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September 09, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-09-09

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

michigandaily com


LSA senior Carly Manes lights a candle for J Street UMich's vigil honoring those killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza this past summer.
Scho0olboy QO perform
aHill. diorium in Oct.

Faculty express desire
for increased admin.
Daily Staff Reporter
University President Mark
Schlissel's introductions contin-
ued Monday at this semester's first
meeting of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs.
Though the University presi-
dent doesn't regularly participate
in SACUA proceedings, the com-
mittee typically invites a senior
administrator or notable campus
figure to speak at each of its formal
meetings. Monday's main focus, at
Schlissel's request, was discussing
faculty concerns that the adminis-
tration could work to mitigate,
Voicing a need for the adminis-
trationto increase itstransparency,
SACUA members asked Schlissel's
opinion regarding where to draw
the line between faculty gover-
nance and the jurisdiction of the
central administration.
Schlissel said faculty should
largely take ownership of academic
areas of governance, but conceded
that responsibility for non-aca-
demic areas is more ambiguous.
"The facultyneeds to be involved
and consulted early in the develop-

ment of administrative policies ...
but at the end of the day, adminis-
trative things are administrative
things," Schlissel said.
Schlissel said he has made it
his goal to reach out to all faculty
in some form to make them feel
fully represented in the Univer-
sity "machinery," and to allow the
administration to garner more
"good input."
Comparative Literature Prof.
Silke-Maria Weineck, a SACUA
member, said quality faculty-
administration collaboration
would hinge on what Schlissel's
interpretation ofconsultingfaculty
will look like.
Last year, the University's
launch of the Shared Services Cen-
ter -which willultimatelyrelocate
more than 100 department-level
staff to a centralbuildingnear Wol-
verine Tower - prompted vocal
criticism from faculty and staff
who questioned the administra-
tion's transparency and equity in
craftingthe plan.
Schlissel provided a few sugges-
tions, including faculty represen-
tation in meetings with the deans
of the University's colleges and
The idea was well received,
especially in the scope of a com-
ment from Dentistry Prof. Rex Hol-
land, another SACUA member.
See FACULTY, Page 3

Artist adds to
list of prominent
rappers to hit A2
Daily MusicEditor
On Oct. 18, ScHoolboy Q will
join the growing list of hip-hop
stars who have played shows at

Hill Auditorium.
With Chance the Rapper
and 2 Chainz hitting the venue
earlier in 2014, not to mention
Earl Sweatshirt and Danny
Brown both playing The Blind
Pig in 2013, the bar is set high
for Q. But, just as the chart per-
formance of his number-one
album Oxymoron cemented his
place as one of the most excit-
ing young rappers in the game

today, the fall show at Hill will
be a chance to win the hearts
of a Michigan crowd that has
already seen their share of
impressive concerts from top
hip-hop acts.
Big Ticket Productions, a stu-
dent organization and concert
production group at the Univer-
sity, is responsible for bringing
ScHoolboy to Hill. Big Ticket
has had a hand in previous hip-

hop shows in Ann Arbor, includ-
ing J. Cole, Lupe Fiasco and
Chance the Rapper.
While Hill Auditorium has
seen musical legends ranging
as far back as Frank Sinatra,
all the way through The Beach
Boys, Bruce Springsteen and
Bob Marley in the late '70s,
a glance at its shows in more
recent years reveals fewer rec-

Fireside Cafe
opens after

Six-month project
creates new space
for North Campus
Daily StaffReporter
North Campus just got a little
more appetizing.
Monday, the new Fireside Cafe
in Pierpont Commons opened its
doors after a six-month, $5.3 mil-
lion renovation. The project is
part of a series of Union renova-
tions, which are funded in part by
a $65-per-term student fee.
E. Royster Harper, vice presi-
dent for student life, is an outspo-
ken advocate for the renovations
and encouraged the University's
Board of Regents to approve the
projects in December 2013. At
the ceremony, Harper expressed
gratitude for the renovations and
joked about past critiques of the
North Campus cafe.
"When you've been here for a
while, like some of my colleagues,
this is the end of an annual 'Come
to North Campus and get beaten
up about how terrible the caf-
eteria is,' " Harper said. "I am
thrilled because it means that I
will not have to get that beating
this year."
Harper said the dining space is
a reflection of the hard work and
persistence of the many faculty
and staff members who recog-
nized the need for better student
dining options on North Campus.

"This celebration is not only
about the beautiful transforma-
tion of a facility, not only about
creating a welcoming place for
students, faculty and staff,"
Harper said. "We have just been
doggone determined that we
would have a facility here worthy
of our students and our commu-
nity. And I think we have man-
aged to do that, in spite of hard
economic times."
In addition to new fireplaces,
the renovated common area
includes an updated seating area
and more windows to showcase a
scenic view.
There are also several new
options for the hungry students
who find themselves on North
Campus, including dine-in and
to-go options to accommodate
those with busy schedules.
For example, the Maize Blaze
will feature unique, made-to-
order items, while the Hearth
will serve oven-baked pizza,
sandwiches and other baked
entrdes. Other options include
the "Greens. Grains. Soups."
salad bar, as well as Flare, which
is staffed by a rotation of local
restaurants throughout the week.
Before the project began, a
group of faculty, staff and stu-
dents came together to discuss
theirgoals for the space. Members
from the student organization
Building a Better Michigan and
the Pierpont Commons Board of
Representatives played a signifi-
cant role inthe project's planning,
according to Pierpont Commons
Director Michael Swanigan.
See FIRESIDE, Page 3

Phil Deloria, LSA's associate dean of undergraduate education, discusses success at Game Plan: Achieving
Success at the University at Rackham Graduate School Ampitheater Monday.
Theme semester kick-off
exa-mines success, defeat

Local leaders
views on'blue
Great Lakes generally
viewed as economic
resource for state
Daily StaffReporter
Over the past several years, fol-
lowing in the footsteps of a decade-
long push for environmental
restoration, the idea of using the
Great Lakes a driver of Michigan's
economy has culminated in a sig-
nificant amount of political action at
state and federal levels.
Under the direction of a 2007 Act
of Congress, the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers is currently conducting a
long-term study of invasive species
in the Great Lakes and the Missis-
sippi River Basin. U.S. Rep. Gary
Peters (D-Bloomfield Township)
has made the economic impact of
the Great Lakes a focal point of his
senatorial campaign through his
Great Lakes Jobs Tour.
"From a political perspective, it's
a good issue to pick up," said Jenni-
fer Read, director of the University's
Water Center and a former member
of the Great Lakes Commission. "It's
not just the environment, but it's
closely tied to our economy in the
region. A strong and healthy ecosys-
tem, we've demonstrated, is reflect-
ed in a strong economy."
Recently released survey results
from CLOSUP, the Center for Local,
State, and Urban Policy within the
Ford School of Public Policy, found
that at the local level the concept
of a "blue economy" has been well
See ECONOMY, Page 3

Panel of varsity
coaches, leading
academics gives
advice to students
Daily StaffReporter
To celebrate the Fall 2014
LSA Theme Semester, a panel
of academics and coaches
discussed achievement, hap-
piness and even facial hair to
more than 50 students and
rising professionals Monday
night in Rackham Auditorium.
The theme, "Sport in the
University," combines cours-
es in several disciplines as
a means of exploring and
researching the many facets
of athletics. The panel, con-
sisting of the University's
men's basketball coach and
women's gymnastics coach, a
linguistics professor and two

administrators, discussed the
theme's aim.
English Prof. Anne Curzan,
an organizer of the Theme
Semester, outlined the goal of
the project: to blend the cur-
ricular and the co-curricular
to look at the subject of sports
from several different per-
To survey from academics
and coaches, Curzan moderat-
ed the event, posing questions
to gauge advice from the pan-
elists on how to achieve suc-
cess and - more importantly
- how to respond to failure.
Perhaps the most comi-
cal answer was given by Phil
Deloria, LSA associate dean
of undergraduate education:
"Shave off the scraggly beard
and never grow it back."
Deloria's and others' more
serious suggestions were rel-
evant to all students, including
those who may not have clear-
ly defined academic paths.
Deloria made the point that

experiential goals, though
their outcome may not be as
identifiable as those of more
concrete goals, are still an
important part of the learning
"No experience is ever lost
or wasted," he said. "You just
haven't used it yet."
Women's gymnastics coach
Bev Plocki said because ath-
letics in general are so perfec-
tionistic, there can always be
an element of failure. Howev-
er, to her, the most important
element of "failure" is learning
to overcome it and try again.
Men's basketball coach
John Beilein called failure
"fertilizer for growth." As
perhaps the most well known
panelist to the student body,
Beilein led the men's basket-
ball teams through successful
seasons in 2013 and 2014, fin-
ishing as the national finalist
and the Elite Eight, respec-
tively, in the March Madness
See KICK-OFF, Page 3


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news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Congressman Dingell admitted to hospital

INDEX NEW S ............................ 2 ARTS S...........................5
Vol CXXIV, No, 125 SUDOKU .................. 2 CLASSIFIEDS................6
02014TheMichigan Daily OPINION .......................4 SPORTS............ 7



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