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May 16, 1980 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1980-05-16

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The Michigan Daily
1Sixteen rage

Vol. XC. No. 7-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 16, 1980

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

Soviet talks
expected to
few goals

Korean students protest
More than 50,000 Korean university students continued government demon-
strations for the third day yesterday, clashing with riot police in downtown
Seoul. See story, Page 10.
Iran OKs trade
with U.S.S.R.

From AP and UPI
VIENNA, Austria-Secretary of
State Edmund Muskie predicted
yesterday the first high-level U.S.-
Soviet talks since the Soviet interven-
tion in Afghanistan will be a
"diplomatic minuet" without any real
Muskie based his forecast on the con-
tinuning Soviet occupation of
Afghanistan despite American war-
nings that the intervention imperils
arms control agreements and other
aspects of detente.
HE AND OTHER U.S. officials
discounted a new peace proposal by the
Soviet-supported Afghan government
which mentioned, for the first time,
conditions for withdrawal of Soviet
Muskie, here for the 25th anniversary
celebrations of Austria's independence
and neutrality, meets today with Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. The
two countries have had no top-level
meetings for about eight months.
Just before the U.S.-Soviet meeting,
the Moscow-installed government of
Afghanistan called on Iran and
Pakistan to join in talks for a possible
Soviet troop withdrawal.
PAKISTAN HAS since rejected the
idea and a State Department
spokesman and then Muskie himself
also dismissed the Soviet proposal.
"The proposal appears to have been
dictated by its timing, rather than the
substance," said Muskie.
He called the proposal "cosmetic, not
meaningful," while the spokesman said

it was just a variation of earlier Soviet
.ideas, all lacking any troop withdrawal
AFTER A MEETING with Austrian
Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, Muskie said
the new Afghan proposal "is not
responsive to the central issue which is
the fact of a Soviet invasion of a neigh-
boring country," a message he was ex-
pected to stress to Gromyko.
The Russians say they intervened in
Afghanistan because of rebellion sup-
ported by the United States, China, and
Pakistan against the Communist
regime in Kabul. All three countries
have denied the allegation.
A spokesman for Pakistan's Foreign
Ministry said the idea was rejected
because Pakistan is bound by the
January decision of the Islamic Con-
ference suspending relations with
Afghanistan until Soviet troops are
THE PLAN, AS reported by the
Soviet news agency Tass, called for
Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan
and Iran to sign bilateral agreements
barring hostile action against each
These agreements would be guaran-
teed by the Soviet Union and the United
States, and the United States would also
pleldge not to conduct "subversive ac-
tivity" against Afghanistan.
"The question of the withdrawal of
Soviet troops from Afghanistan will
depend on the resolution of the issue of
effective guarantees of the bilateral
agreements of Afghanistan with
See MUSKIE, Page 14

From UPl and AP
TEHRAN, Iran-The Revolutionary
Council approved a new trade protocol
with Moscow yesterday and a Com-
merce Ministry official said Iran would
do all its business with the Communist
bloc if the West tried to end the 194-day
old hostage crisis by imposing
economic sanctions.
The official, Foreign Trade Under-
secretary Shojaoddin Fattahi, asserted
that Communist bloc countries had of-
fered to sell Iran anything it
needed-"even American-made spare
parts" for its machinery.
approved a draft of a trade agreement

with the Soviet Union and Fattahi said
Iran would make hard currency pur-
chases of Communist goods and use
overland routes through the Soviet
Union and turkey to export its own
Meanwhile, Iran's revolutionary
leader called yesterday for a purge of
"deviationist groups" from the broad-
cast media.,
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini told
taqi Farahi, the new managing director
of Iran's radio and television, " it is
both your religious and legal duty to
purge radio and television" of the
deviationist elements, Tehran radio
See IRANIANS, Page 10

Possible 'U' staff layoffs
Details inside, Page 3

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