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September 08, 2014 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-09-08

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Monday, September 8, 2014 - 3A

From Page 1A
aspirations, what they are most
proud of, and what they are anx-
ious about as we move forward
Pollack, the University's pro-
vost, gave , opening remarks
welcoming the community and
introducing the University's gov-
erning Board of Regents, deans
and faculty, as well as Schlissel
and his extended family. She also
stressed the responsibility Schlis-
sel has to respond to the challeng-
es and trials facing public higher
Following her speech, Snyder
noted Schlissel's eagerness to
learn, alluding to the new presi-
dent's recent trip around the state.
He added that Schlissel will serve
as the cornerstone of humanity at

the University.
"What makes the University
of Michigan a truly special place
is not one area or sectors, it is the
humanity of the University, the
people," Snyder said.
In an address that elicited
thunderous applause multiple
times, Simmons, who served as
the president of Brown Univer-
sity and appointed Schlissel it's
provost, called on universities to
devote more attention to ensuring
students leave prepared to resolve
conflict and treat others with
respect - even as theyincreasing-
ly push forward new innovations
in science and technology.
"Respect for others is a goal
worth setting and worthy of pres-
idential leadership," she said.
Regent Kathy White, who is
the chair of the Board of Regents,
outlined a history of past Univer-
sity presidents, concluding with
Schlissel's formal inauguration.

The crowd gave an overwhelming
standing ovation.
An hour before the inaugura-
tion ceremony, Schlissel joined
the regents, executive officers,
deans, faculty and representatives
from 100 other universities for a
formal robing ceremony held in
Rackham Auditorium.
In an interview with The Mich-
igan Daily during the ceremony,
Schlissel saidhewasimpressed by
the number of guests who came to
represent their university, depart-
ment or college.
"It is one of the most amaz-
ing days of my life," he said. "I'm,
the presidency in July, Schlissel
said the past week has been an
experience apart from the rest of
his time at the University.
"It really changed a lot when
the students came back to town a
few days ago," he said. "I've been

running into students all across
the campus. The energy level
went up a notch and it's just really
However, Schlissel said there's
more he can do to become further
acquainted with the campus com-
"I have to continue my efforts
to getting to know people, getting
to know the faculty, students and
staff and what their aspirations
are and how I can add to the work
of the University to make it bet-
ter," he said.
After the ceremonial robing
process, a processional of hun-
dreds of gowned academics and
officials marched down the steps
of Rackham Auditorium and
through the Diag, ending at Hill
Students and members of the
community who lined the path-
way cheered and applauded. Some
event attendees reached for mem-

bers of the processional, including
President EmeritaMary Sue Cole-
man, to snap a photo.
In the Diag, student volunteers
in maize T-shirts created a tun-
nel for the processional to walk
through. Students chanted, "It's
great to be aMichigan Wolverine"
and sangHail to the Victors.
When Schlissel exited the stu-
dent volunteer tunnel, many stu-
dents jumped at the opportunity
to give him a high five and take a
Dozens of those participants
also took positions in a post-
inaugural community festival
set outside the auditorium. A few
hundred people gathered for Uni-
versity-sponsored food and music
set up around Ingalls Mall.
LSA sophomores Kasey Wright
and Stephanie Saravolatz served
as event volunteers earlier in the
day and helped cheer on the pro-
cessional as it passed through the

"I am a scholarship student
here and this was something I
could do to give back to the Uni-
versity (that) has given me so
much," Wright said.
"Students started joining even
though they didn't have t-shirts
and I thought that was pretty cool
and I think everyone enjoyed it a
lot," Saravolatz said.
LSA junior Joe Murray, anoth-
er student volunteer, said he was
impressed with Schlissel's inau-
gural speech and his push for
valuing all voices, despite conflict
or disagreement.
"I would love to see him imple-
ment those ideas he talked about
as far as making sure the Univer-
sity stays really open to people
and that we seek people from
Michigan and around the country
and the world, makingsure every-
one who deserves to go here has
the opportunity to."

From Page 1A
as an undergraduate freshman
to work at a supermarket. Those
earnings - in concert with need-
based scholarships and student
loans - helped put him through
school. Today, he said too many
students face a more challeng-
ing climb to afford a university
education and pledged to keep
tuition affordable for all.
"Talent is uniformly .distrib-
uted across the populace," he
said. "But opportunity most cer-
tainly is not. We must encour-
age every talented high school
senior in Michigan to apply here.
Students and their parents must
hear clearly and rest secure that
the University of Michigan val-
ues curiosity and intellect, not
zip codes or family income."
According to data from the
University's Office of the Reg-
istrar, 63 percent of incom-
ing freshmen in fall 2011
reported family incomes exceed-
ing $100,000. The figure was 72
percent for nonresident students.
The median family income in the
United States is $51,324, accord-
ing to a2012 survey conducted by
the U.S. Census Bureau.
Though Schlissel cited the
University's commitmentto raise
$1 billion for financial aid as part
of the ongoing Victors for Michi-
gan development campaign,
tuition has continued to rise. LSA
in-state tuition increased by 60
percent and out-of-state tuition
by 55 percent between academic
years 2004-05 and 2013-14, due
in part to declining state support
for institutions of higher educa-
In the inauguration's keynote
speech that ignited the audi-
torium with applause, Ruth J.
Simmons, the former Brown
University president, called on
college presidents to continue
charging toward the "Great Soci-
ety" laid out by President Lyndon
Johnson in his 1964 commence-
ment address atthe University. In
that speech, Johnson called for a
renewed fight against poverty
and racial injustice that would
push America closer toward a
society "where every child can
find knowledge to enrich his
mind and to enlarge his talents."
"In our time, I see no bet-
ter site to join that battle than
universities and I see no bet-
ter generals for that battle than
university presidents," Simmons
In an interview with The
Michigan Daily outside Hill
Auditorium, Simmons said, like
Schlissel, she chose to discuss
community and diversity after
this summer's tension in Fergu-
son, Mo. struck her as indicative
of the issues faced by communi-
ties across the country.
"These very fundamental
attributes of kindness and gener-
osity and respect - we give short
shrift to that - and yet when
(conflict) explodes, that's what it
comes down to."
Simmons said these challeng-

es are especially prevalent on col-
lege campuses.
"It's very hard to benefit prop-
erly from an excellent learning
environment if you're feeling
alienated, disrespected, unim-
portant," she said. "I don't have
any problem with people dis-
agreeing with me; I do have a
problem when there's nobody
there who looks at me and says I
understand that this is difficult
for you and I feel for you," she
Schlissel, too, made the case
for creating a community built on
respect and dialogue, especially
amid disagreement. He cited an
incident at Brown last year when
protest prevented New York City
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly -
who pioneered the controversial
policing policy called "stop and
frisk" - from delivering astalk on
campus. Schlissel said turning
from the people we disagree with
or denying them the opportunity
to speak robs the community of
valuable learning experiences
and the chance to challenge
"People have stood on this
very stage and voiced unsettling
opinions," he said. "Ross Barnett
was the governor of Mississippi
and a segregationist. He opposed
the civil rights legislation of the
1960s and the integration of his
state's flagship university. He
was booed here, in 1963, but he
was allowed to speak. This is
what great universities do: We
encourage all voices, no matter
how discomforting the message."
Last spring, a proposal that
asked the Central Student Gov-
ernment to support University
divestment from companies
allegedly involved in human
rights violations in Palestine
propagated tension across many
corners of campus as groups
delved into a debate that was at
times divisive.
While Schlissel didn't refer to
that controversy, he emphasized
the role of universities in encour-
aging debate that's respectful of
diverse viewpoints and a com-
munity that's open to criticism,
even when the conversation is
challenging for individuals or for
the University.
"That is why I want Michigan
to be known as a place where
mutual respect does not require
agreement, where differences of
perspective are treated with sen-
sitivity, and where we all become
advocates for, and experts in,
civil discourse."
Schlissel is not the first presi-
dent to address these issues in an
inaugural speech, though many
of those addresses devoted con-
siderably less space to the top-
ics. Toward the end of her 2003
inaugural, University President
Emerita Mary Sue Coleman
highlighted the University's
pending cases before the U.S.
Supreme Court regardingthe use
of race, among other factors, in
university admissions.
"No matter what the outcome
may be - as an institution, we
shall remain committed to the
ideal of a diversely interactive
community, dedicated to the

highest standards," Coleman
said. "If we win, we will have a
hollow victoy unless we renew
our commitment to learning
with, and learning from, diverse
others every day, in every action,
arrangement, in every research
and public service endeavor. The
nation will be looking to the Uni-
versity of Michigan for leader-
ship and inspiration, however the
decision of the Court is crafted."
Though the court ultimately
upheld part of the University's
affirmative action admissions
policy, a 2006 statewide ballot
proposal outlawed the consid-
eration ofrace in public higher
education admissions. Despite
Coleman's inaugural promises to
uphold the University's commit-
ment to diversity, Black enroll-
ment has hovered around six
percent in recent years.
James Duderstadt, who served
as the University's 11th president,
also articulated the University's
responsibility to ensure equal
opportunity in his 1988 inaugu-
"If we do not create a nation
that mobilizes the talents of all
our citizens, we are destined for
a diminished role in the global
community, increased . social
turbulence, and most tragical-
ly, we will have failed to fulfill
the promise of democracy upon
which this nation was founded,"
he said.
Still, ensuring expansive and
equitable access to the University
has proved elusive - despite the
promises of multiple presidents
who promised progress in their
Though Simmons, who tapped
Schlissel to serve as her provost,
said she can't be sure how he
plans to implement the vision
established in his inaugural
speech, she said his vow to pri-
oritize diversity and dialogue is
not for show.
"Communities are not helped
by people who say one thing over
here and another over there or
who say things that are conve-
nient to be said at convenient
times," she said. "What we know
is he's not a person to do that. He
will always move in the direction
of clarity. He won't compromise
in expressing his views and that
to me is an excellent beginning."
After listening to the inaugu-
ral address, Public Policy junior
Hattie McKinney, the Black Stu-
dent Union's programming chair,
said she can tell Schlissel under-
stands the climate he's stepping
into and is ready to take the steps
necessary to create tangible
However, she said it's a speech
that represents Schlissel's inten-
tions, and though administra-
tors often know the direction
they want to head, it's not always
"The goals and the visions
he laid out are not an overnight
deal," McKinney said. "The pro-
cess will be ongoing. It's some-
thing he can't do alone. We'll all
have to come together to make
this vision a reality and it's going
to take time."

'El Pintor'I unsuccessful

Daily Music Editor
The fact that the title of
Interpol's new record is simply
an anagram
of the band's B-
name is '-
actually an El Pintor
metaphor Interpol
for the music Matador
itself. El Pin-
tor certainly
sounds like Interpol, minus
bassist Carlos D. and with a
few small tweaks to the group's
style. However, even though the
album features many of Inter-
pol's strengths, the pieces rare-
ly seem to fit together as they
should and it ends up sound-
ing like an inferior mish-mash
of the band's stellar classics.
El Pintor is still the Interpol
you know and (may) love, but
listen to it with its seminal
debut record Turn on the Bright
Lights still stuck in your head
after all these years and some-
thing will seem wrong.
Perhaps it's unfair to criti-
cize a band just for releasing
its best stuff too early in its
career, but Interpol doesn't
do itself any favors by stick-
ing with almost the exact style
that made it famous. Of course,
when you arrive on the scene
as fully matured as Interpol
did, it's hard to do very much
more growing, but the ghosts
of early-2000s New York City
indie rock haunt El Pintor. The
Joy Division-esque bass is still
turned all the way up, guitars
continue to drone and screech,
and Paul Banks's chilly moan of
a voice remains - which I sup-
pose is great if Interpol is your
favorite band. But Interpol's
brand of melancholy rock needs
all of its parts to be perfectly
executed to avoid being grating,
and unfortunately, there are too
many missteps on El Pintor.

That's not to say there aren't guitar part just noodles off on
bright spots. Lead single and the side, meaning that instead
opening track "All the Rage Back of pushing forward, it's more
Home" is a very good rock song like Interpol is on a treadmill.
that hits all the points that you El Pintor doesn't pick up
would expect. With a drum part nearly at all until it gets to the
that makes the number some- homestretch. Here, the gui-
what danceable, and admirable tars have some added muscle,
fill-in bass-playing from Banks, the drums pound harder and
the only complaint to make is Banks's voice, in some places,
how predictable it is. Much like gets even more detached and
its contemporaries The Strokes ghostly. The last two songs,
did with their most recent "Tidal Wave" and "twice as
record Comedown Machine and Hard," mostly add to the posi-
its first single "All the Tinle," tive feelings. Both are the exact
Interpol wants to excite its fans brand of enigmatic melancholy
by giving them what's familiar. that made Interpol famous
And while that's a perfectly fine when it released its debut, and
thing for a band to do, the rest of have uncharacteristically inter-
El Pintor follows the same path esting lyrics. Banks's voice
Comedown Machine did by basi- seduces you in while the beat
keeps you self-consciously on
your toes. It's a shame, though,
Lacking fun that despite the nice groove,
L a k gboth tracks go on for a bit too
and catharsis long, and leave you feeling
relieved that they're over.
Listening to El Pintor, I had
a really tough time putting my
finger on what exactly made
cally proving beyond a doubt the music feel so empty when
that, even though Interpol still compared to Turn on the Bright
has the talent, it's lost the spark. Lights and Antics. The new
The music of El Pintor basi- record is very much the same
cally lacks two key elements: familiar Interpol template, and
fun and catharsis. Though despite losing Carlos D. the
nobody ever really thought of band still has loads of talent and
Interpol as a "fun band," its old songcrafting skill. However,
indie hits like "PDA" and "Evil" ever since they've established
had Banks singing sneaky- themselves, the members of
catchy melodies in his deadpan Interpol have had large expec-
voice and contained powerful tations to fulfill. Despite there
choruses that would always go being no change in style, there's
over well at festivals. And when an anxiety in the new music, a
the band wanted to go in a dif- refusal to just let things hap-
ferent direction, they let out all pen as they will. When Interpol
of their moody emotions in gor- arrived on the scene, they were
geously bleak tracks like "Unti- young and experimental, influ-
tied" and "NYC." On the new enced by post-punk legends bpt
album, the band just broods. still creating something stark-
The songs often meander and ly different. Back then, there
the instruments don't seem to was no pressure to be Inter-
fit together right. Songs like pol. Now, it seems impossible
"Same Town, New Story" fea- that the band will ever be able
tures drums that are trying to to escape that pressure long
drive the band onward, but the enough to top its masterpieces.

From Page 1A
their classroom knowledge to
buildthingsoftheir own.
"We really need to figure out
how to highlight (events like) this
and package it to the general pub-
lic so they can see how important
this is and how we can put more
Sunday was not Snyder's first
event at a STEM-related event at
the University. In 2013, Snyder
delivered the keynote address at
the University's Robotics Day,
which was sponsored by FIRST-
For Inspiration and Recognition
of Science and Technology. This
past June, he hosted the winners
of the state's high school robotics
competition held by FIRST as he
signed his education budget for
fiscal year 2015
The $05.8 billion education
budget for next year includes $2
million in grants for the robotics
program, but the Govemor hopes
that STEM and its related sub-
fields can become an even more
prominent part ofK-12 and higher
educationinthe state.
"(STEM education) hits all
those attributes about innovation,
teamwork, collaboration and real-
ly could lead to great businesses
and long term relationships," he


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