Page 8-Thursday, May 29, 1980-The Michigan Daily New Iranian parliament fails to decide fate of hostages 4 I FromUPIand AP TEHRAN, Iran - The Iranian parliament convened yesterday and the U.S. Embassy militants warned the lawmakers to furnish an "acceptable reason" if they decide not to try the 53 ' American hostages as spies. But as the members of the cleric- dominated Majlis mapped out their priorities amid readings from the Koran and revolutionary chants, it became evident that they would not begin to debate the fate of the hostages, now in their 207th day of captivity, for several weeks. HASSAN HABIBI, spokesman for the ruling Revolutionary Council, said parliament must first debate the selec- tion of a prime minister, among other domestic issues, adding that would take at least three weeks. And in Washington,, State Depar- tment spokesman Thomas Reston said the Carter administration would await Iranian reaction to the World Court decision ordering the hostages' release before taking its case for sanctions back to the United Nations. Iran has already called the World Court decision "meaningless." In a statement broadcast yesterday over Tehran Radio, the militants urged Parliament to ignore pleas from the "great satan," the United States, and added: "IF AMERICA returns the traitor (deposed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) and the wealth he has plun- dered, the hostages will be reprieved and expelled from Iran. Otherwise they will be tried and punished. Lack of compromise is the key to victory." The first session of parliament opened with a 13-minute reading from the Koran and an address by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, delivered by his son Sayed Ahmad, who was interrupted frequently by chants of "We are your soldiers, Khomeini." Khomeini has empowered parliament to decide the fate of the hostages but he made no reference to the crisis in his address, which instruc- ted the deputies to "fight all big powers with utmost force and uproot leftists, rightists or corrupt tissues of the devil." He ordered them to follow "the holy edicts of Islam" and enforce a foreign policy "=leaning neither to the East nor West." A total of 213 deputies, the vast majority of them clerics dressed in long robes, were sworn in as members of the 270-seat Majlis ina two-hour ceremony. Interior Minister Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani said another 21 elected deputies were not accredited "for various reasons" but did not elaborate. IRANIAN PRESIDENT ABOLHASSAN Bani-Sadr speaks yesterday at the opening of the new Iranian parliament. He told members that Iran faces deep economic woes, and warned of the dangers of violence in areas such as Kur- distan. The American hostage issue was not raised during the session. STATE 1-2-3-4 FRI & SAT MIDNIGHT SHOWS RY OF 0" (X)I- "ALEGRO-NON-TROPPO" & "HARWARE I Judge ordered to review fshing law GRAND RAPIDS (UPI)- - U.S. District Judge Noel Fox has been or- dered by a federal appeals court to review his controversial Indian fishing rights decision to see if new federal regulations may affect the ruling. But Fox said yesterday he had not of- ficially been notified of the order, which was issued earlier in the day by the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cin- cinnati. The judge said he would not comment on the order, or the amount of time it would take him to comply with the ap- pellate court decision, until he had read the ruling. A review of the case could open the way for a reversal of Fox's decision last year in which he said treaties gave the Indians the absolute right to gill net fish free fronany state regulations.