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September 05, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-09-05

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Ref-M10r 202X
2 - Friday, Septe'mber 5, 2014

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LEFT LSA junior Jeffrey
Okala, the Michigan Marching
Band's Drum Major, partici-
pates in the pre-game festivi-
ties before the start of the first
football game of the year Satur-
day. (PAUL SHERMAN/Daily).
RIGHT University President
Mark Schlissel hosts the first
open house of his term at the
President's House on August

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Dance class Transfer student Sarah Jarosz Reporting on
WHAT: University alum reception performance college sports
Austin Selden, who has
toured with Manhattan WHAT: Free food, the pos- WHAT: Sarah Jarosz is a WHAT: Join Knight-
dance companies, will teach sibility of friendship and folk and bluegrass artist Wallace journalism
a technique class and rep- Universityinformation whose new album was fellow John U. Bacon for a
ertory. A Q and A with the awaits transfer students recently nominated for an conversation on covering
guest dancer will follow who attend this event. American Music Award. collegiate athletics.
WHO: School of Music, WHO: Office of New Stu- WHO: Michigan Union WHO: Knight-Wallace
Theatre & Dance dent Programs Ticket Office Fellows at Michigan
WHEN: Today at noon WHEN: Tonight from 7 to WHEN: Tonight from 8 WHEN: Tonight from 5 to
WHERE: Dance Building, 9 p.m. p.m. 6 p.m.
Betty Pease Studio Theatre WHERE: Michigan WHERE: The Ark WHERE: Wallace House,
Breakdance UMix Late Decolonization Inauguration of
performance Night conference Pres. Schlissel

Comedienne Joan Rivers
died Thursday after suf-
fering cardiac arrest dur-
ing throat surgery, the Daily
Beast reported. She was 81.
According to a statement
released by her daugter, Riv-
ers passed peacefully and was
surrounded by family.
After 41 years of his-
tory and tradition, the
Michigan-Notre Dame
football rivalrywill come to a
close Saturday. Take a look at
the history and best moments
between both teams.
The chance of at least
one case of Ebola ocur-
ring in the U.S. is at
most 18 percent, NPR report-
ed. A new study in the jour-
nal PLOS Currents says other
nations outside of Africa are
also at risk, including the
United Kingdom.

KatieBurke Managing Editor kgburke@michigandaily.com
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WHAT: Breakdancers from
Michigan State and the -
University of Michigan will
dance off in a tournament-
style series of breakdance
battles. Anticipate a live
funk band and $100 cash
prize for the best boogier.
WHO: Element One student
WHEN: Tomorrow at 3
WHERE: The Diag

WHAT: This week, the
UMix Late Night will fea-
ture free food, a screening
of the movie "Jersey Boys"
and activities like arts and
crafts and IKEA gift card
WHO: Center for Campus
WHEN: Tonight at 10 p.m.
to 2 a.m.
WHERE: The Michigan

WHAT: The event focuses
on the transformation of
India in recent decades,
with a particular emphasis
on the 20th century.
WHO: Center for South
Asian Studies
WHEN: Today from 8:30
a.m. to 6 p.m.
WHERE: The Diag

WHAT: After the official
3 p.m. ceremony in Hill
Auditorium, attendees can
participate in a community
festival on Ingalls Mall.
WHO: Campus Information
WHEN: Today from 4 to
5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Ingalls Mall


Japan's first lady says

Study shows Millennials'less

husband helps with chores trusting than predecessors

Prime Minister calls
for cultural shift in
the workplace
TOKYO (AP) - Japan's first
lady says she has such a busy
schedule that sometimes it's up
to the prime minister to do the
dishes or take out the garbage.
It's the kind of flexibility that
Akie Abe says is needed for the
advancement of women in Japan.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is
pushing companies and the gov-
ernmentto hire and promote more
women to allow Japan's economy
to grow and create a society where
"women can shine." He appointed
five women to his18-member Cab-
inet on Wednesday.
Even though Akie Abe, 52,
openly refers to herself as a
member of the "opposition in the
household" on some issues her
husband favors, such as nuclear
energy, she told The Associated
Press on Thursday that she is a

big supporter of his "womenom-
ics" policyof promoting women's
In Japan, women are under-
represented in senior-level posi-
tions in companies, government
or universities. They have long
been discriminated against in
salary and promotion in corpo-
rate Japan, and often face obsta-
cles to pursuing their careers due
to a lack of help from spouses.
Abe, the daughter of the for-
mer president of a leading Japa-
nese confectioner, Morinaga
& Co., said it's important that
society allows women enough
flexibility to work again after
child-rearing or other life events
that interrupt their professional
Her husband's ruling Liberal
Democratic Party has conserva-
tive views on gender equality,
but the first lady is a business-
woman, owns a bar in downtown
Tokyo, and supports local art-
ists and craftsmen. She is active
in organic farming and grows

rice herself in Yamaguchi, her
husband's hometown in western
Japan, and campaigns against
AIDS and discrimination against
Next week, she will speak
at "The World Assembly for
Women in Tokyo," an interna-
tional symposium at which she
wants to show that Japanese
women are also serious about
making a society that is friend-
lier to them.
Such activities, along with
her differences with some of her
husband's views, have contrib-
uted to her image as a new breed
of first lady.
"My husband's conservative
supporters think the wife of a
prime minister should keep quiet
and support him, so for them my
speaking up is unthinkable, but
those on the other side of the
spectrum say I should speak up
even more," she said in an inter-
view at the prime minister's offi-
cial residence.
The first lady said people
tend to categorize others, like
right and left, west versus east,
"or men should be this way and
women that way," creating walls
and differences. "I want to tear
them down," she said.
Abe is often out all day, leav-
ing herself little time for house-
cleaning. The couple has chosen
to live mostly in their own home
in Tokyo, rather than the official
residence, so they don't have the
benefit of government household
She said she sometimes hears
her husband mumbling about
the house, but that he is never a
bossy husband telling her to do
things for him.
She said he does chores when
he can, including sometimes
washing the clothes.
"Sometimes he tries to move
things out of the way, but , end
up scolding him for putting
things in the wrong place. Poor
thing," she said.
Abe said women tend to work
harder than men in many parts
of the world but are not repre-
sented fairly.

Young people are
distrustful of Wall
Street, police and
CHICAGO (AP) - They're
often pegged as the civic-minded,
do-gooding generation. But while
they're still optimistic about their
own personal prospects, a new
study finds that today's youth are
often more skeptical of the coun-
try's institutions than the young
generations that preceded them.
The Millennials also are as
mistrusting of other people as the
gloomy "slackers" of Generation X
were 20 years ago - or even more
Jean Twenge, .lead author of
the study that will be published
early this month in the online
edition of the journal Psycho-
logical Science, says the current
atmosphere - fed by the Great
Recession, mass shootings, and
everything from church sex abuse
scandals and racial strife to the
endless parade of publicly shamed
politicians, athletes and celebri-
ties - may help explain why this
young generation's trust levels hit
an all-time low in 2012, the most
recent data available.
In the mid-1970s, when baby
boomers were coming of age,
about a third of high school
seniors agreed that "most people
can be trusted."
That dropped to 18 percent in
the early 1990s for Gen Xers -
and then, in 2012, to just 16 per-
cent of Millennials.
The researchers also found that
Millennials' approval of major
institutions - from Congress and
corporations to the news media
and educational and religious
institutions - dropped more
sharply than other generations in
the decade that followed the ter-
rorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
"Young people today feel dis-
connected and alienated," says
Twenge, a psychologist and pro-
fessor at San Diego State Uni-
versity, who wrote a book on

Millennials called *"Generation surveyed said Congress was doing
Me." She finds these outcomes a "good" or "very good" job, com-
"especially distressing" for a gen- pared with just 22 percent who
eration that had been expected to said the same in 2010-12. Thirty
be more trustingofgovernment. percent of young boomers were
Young people, even those from approvingin the mid-1970s, and 33
differing backgrounds, say the percent of Gen Xers in early 1990s.
findings ring true. The researchers used these fig-
"I do not trustthe government ures in three-year blocks to assure
as far I can throw a car, which they were comparing consistent
is not very far at all," says Steve trends. The margin of error is plus
McGlinchey, a 21-year-old who or minus 1 percentage point.
lives in Burton, Michigan, outside In 2000-2002, 54 percent of
Flint, and works for a company 12th graders approved of the job
that installs industrial furnaces large corporations were doing.
for auto companies and other That fell to 33 percent by 2010-12.
businesses. Forty percent ofboomers approved
Like a lot of young people, he in the mid-1970s, and 48 percent of
says he's been disappointed bypeo- Gen Xers in the earlyl1990s.
ple in positions of power who've During that decade, Millennials
abused that power or seem to have also had notable drops in approval
forgotten about the little guy. of colleges and universities, the
That includes Wall Street. "All news media, public schools and
they think about is making their religious institutions.
own wallets bigger," he says, not- Because the study found that
ing that he doesn't trust other people of all age groups have trust
people to handle his money, "espe- and confidence issues, Twenge
cially people who don't know my notes that the results are more
name." likely tied to current events than
Erin Nwachukwu, a 16-year-old the generation itself.
high school student who lives on Last year, an AP-GfK poll
Chicago's South Side, says she's felt also found that only a third of all
mistrustful of authority figures, Americans said they trusted most
too, including the police. She also people, compared with about half
has doubts about her city's leaders, who said the same the early 1970s,
having watched them close dozens according to the General Social
of public schools in low-income Survey.
neighborhoods, even as they pour But the survey also showed that
millions of dollars into flashy down- each generation has started off
town parks and other projects. adulthood less trusting than the
"They don't seem like they have previous one, a trend that would
our best interest at heart," Nwa- likely have to be reversed for the
chukw.u says. "It seems like it's nation'soverall mistrusttochange.
about the money." Katherine Vining, a 25-year-
Twenge and her co-authors at old graduate student in San Fran-
the University of Georgia based cisco, says that may be difficult to
their study's findings on data from do in an age when news and infor-
two major long-standing sur- mation are readily accessible at
veys of Americans - the General any hour.
Social Survey and the University of "The more information you
Michigan's annual "Monitoring the have, the more opportunity
Future"surveyofl2thgraders,with there is to be disappointed and
nearly 140,000participants in total. disillusioned by the people and
While Americans of all ages institutions in the world that are
had growing trust issues in recent repeatedly acting unethically and
years, the researchers found that taking advantage of individuals
young people's trust dropped more and communities," says Vining,
steeply inseveral categories. who's studying sustainable man-
For instance, in 2000-2002, 49 agement at the Presidio Graduate
percent of 12th graders who were School.


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