Page 2-Friday, May 30, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Voters to decide fate
of nuke weapons plant
in California county
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. - Anti-nuclear
activists are asking voters in next
Tuesday's primary election to approve
an initiative outlawing the manufacture
of nuclear weapons parts in this pic-
turesque coastalcommunity.
The initiative, Measure Ajs directed
at a hilltop factory situated among
beaches and redwood forests where
Lockheed makes explosive bolts for the
Navy's Trident submarine-launched
nuclear missiles.
IT CALLS FOR the Lockheed
Missiles and Space Co. plant to halt
nuclear weapons work within five years
and be converted for non-nuclear pur-
poses, such as solar technology.
The measure would actually outlaw
the manufacture of any part for a.
nuclear weapon in Santa Cruz County.
At present, however, only the Lockheed
plant is directly involved in such
Supporters say a "yes" vote would be
a grassroots statement against the
nuclear arms race and would set a
precedent for other anti-nuclear cam-
paigns across the country.
measure is misleading and uncon-
stitutional. Lockheed has indicated that
if the measure were to pass, the com-
pany would seek to have it declared un-
constitutional in the courts.
Opponents also claim shutting the
plant would devastate the local
economy. The plant's annual payroll is
$11 million for 370 employees: It pays
$122,000 a year in property taxes, spen-
ds about $1.7 million more locally each
year, and built a $530,000 plant addition
in 1979.
County clerk Richard Neal predicts a
60 to 65 per cent turnout among the
county's 102,000 voters. There have
been no polls to gauge voter sentiment
on the initiative, but Neal said it should
increase the turnout for the June 3
Supporters collected 13,794
signatures - twice the required num-
ber - for the proposal.
County counsel Clair Carlson ruled
the measure violates the U.S. Con-
stitution, which gives Congress the
power to deal with national defense.
NAD How to beat the high cost of quality -
and save energy:
don't buy more power than you need.
NAD Model 3020 Integrated Amplifier
Your amplifier is the heart of your stereo system. But most amplifiers
are designed to industry specifications which do not always reflect
their actual performance. Under most listening conditions, various
limitations occur which prevent using much of the amplifier's power.
For example, most other amplifiers exhibit noticeable distortion
when the very brief but very high peaks in music exceed the power
limitations and are clipped. To avoid this, program material of
average loudness must be played at low levels so the peaks won't
be too high. NAD's "soft clipping" circuit gently rounds off these
peaks before they hit the power limit. This allows full amplifer power
to be used on average program material, eliminating the cost of
extra power for headroom for peaks.
Another major power-saver is NAD's infrasonic filter. In addition
to removing rumble and noise too low to hear from your music, it
eliminates the need for amplifier power to amplify them.
And the NAD phono preamplifier is a true state-of-the-art design
with residual noise that is close to the theoretical limit of the cartridge
Come in and hear it. vsaI
TELEPHONE: 769-4700
Play it again, Scam
Here's one to put on the shelf next to your Stratego set and Risk Board:
The Abscam Game. Designed by a Philadelphia trial lawyer, the game, in
which players try to make as much money as possible without going to jail,
is being hawked on TV by a "sheik" who urges viewers "to be the first non-
public officials in your area to play The Abscam Game." The game.can be
played by one to four people using campaign-style button characters to move
around the board. One player acts as the "bagman" who dispenses or
receives money from the players. The game board, marked money,
characters, plain brown paper bag, and "secret envelopes" are sold in a
legal file folder for less than $10. Q
Reefer madness
According to Executive Fitness Newsletter, marijuana harms lungs
more than cigarettes because pot smokers inhale more deeply and hold the
smoke longer. This gives the toxic elements in marijuana smoke greater
exposure to sensitive lung tissue. Recent research done at the University of
California School of Public Health shows the amount of tar in one joint
equals that of 1% high-tar tobacco cigarettes or 100 (that's five packs) low-
tar cigarettes, the newsletter reports. Well, at least it's good for glaucoma.r
On the outside
Mostly cloudy skies will continue today with a chance of scattered
thundershowers. The high temperature will fall somewhere in the low to
Public Health-noontime film fest, About Sex, A Three Letter Word
for Love, 12:10 p.m., SPH II Aud.
AAFC-Love and Death, 7, 10:20 p.m., What's Up, Tiger Lily?, 8:40
p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema II-Annie Hall, 7,,8:45,10:30 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Cinema Guild-Little Women, 7:30, 9;30 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Human Sexuality Office-"Drag: An Original Musical Celebrating the
Art of Female Impersonation," 8p.m., Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ark-Folk Musicians Sandor and Laszlo Slomovits, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill St.
Wesley Foundation-slide presentation on gentle birth, 7:30 p.m.,
602 E. Huron.
Gay Liberation Front-Ann Arbor Lesbian/Gay Male Pride Week
Benefit Dance, 9 p.m., Union Anderson Room. E
The Michigan Daily
((USPS 344-900)
Volume XC, No. 16-S
Friday, May 30, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
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Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
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Editorial Page Editor... SARA ANSPACH Display Manager.... KATHLEEN CULVER
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