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May 30, 1980 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-05-30

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From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-The House rejected
a $613.3 billion, defense-minded 1981
balanced budget last night but then
voted to support the high military spen-
ding level opposed by President Carter
and House Speaker Thomas O'Neill Jr. .
The House issued the mixed signals in
a long and confusing evening session
that saw the budget defeated 242-141 but
its controversial $153.7 billion defense
figure endorsed by voice vote.
SUPPORT FOR the military spen-
ding-the largest peacetime defense
increae in U.S. history-came on a
Republican motion to instruct House
negotiators to insist on that figure.
It denied Carter and O'Neill a clear-
cut victory in the defeat of the budget
package that they opposed because of
its proposed cuts in domestic spending
to pay for higher defense.
Although instructions to conferees
are not binding, they should strengthen
the hand of Senate negotiators who
iave already said an attempt to force a
lower defense figure could lead to an
impasse between the two bodies.
THE HOUSE agreed to the instruc-
tions, proposed by Rep. Delbert Latta
(R-Ohio), after defeating a motion to
Killings in
S. Africa
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UPI) -
Gangs of mixed race youths, angered
over the killing by police of two studen-
ts, went on a rampage Wednesday
night, stoning cars and setting fire to a
factory in the Elsies River Township.
The rioting took place although
heavily armed riot police patrolled the
township, where racially mixed people
Student leaders appealed for calm
and for their colleagues to "avoid direct
confrontation with the police."
per Beeld quoted Prime Minister P. W.
Botha as saying order had to be main-
tained and that the "security forces
must act if necessary."
Government officials apologized for
the deaths of two mixed-race youths,
who were shot by plainsclothes police
during a stone-throwing incident Wed-
pesday, but they charged the victims
were pawns of "agitators" seeking to
stir up racial tension.
Police said a furniture factory in the
township was gutted by a fire set by the
rioting youths and that a building in the
nearby white suburb of Bellville was
partially damaged by another blaze.
They said rocks thrown by the
student groups during the night
damaged many cars, but no arrests
were reported.
Police said the violence had tapered
t off by morning.

The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 30, 1980-Page 7
rejects budget plan
table-or kill-the wording on a 165-123 posing the budget, while 97 Democrats said, "this country does need to expend
vote. and 44 Republicans favored it. more on defense than is in that budget."
After rejection of the budget Sen. Er- THE ISSUE OF higher defense spen- Meanwhile, in Lansing, Gov. William
nest Hollings (D-S.C.), Senate Budget ding also sparked a rare public Milliken and legislative leaders said
Committee chairman, said the "prin- disagreement between Carter and the yesterday a guns-over-butter federal
cipal blame for defeat of the conference Joint Chiefs of Staff, who told Congress budget proposal is "insensitive" to the
report must be laid at the feet of the they needed more defense money, not needs of recession-battered Michigan
president." less, than was included in the com- and other states.
Hollings, a leading advocate of higher promise. "We urge you to vote in opposition to
defense, spending, added that the House The military chiefs, one by one, an- the conference report on the first
vote means that "if we have a 1981 swered "no" when asked by a House budget resolution," the leaders said.
budget resolution at all, it is likely to subcommittee if they agreed that Car- "In our view the-compromise agreed
shortchange our critical defense ter's $150.5 billion defense request was to by conferees is insensitive to the
needs." adequate. heightening recession in Michigan and
REP.-ROBERT GIAIMO (D-Conn.), "Since the invasion of Afghanistan," much of thecountry.
House Budget Committee chairman, Gen. David Jones, their chairman.

also voiced concern over the defeat of
the compromise.
"If the liberals are upset with the
budget for one reason and the conser-
vatives for another, then God help the
American people," Giaimo declared.
The House vote on the budget sharply
divided the Democratic leadership,
with O'Neill and Carter at odds with
virtually every other top House
Democrat, including Majority Leader
Jim Wright (D-Texas) and Giaimo.
A total of 146 Democrats and 96
Republicans joined with O'Neill in op-

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