measure
would set back relations between SAN LUIS {
Muskegon police and the local feminist Minor esrthI
community.y r th
"We've gotten several convictions on yesterdayin th
the basis of polygraph tests," Gibbs discovered fat
See RAPE, Page 13 troversial nucl
Experts sai
TONGH T thru SUNDAY tremblor was
heavier quak
T B E D resort areasea
" only hours aft
SC filed against t
still unusedr


Steamy scene.
nts skyward near the edge of Spirit Lake in Washington yesterday. The lake was packed with logs and debris
ke of the May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Areas near the volcano continue to release small steam bursts.

cor tremors rattle California
?r quake near nuclear plant
OBISPO, Calif. (UPI) - that earthquake studies were not and thus capable of more severe
uakes jiggled California adequate. damage than was earlier thought.
e day after an offshore The suit was filed by the Marre Land "We're not willing to say it was the
he area of a recently and Cattle Co., owners of the land that Hosgri Fault," the spokesman said,
ult network rattled a con- Pacific Gas and Electric Co. leases for "but it was fairly close to it. It's
dear power plant. the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power definitely a possibility."
d the 4.6 Richter scale Plant. Rob Leslie, a graduate student at
not related to a series of A spokesman for the California In- University of California, Santa Cruz,
es which shook Sierra stitute of Technology's seismology lab last year found the Hiosgri Fault 2.5
arlier in the week. said the quake was in the area of the miles offshore from the $1.6 billion
E Wednesday occurred Hosgri Fault, which only last year was nuclear facility was connected to the
er a $100 million suit was found to be connected to a network of San SimeonFault, and from there to the
he utility which owns the faults leading to the San Andreas Fault San Andreas Fault.
nuclear plant, charging
Thunderstorms, tornadoes


sweep Texas,
s ByUnitedPress International
Tornado-laden thunderstorms raked
the Texas Panhandle yesterday, in-
juring three persons and shattering
barns, garages, and mobile homes.
In Oklahoma, tornadoes, torrential
rains, and softball-sized hail caused an
estimated $2 million in damage.
DENSE FOG was reported in
western North Carolina where visibility
was reduced to zero.
A Musical
8 p.m.
Mendelssohn Theater

Thunderstorms also moved into
Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana, dumping
more than two inches of rain in some
In Texas, the Hemphill County
sheriff's department said a twister that
struck Allison in the northeast Panhan-
dle destroyed at least four mobile
homes and knocked three workers from
a nearby drilling rig. The men were
reported in good condition with back in-
AT TULIA, several tornadoes snaked
from the clouds to damage a cotton gin
and utility lines. High water closed a
high way south of Wellington as rainfall
readings in the vicinity reached as high
as three inches on already saturated
Heavy hail fell south of Lubbock, and
a tornado was reported southeast of
The turbulent weather moved out of
Texas by daylight.

Plus Special Happy Hour 3-8 p.m.-"Two-fors"
0lue Front Persuaders


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