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May 20, 1980 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1980-05-20

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. XC, No. 9-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, May 20, 1980

Ten Cents

Twenty Pages

Miami riot
enters 3rd
da yclaims
20th victim
From UPI and AP Jody Powell said in Washington.
MIAMI - Police shot and killed a OFFICIALS EXTENDED until fur-
black man who rode his bike through a ther notice a dusk-to-dawn curfew that
roadblock into Miami's riot-torn they said had reduced violence over-
"Liberty City" yesterday, boosting the night in the city, site of the nation's
worst racial rioting in terms of
U.S. Attorney General Benjamin Civi- See DEATH, Page8
letti, in Miami yesterday, was on
campus Saturday to speak to law school
graduates. See story, Page 6.
three-day toll of the worst rioting in the
resort city's history to at least 20.
Snipers and looters continued to stalk
the debris-littered streets, taking pot-
shots at lawmen, ransacking stores and
setting scattered fires that cast an
acrid pall over parts of Miami. A 12-
year-old girl was critically wounded by
sniper fire earlier in the day.
SOME 3,500 flak-vested National
Guardsmen, 326 state police and local
lawmen prepared to enforce an 8 p.m.
curfew for the second night.
Meanwhile, President Carter sent the
nation's chief law enforcement officer
to the riot-ravaged city and black
leaders converged, hoping to restore BRACED FOR FURTHER violence, a
calm. Florida National Guardsman sits atop
Carter sent U.S. Attorney General a car at a shopping mall in Northwest
Benjamin Civiletti, telling him to help Miami early yesterday. Additional
restore the peace and "see that justice National Guard troops have been or-
is done," White House press secretary dered into Miami for added protection.

MOUNT ST. HELENS MAKES its presence known about 130 miles east of
Sunday's eruption in the eastern Washington desert, where the sky quickly
turns dark over Richland and the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.
Volcano erupts again
leaving kzyer of grit

From UPI and AP
TOUTLE, Wash. - Motpt St. Helens
erupted again yesterday sending an
ash-filled plume a mile above its
sheared-off summit, leaving towns in
the northern United States layered with
grit that choked residents, con-
taminated drinking water and forced
closure of businesses and schools.
Two dozen military helicopters sear-
ched for more survivors of Sunday's
violent explosion that devastated the
north slope of the once-majestic
FIVE WERE known dead, and there
were unconfirmed reports of three
more victims. At least 20 people still
were missing. Officials said nine sur-
vivors have been either rescued or
The governors of Montana and Idaho
yesterday declared emergencies
because of the gritty deposita of ash
p dropped on their states from the erup-
ting volcano.
The small eruption yesterday at 1:43

p.m. sent plumes of steam and ash to
about 16,000 feet. U.S. Geological Sur-
vey geologist Dwight Crandell said
such activity is relatively minor and
"we can expect this to go on for a period
of years."
SCIENTISTS evaluating the blast
said the Sunday eruption, which tore
1,300 feet off the summit of the moun
tain, was the most serious of its kind in
the volcano's 37,000-year history.
"This is unprecedented for Mount St.
Helens," said Crandell.
Crandell described it as a lateral and
vertical eruption that blew out both the
side and the top of the mountain.
"WE DON'T anticipate another
lateral blast," he said. "It was oh-
viously of hurricane force. Five or si
miles away, it snapped off or uprooted
For the first time, scientists were
predicting lava would flow from the re
awakened volcano, although theydon
expect the flow to extnd beyond the
See VOLCANO, Page 16



Local jobs tight,
market glutted
with job seekers
Details inside, Page 3

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