The Michigan Daily-Thursday, May 22, 1980-Page 9 'NIGHT GAMES' Fim fantasy an porno-reality By ADAM KNEE Roger Vadim's Night Games is a careful but flawed and ultimately un- successful study in erotic lyricism cen- tered about an attractive ex-costume- designer, Valerie (Cindy Picket).. Unable to have sexual relations because she has been emotionally scarred by a rape as a young girl, each time she begins intercourse or is touched in a certain way, her mind clicks back into the emotional e framework of the incident and she goes into hysterics. She is unable to differen- tiate between the reality of the present and her memories and fantasies of the past. While her husband is gone on a business trip, she drifts even farther away from reality, dreaming up wild sexual fantasies, and we are seduced into this dream world with her. Denis Lewiston's cinematography and John Barry's striking musical score are smooth flowing, lyrical invitation; there is never a clumsy movement or a harsh note. The music is performed by a small ensemble of strings and harp, with occasional highlighting by eerie, dreamlike voices or a soft flute. The etheral melodies are effectively used to counterpoint moments of tension, keeping us from being jarred out of the dream world; it forms the entire soun- dtrack for the fantasy sequences, which are shot in a relaxing soft focus. In oone memorable shot, Valerie glides down the magnificent curved staircase in the darkened foyer of her mansion, the camera and music flowing with her, her leg fleetingly revealing itself from un- This space contibued by the pubishe. away." The five most dangerous words in the English language. e American Cancer Society We want to cure cancer in your lifetime. der her robe as she reaches the bottom. EFFECTIVE, TOO, is the film's slow and deliberate pacing; we are forced to absorb the atmosphere-but what an1 environment. Night Games is filmed almost entirely in a lavishly furnished Los Angeles-baroque mansion, surrounded by many trees and a large pool over which stares a stone lion's head with glowing eyes; it is a fantasy world in itself, set away by several sets of gates. Indeed, when Valerie does rush out into the dismal reality of Los Angeles in hot pursuit of her husband, we are upset by the brutal contrast. Although Night Games can be ex- tremely striking on aural and visual levels, its intellectual development proves a bit weak, its characterization insubstantial, its conclusion hard to swallow. In the husband's absence, a man-not another figure of Valerie's imagination-visits the young woman each night in a different costume and she is able to gratify herself fearlessly. At the film's completion, she learns the man's identity, and, we are supposed to believe, in doing so comes to under- stand the gap between fantasy and reality. The encounters, then, prove to have been an effective therapy, and Valerie is now able to indulge in normal sexual relations. Aside from the obvious plot problems, another underlying fault is occasional inconsisteny in tone or at- mosphere; Vadim often stumbles across the fine line between light fan- tasy and crazed reality. At times .the dreamlike mood is inappropriately lif- ted, or out-of-place details that jar us are added. The phantom's costumes, for example, are truly laughable and unromantic, ranging from a huge red- feather headpiece to a golden Batman- style mask and cape. One of the fan- tasies is incongruously done as a sexually-unappdaling Chaplinesque comedy. And Vadim's toying with reality goes too far when one -of Valerie's encounters with the phantom is eclipsed by her own simultaneous in- ner fantasy, which inexplicably deals with autoeroticism, voyeurism, and sado-masochism-all at once. THIS LACK of absolute control, this inability to delicately balance what are indeed complex elements of the work, causes viewers, I think, to be more easily disturbed by other flaws-some minor and some not-so-minor-which they might have let pass in a more con- ventional film. One of these flaws is incredibly poor dubbing. Except in the more dramatic moments, mouths clearly move apart from words, and the dubbed voices are so loud and over-expressive that one readily doubts whether they are those of the actors on the screen. The fact that the synchronization is right in cer- tain scenes suggests perhaps Vadim in- tentionally used poor dubbing to add to the unreal quality of the film-but it doesn't work at all. Indeed, this dreamy yet pronounced lyricism sometimes gets soheavy it parodies itself. These and other problems severely detract from what could have been a very haunting work; many members of the skeptical Ann Arbor audience heckled it throughout or left early. Yet, if one is willing to let go for a while, to cast one's enlightened doubts aside and move into the film's unworldly world, Night Games can prove enjoyable and worthwhile viewing. ONE SAVING grace is that its technical effects are carefully con- trolled to make for an organic work of art. Vadim's camera is quite sensitive to the emotions of his characters. When Valerie is upset in the throes of one passion or another, he freely switches to a hand-held camera, which sometimes shakes dramatically, or, in more subdued scenes, simply wavers rhythmically. almost undiscernably, as though in synch with someone's hear- tbeat or breathing. Less friendly people are usually shown in long or medium shots wearing cold blues or blacks, while warm people tend to be shown in closeups and wear greens and browns. Each detail is made to take on a special significance, largely through dynamic composition-be it a watch with its mask of a face removed to lay bare the real workings inside or a champagne bottle suggestively angled near an estranged woman. And Cindy Picket makes an excep- tionally attractive estranged woman,- her sensitive face and slim, delicate body joys to watch. Vadim doesn't ex- ploit her-at least not in a straightfor- ward way. Rather, he gradually seduces us with her, just as he seduces us with mysterious music and fluid cinematography. At first we see bits of her skin only for brief instants, then we see her partially-clad in soft-focused fantasies, then in see-through garmen- ts. We never see too much of her, and sex scenes are tastefully and sen- sitively composed and photographed. It is this that keeps Night Games a world apart from average/pornography.- What Vadim tries to do here is truly commendable. Pathetically few of today's films attempt such a rich, flowing atmosphere-or even spend much time developing any atmosphere. It is a shame that the film's quality is so seriously diminished by its many shor- tcomings. STATE 1-2-3-4 Fri & Sat Midnight Shows May 23-24 "ALEGRO-NON-TROPPO" & "HARDWARE WARES" "STORY OF O" (X)-"LED ZEPPELIN" "HAROLD & MAUDE" Explicitly Free PETER SELLERS MacLAINE E rotic.- a story of chance BEING THERE VCO EMBASSY [ Untsd5,tats .t ., M Tw,.Thurs., frW.d1*4 30 s...stn.w ttTl a sm., sun., wed.1:04:-7443W0a