The Michigan Daily
Vol. XC, No.11-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 22, 1980
Ten Cents
Sixteen Pages
take over
capita in
S. Korea
KWANGJU, South Korea (AP)-Tens
of thousands of anti-government
demonstrators, some armed with
automatic rifles and light
machine guns, clashed with soldiers and
riot police in this provincial capital
yesterday. Witnesses said 11 persons
were killed, raising the toll to at least 24
dead and 300 wounded in four days of
The witnesses said nearly all
hospitals in the city were overflowing
with casualties, but most hospitals are
government-run and officials refused
Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
Polarized panorama
Volunteer Carl Berger demonstrated a polarized light box, just one of several
portable exhibits currently on display in Rackham Assembly Hall. The exhibits
will become part of the permanent collection of a children's museum to be
housed in Ann Arbor's Old Firehouse. See story, Page 5.
Joint committee agrees
on 1981 federal budget
any information.
MOST POLICE and soldiers with-
drew from Kwangju last night, and
demonstrators took almost complete
control of the city, 150 miles south of
Seoul. Thousands of paratroopers and
police ringed the city early this mor-
ning, but did not try to retake it. Only a
few pockets of soldiers remained in-
side the city.
In Seoul, the nation's military leaders
called on the demonstrators to end their
protests and named retired Maj. Gen.
Park Choong-hoon, head of the Korea
Traders Association, as prime
minister. Park replaced Shin Hyon-
kwack, who accepted responsibility for
last week's bloody riots in Seoul and
five other cities and resigned Tuesday
with the rest of the former cabinet.
President Choi Kyu-hah sent Park
and other new ministers to Kwangju, a
city of about 800,000.
GEN. LEE HEE-SUNG, the martial
law commander, told South Koreans in
a nationally broadcast statement that
soldiers would act in their own defense.
The martial law command said the
protesters here had more than 3,500
weapons, including light machine guns,
M-16 rifles, M-1 carbines and revolvers,
and 46,000 rounds of am-
munition-taken in raids on several
armories. They also had comman-
deered four armored personnel
vehicles, eight riot control vehicles with
tear gas launchers, and 220 other
vehicles, the command said.
Two television stations, 21 police sub-
stations, and 13 government buildings
were destroyed or severely damaged, it
THE COMMAND said two light
machine guns set up on top of the Ch-
onnam University's hospital fired on
troops. Witnesses said soldiers fired on
demonstrators who tried to use buses
and at least one armored personnel
carrier to attack the provincial gover-
nmerit buildhig.
See 15,0, Page 10
Senate negotiators tentatively agreed
yesterday on a $613.3 billion balanced
1981 budget, but its hefty defense in-
crease angered some liberal-to-
moderate Democrats, who vowed to
fight it on the House floor.
On a 10-6 vote, the House conferees
accepted a Senate offer of $153.7 billion
for defense, nearly a $20 billion in-
crease over current-year spending. The
increase was partly paid for by social
program cuts in fiscal 1981, which star-
ts Oct. 1.
FIVE LIBERAL and moderate
Democrats opposed the compromise,
claiming it undermined efforts to
spread the cuts needed to balance the
federal budget for the first time in 12
years. One conservative Republican
also opposed the compromise.
"We lost the balanced approach that I
feel-is absolutely essential to achieve a
balanced budget," said Rep. Leon
Panetta (D-Calif.), one of the dissen-
Rep. Richard Gephard (D-Mo.),
another opponent, said he objected to
the increase in the overall 1981 spen-
ding level that went above both the
House and Senate versions largely to
accommodate the higher defense
THE COMPROMISE defense amount
was $5.8 billion above the House-
approved amount of $147.9 billion and a
drop of $2 billion from the Senate figure
of $155.7 billion. President Carter'
requested $150.5 billion in 1981 military
The agreement also set 1981 revenues
at $613.8 billion and projected a $500
million surplus.
Final details remained to be worked
out last night before the package can be
sent to the full House and Senate,
probably by the middle of next week.
billion budget with a $2 billion surplus.
The Senate favored a $613.1 billion
package that was balanced by using
$100 million from Carter's 10-cent-a-
gallon gasoline fee, which was later
struck down by a federal court.
The conference agreement, despite
strong Democratic opposition, ap-
parently left the fate of the budget in
the House up to Republicans who voted
overwhelmingly against the 1981
budget when it wes approved earlier
this month.
Rep. Barber Conable (R-N.Y.) said,
however, that despite earlier in-
dications that House Republicans had
"bailed out" on the budget, "we're not
bailing back in," attracted largely by
the higher defense figure.
posed the agreement are seen as a
See JOINT, Page 2