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May 09, 1980 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1980-05-09

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The IVIchigan, Daily
Vol. XC, No. 2-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 9, 1980 Free Issue Twenty-Four Pages
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From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON (AP)-Secretary of
Defense Harold Brown refused yester-
day to tell a Senate committee how U.S.
commandos planned to rescue
American hostages from Tehran if
their mission had not been scrubbed.
U.S. officials have consistently
refused to give details of the rescue
plan beyond the point where it was
aborted in the Iranian desert because of
the failure of three of the mission's
eight helicopters.
BROWN STOOD HIS ground despite
complaints from Sen. Henry Jackson,
(D-Wash.) who argued that outsiders
cannot make a fair judgment on
President Carter's decision to order the
raid unless they know just what the
mission entailed.
"It is clear that some details of what
was planned would-if revealed-com-
promise our ability to carry out anti-
terrorist activities," Brown said.
"For that reason," he told reporters,
"it is best that they not be revealed."
JACKSON ARGUED the committee
should be given enough information on
the aborted mission to determine
"whether there was a reasonable chan-
ce of saving the hostages," who have
been held since last Nov. 4.
After Thursday's session, Jackson
said, "they have just refused to disclose
the plan for security reasons, I gather
at the direction of the president."
ABC news reported Wednesday that
White House and Pentagon officials
began planning a second military yen-

ture within a week after the first effort
WHITE HOUSE press secretary Jody
Powell would neither confirm nor deny
the report.
"We have made clear that all options
remain open to us-but no decision has
See BROWN, Page 2
say Libyan
not 'U'
University officials said yesterday
they have never heard of a Libyan
currently in Washington, D.C. evading
expulsion from the U.S. who is reported
to be a doctoral candidate in philosophy
Ab dalla Zbedi:, and three other
Libyans, accused by the State Depar-
tment of taking part in a campaign of
harassment and intimidation of fellow
countrymen living in the U.S., were
asked Tuesday to leave the country.
The four are now enjoying diplomatic
immunity by staying in the Libyan
See OFFICIALS, Page 14

Down with Castro AP""*o*o
Newly-arrived Cuban refugees chant yesterday for the downfall of Fidel
Castro and praise President Carter. More than 20,000 refugees have made
the trip from Cuba to Florida in recent weeks. See story, Page 21.

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