Page 6-Thursday, May 15, 1980-The Michigan Daily Nuclear gas released in Ark. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP)-The attorney general of Arkansas said yesterday that the state Health Depar- tment was acting without authority in its efforts to stop a nuclear power plant from releasing radioactive gas into the atmosphere. The issue of whether a state agency could override the Nuclear Regulatory Commission arose Tuesday when Arkansas Power and Light Co. defied a state order and began venting radioac- tive gas at its reactor in Russellville. THE GAS HAD accumulated in the containment building of Unit One of the Arkansas Nuclear One plant after a seal on a reactor coolant pump failed Saturday, releasing about 45,000 gallons of radioactive water into the building. The utility vented the gas for 66 seconds late Tuesday. It continued ven- tings on a set schedule yesterday and planned more today. Dr. Robert Young, director of the state Health Department, on Tuesday ordered the utility to delay the release 48 hours, saying he wanted an indepen- dent analysis of the gas. AP&L OFFICIALS delayed the release a few hours and then proceeded with the plan, armed with an approval from the NRC. The utility contended, apparently correctly, that Young did not have the authority to issue such an order. "The question really is where does the final authority lie in regulation of nuclear energy," said AP&L President Jerry L. Maulden. "Our understanding is that it lies with the NRC. "IN THE FINAL analysis, it's dif- ficult to have more than one master. The one agency designated by law, by Congress, is the NRC. If you move away from that, you move into a no- man's land." Maulden said the company was "ab- solutely convinced the releasing of the gas will pose absolutelyl no health hazard to the public at all.". Young said, "If they're able to do this and get away with it, what are we going to do if we have a significant health problem out there, and the state is im- potent to act." BUT STATE ATTORNEY General Steve Clark said he told Young on Tuesday that the state did not have the authority to halt the release of the gas. Clark said, however, that he believes federal law should be changed to "protect the state interests." An AP&L spokesman said Congress set up the NRC to eliminate conflicting regulatory decisions. "THERE'S GOT TO be a limit to how many different agencies can just jump in when they feel like it," said the spokesman, who asked not to be iden- tified. "We decided the principle at stake in this was important enough to risk the impact of the kind of publicity we might get." The question of state versus federal WE'RE DOING IT AGAIN! I B DASAIE Business Has Been Good At Marty's The opportunity for expansion has presented itself in East Lansing where Marty's other Men's Store was established 8 years ago. Marty has leased a 4000 Sq. Ft. building on E. Grand River next to Jacobson's in E. Lans- ing. This will be used primarily for our second Ladies' Apparel business. Expansion Costs Money-We NeedDollars # to 0 10*0 50%FF (with the exception of a few items) OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING SALE ENDS SAT. MAY 24 E erthng FMr Th Man Father's Save For Day Graduation June 15 APPAREL FOR WOMEN 306-310 S. STATE ST. OPEN Thurs. and Fri. Nites till 8:30 PM authority on nuclear power went to the U.S. Supreme Court about 10 years ago and the court ruled in favor of what was then the Atomic Energy Commission. In that case, the court said only the commission had the power to regulate operations of nuclear power plants. The state had attempted to halt the con- struction of a nuclear power plant at Monticello, Minn. FRANK INGRAM, an NRC spokesman in Washington, said the NRC inherited the powers ofthe Atomic Energy Commission when it was for- med in 1975. Less than a month ago, a federal court in California ruled that state laws relating to nuclear power plants were unconstitutional. The ruling said the NRC has exclusive authority over nuclear power plants. "Oe would think that when you were dealing with something that concerns public health and welfare it would be more prudent to take time to be safe," Young said. Energy use in dorms drops (Continued from Page 3) system to insure that inefficient machinery is repaired quickly. "What's important is that nothing we've done has detracted from the ser- vices provided to residents," Associate Director of Housing Norm Sunstad said about the program. Energy-saving repairs are also being made on the dorms themselves. With the help of a $5 million loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, work crews are putting insulation into roofs and installing new windows during the summer. THE UNIVERSITY is also expanding its "data base" regarding the energy problem, San Facon said. Recent projects include publishing monthly "energy updates" containing utility use statistics from each of the dorms and providing a yearly report of overall energy consumption. Conservation efforts are being con- centrated on building staff rather than students because "staff can be significant demotivators for students in the area of energy use," San Facon said. "If a student shuts off the light in his room and then walks through an empty cafeteria where all the lights are on, he or she is going to be less motivated to do it the next time." According to Housing Division figures, it is the older dormitories that use less energy in terms of gross utilzation. Figures for 1978-79 show that those dorms using the least amount of British Thermal Units (BTUs - a measure of heat energy) included Couzens, Stockwell, and Alice Lloyd halls, all of which were built before 1950. San Facon attributes this to the lack of complicated technology available in the first half of the century. "Sophisticated cooling and heating systems were too expensive to install, so builders used 'operable materials' like window ventilation rather than air bnditioirng," he sid . I I