Page 2-Wednesday, May 21, 1980-The Michigan Daily Quebec voters reject mandate to separate from Canadian gov t MONTREAL (AP) - Quebec's Quebec came under English rule. voters yesterday overwhelmingly THE TURNOUT for the historic rejected their separatist government's decision was massive, perhaps ap- appeal for a mandate to lead them out proaching or surpassing 90 per cent of of the Canadian confederation. the 4.3 million eligible voters, 3.5 In a strong vote of confidence in a million of whom are French-speaking. future in Canada, the predominantly From skyscraper-capped Montreal to French-speaking province voted 59 per the walled old city of Quebec and native cent to 41 per cent against embarking settlements in the far north, Quebecers on the road to secession. formed long lines to vote "yes" or "no" WITH 89 per cent counted, the retur- to their provincial government's ns showed 1,897,259 voting no and proposal. 1,319,595 yes. Quebec's premier, Rene Levesque, The "yes" vote won in only one of 11 and his Parti Quebecois (PQ) were regions in the province - a heavily asking for a mandate to negotiate the French rural area, new arrangement with English- The only remaining question was speaking Canada. whether the "no" side won among UNDER THE PQ plan, the mostly Quebec's French-speaking majority, 80 French province would become a per cent of the province's 6.2 million politically independent nation, making population. all its own laws, collecting all taxes, ANALYSTS HAD said an overall vote and establishing foreign relations. of 57 to 60 per cent against the referen- Levesque pledged that no negotiated dum question would signify an ap- agreement would be put into effect proximately even split among Quebec's without being submitted to Quebec French, since the English-speaking voters for their approval in a second minority was voting almost solidly referendum. negative. Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Quebec's federalists had feared a Elliott Trudeau and the premiers of the "yes" victory among the French would nine other provinces declared they arouse bitterness'against the "Anglo" would never negotiate Quebec's in- neighbors. dependence, but Levesque insisted they The referendum was unprecedented would have no choice but to accede to in the two centuries since the French of the democratic will. "They'll be on their knees if there is a clear yes vote," he said. LADIES"NIGH T Trudeau promised, if the vote was "no," to convene a constitutional con- ference to discuss the shifting of more government powers to the provinces, as many Quebecers and Canadians in other provinces demand. An International Graduate Jewish Studies in ISRAEL You owe yourself an imaginative, innovative year of graduate study. There isn't anoherprogram quiteke WUJS n Arad - the city which "grew up out of the desert." For openers, challenge your mind with fve months of intensive Middle Eastern, Hebrew and Judaic Studies. Then for the next seven months apply your professional knowl- edge working in the Israel economy. If you wish, you mayvolunteer in a Kibbutz or Devel- opment Town. Round out your experience with fascinating tours of Israes sites and institutions - all conducted by epert gides. THE COSTS-uTit nrom and board at the Center and touring, $450. An additional $450 refundable deposit is also required. Think about it. Don't you deserve a really different academic experience? WIIJS Sea- sioes begin July, October, January and April INISRAEL START PLANNING TODAY. CALL A ISRAELI 7X*V117 1,71l1 IT 'CENTER 6600 WEST MAPLE WEST BLOOMFIELD, MICH. 48033 (313) 661-1084 Efficient and entertaining Computers don't make mistakes; people do. At least that's the popular wisdom within engineering coteries. Well, somebody made a small mistake with Time Magazine's computers, and whoever it was obviously is no college football afficiando. Hundreds of Ann Arbor graduates recently received personalized computer notes urging them to subscribe to the "efficient and .entertaining" reporting of Time. Only one problem-the notes read "Dear (name): Congratulations on ending (almost) your school career at Ohio State." Well, at least it didn't say "Slippery Rock." O Man bites dog dept. Israel Radio reported yesterday that a donkey bit his aged master to death. Ibrahim Kandil, 70, of a village near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank of the Jordan River, found his father lying dead in a field near his home, the donkey's teeth-marks on his body, the radio said. Police believe the elder Kandil, whose age was not reported, was trying to bridle the animal when it broke free, pushed him to the ground, and bit him to death. Police are searching for the donkey. O On the outside Today's skies will be mostly sunny except for an occasional volcanic ash cloud. The temperature is expected to reach the mid-70s-evidence that the cooling effects of Mount St. Helens' eruption have not yet hit. E Happenings FILMS AAFC-That Obscure Object of Desire, 7, 10:20 p.m., Phantom of Liberty, 8:40 p.m., Angell Aud. A. SPEAKERS Psychiatry-Russell Hoyes, Jr., "Attitude Changes Following Near- Death Experiences," 9:30 a.m., CPH Aud. St. Mary's Student Chapel-members of the first Cuban "Christians for Socialism" delegation, "Cuba, Revolution of Promise and Challenge," 7:30 p.m., Lounge. MEETINGS Washtenaw Audubon Society-monthly meeting featuring Prof. Peter Grant, 7:30 p.m., Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Forces United Against Lunacy-8 p.m., Michigan Union Conf. Room 5. MISCELLANEOUS Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum-"Hands-on Experience," 1-5 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Consortium for Evaluation of Research, Teaching, and Service-Prof. Burton Voss, "Evaluation of Junior and Senior High School Science Programs," information session, 2 p.m., 2241 School of Education Bldg. Peace Corps/VISTA-recruiting drive, Campus Inn. E The Michigan Daily (USPS 344-900) Volume XC, No. 10-S Wednesday, May 21,1980 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 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