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August 16, 1980 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1980-08-16

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Page 8-Saturday, August 16, 1980-The Michigan Daily

;-94 & S. STATE.@ 769-8780 (Adjacent to J C Penney)

U.S. officials
say Castro can
stop new wave
of hijackings

MIAMI (AP)-U.S. officials think
Fidel Castro holds the key to efforts to
stop a new wave of hijackings by
homesick Cuban refugees. But they see
no sign that Castro, who encouraged the
mass exodus from his island nation
earlier this year, is interested in
"As far as those wanting to go back to
Cuba, if they want to go back and the
Cuban government will take them
back, we will bend over backwards to
accommodate them," a State Depar-
tment official said yesterday. "There's
no problem with that. The Cuban
government just hasn't taken any ac-
tion to cooperate."
THE OFFICIAL, WHO asked not to
be identified, said that if Castro
cooperated, he thought federal funds
could be obtained to finance transpor-
tation for any of the estimated 118,000
"Freedom Flotilla" refugees who are
unhappy with life in the United States.
Three U.S. jetliners have been
hijacked to Havana this week, and in
each case, authorities believe the
hijackers were Cubans who had
become disenchanted with life in the
United States.
All passengers and crews have retur-
ned safely, and, publicly at least, the
State Department praised Castro's
handling of the hijackings. "The Cuban
government has been very helpful in

assuring the safe departure of the air-
craft and their occupants and we are
very appreciative of that," spokesman
David Passage said yesterday.
help stem the new wave of hijackings
said he though "Fidel must be sitting
down there laughing at us.
"It causes us all kinds of problems,
embarrassment, and it makes money
for him," said the investigator, who
declined to be identified.
"Every time the hijacked planes go
down there, they have to pay a landing
fee, refueling-and he gets to sell
Representatives of the Federal
Aviation Administration, FBI, Miami
International Airport and the nation's
airlines have been huddling this week to
discuss ways of tightening what had
been considered "100 per cent
screening" of passengers. Reinstiuting
a 1960s-era behavioral profile to spot
potential hijackers is one possible way
of augmenting metal detection devices.
The latest hijackers have circumven-
ted metal detection by not using guns.
Bottles of gasoline and a bar of soap
disguised as a bomb have been used to
commandeer the planes this week, and
security specialists aren't sure if they
can devise ways to detect such




Fri. & Sat.
12:00 mid.

Technicians find little
damage at TMI plant
MIDDLETOWN, Pa. (AP)-A four- At the reactor, radiation was
man team, fighting fatigue and 90- measured at 100 millirems per- hour,
degree temperatures, ventured inside which officials described as being low.
the Three Mile Island reactor contain- An average American receives bet-
ment building yesterday and found lit- ween 100 and 200 millirems each year
tle visible damage. from natural sources.
The technicians said their ex- One of-the team members, engineer
ploration, which took them near the top Michael Benson, said he noticed a 55-
of the reactor vessel and to the gallon drum "that had been crushed
basement of the 200-foot-high building, similar to a Pepsi can with your hand."
showed that radiation levels were lower They speculated it may have been
than had been expected. crushed when hydrogen gas which had
"MECHANICALLY IT looked very accumulated in the reactor exploded.
good. They saw no evidence of A PLASTIC TELEPHONE handset
damage," said senior TMI official found inside the building "had been
Robert Arnold.foninietebidg"hden
The second manned entry of the substantially deformed by heat," Ar-
building was marred only when the nold said.
heat and 30 pounds of protective But, aside from rust spots on unpain-
clthing foed ton of e te me- ted sections, the reactor vessel itself
bers to leave halfway into the planned "seemed in excellent shape," said team
40-minute mission, member Michael Benson, an engineer.
Despite the esrly exit, the team got Behrle and Benson entered the
the first human glimpse of the outside building July 23, but did not go in far
of the reactor that was damaged in enough to see the reactor. Yesterday
March 1979 by the nation's worst com- they got abetter look.
mercial nuclear reactor accident. "It's better than we possibly expec-
USING A TELESCOPIC probe, ted," Benson said.
engineer William Behrle took radiation The highest radiation levels found
readings within 12 feet of the top of the during the excursion came when Behrle
reactor vessel and within 15 feet of the walked to an open stairway and stood 15
radiation-emitting water that fills the feet above the water that fills the
building's basement. basement to a depth of nine feet.

Fri & Sat
12:00 mid
No matches. 11ght@rs. or other
open flone of any type.


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