2A - Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
2A - Wednesday, December10, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
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1 . T EWE ..
In a day full of activities,
Dr. Marc Lamont Hill
will deliver the keynote
memorial lecture. Other
activities include a youth
program and learning about
different roles in social
Edwards Bros.
Last February, the Universi-
ty bought property on South
State Street from Edwards
Brothers Malloy. The com-
pany is moving out and ina
few weeks, paving the way
for University construction.
studies talk
WHAT: Prof. Ji-Yeon
Yuh will discuss Korean
experiences in military
WHO: Nam Center for
Korean Studies
WHEN: Today from 4
p.m. to 5 p.m.
WHERE: School of
Social Work, Rm. 1636
Stress relief Holiday dance
WHAT: Dogs will be in the
library for several hours
to provide stress relief for
students inthe lead up to
finals week.
WHEN: Today from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
WHO: University Library
WHERE: Shapiro Library
Coffee hour Film screening
WHAT: Live swing danc-
ing music from Alex Belhaj
and a free swing dancing
lesson will be provided.
Entry is free for students
and $5 for community
WHO: Swing Ann Arbor
WHEN: Today from 8 p.m.
to 11 p.m.
WHERE: Vandenburg
Room, Michigan Union
Musical event
WHAT: Student
organization Christian
Challenge carols at St.
Joseph's Hospital for the
holidays. All are invited
to join the group in their
WHO: Christian Challenge
WHEN: Today from 7 p.m.
to 8p.m.
WHERE:St. Joseph's Hospital
" Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-
The CIA disputed a
report from the Senate
intelligence committee
which found that intelligence
the agency gained from
torturing prisoners did not
lead to counterterrorism
successes, the New York
Times reported on Tuesday.
The Statement
Magazine finishes off
the semester with its
annual sex issue - this year
looking at the way-technology
and social media affect our
Scientists predicted
that two large twin
stars rotating around
each other would combine
into one larger 'supermassive'
star, National Geographic
reported Tuesday. The
event is unprecedented in
astronomy history.
Katie Burke ManagingEditor kgburke@michigandailycom
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The Michigan Daily IsSN 0745-957) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan One copy is available free o charge to all readers. Additonal copies may
tepickedupattheDaily'soicefor$2.Subscripionsforfalterm, startingin septemberviau.S.malarestO.
Winter term O anuary through April> is$1155,y yeaong(September through Apri)is $195University affliates
are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus sbsc~riptions for faIl term are $35.Suscripionsmust
be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
WHAT: This event will
provide an opportunity
to meet new students
and families over coffee.
Registration is not
required; anyone can
attend for free.
WHO: International
WHEN: Today at Ip.m.
WHERE: The Lurie
Engineering Center
WHAT: As part of the CSJ
film series, the movie 'The
Wind Rises' will be shown.
The film takes place in 1927
and features airplanes.
WHO: Center for Japenese
WHEN: Today from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
WHERE: State Theatre
Homeless services exp
Ann Arbor cil approved an expansion of ser-
vices to the homeless population
City Council at the request of the Washtenaw
County Office of Community and
approves county Economic Development.
reccomendations Director of WCOCED Mary Jo
Callan proposed several recom-
mendations to the council, includ-
By JACK TURMAN ing the expansion of overnight
Daily StaffReporter warming centers, increased fund-
ing for hotel stays when neces-
Though local warming shelters sary and expansion of the services
are expanding their accessibility this provided by the library, including
year, the city's homeless community the addition of mental health ser-
has come to rely on the Ann Arbor vices.
District Library for warmth during Rates of mental illness are
the winter months, leading officials twice as high for homeless pop-
to implement a program to provide ulations in the United States,
extra support for library staff according to the American Psy-
Following the unusually chological Association. Because
extreme weather conditions last the library attracts members of
winter, the Ann Arbor City Coun- -the homeless community in Ann
Arbor and surrounding areas,
Callan said expanded services
like a street outreach team, which
provides mental health services to
homeless people, are necessary.
munity Support and Treatment
Services programcontracted by the
Washtenaw Community Health
Organization, are now available at
the library, following Callan's rec-
"We got really clear feed-
back from the library that they
are proud to play that role in the
community, proud to be a space
where all kinds of residents want
to come to," she said. "But, they
really needed more resources and
more understanding of area of
resources to be able to help folks
who are coming here with par-
ticular challenges, especially for
folks facing homelessness."
Josie Parker, director of the
Ann Arbor District Library, said
everyone is welcome in the library.
However, she noted that if a per-
son is a distraction to others due to
impaired and involuntary behav-
ior, help is required to ensure the
library can maintain its status as a
safe place for its customers.
"When we have the numbers
of persons in the library who are
homeless that we had last year,
the incidents of impairment and
persons who are uncooperative
with our staff about their behav-
ior goes up," Parker said. "It's felt
by everyone who's in the library
at that point time. We're trying to
mitigate that. In order to do that,
we've reached out."
As a response to the feedback,
Callan said CSTS was willing to
contribute their services to the
"They were very eager to step
up to figure out how they could be
more helpful to the library to make
sure they have folks more of a pres-
ence there," Callan said.
)anded MPow
Parker said staff members from
CSTS will be in the library more to
work withi their clients and relieve
some of the library's burden.
"That willhopefully help people
get more attention for their physi-
cal needs sooner, than they might
if Community Support and Treat- January fair will
ment Support staff weren't here," lal
she said. "It also takes some of the include more than
responsibility of trying to connect
people in stress with public servic- 91 Companies
es from the library because we're
not qualified to understand what By ANASTASSIOS
a person might be needing at any ADAMOPOULUS
point or time." Daily StaffReporter
Along with CSTS services in
the library, Parker said the library Though finals are almost here
has partnered with the Ann Arbor next semester;s activities are just
Police Department's community aroundthe corner. And one these
engagement officer group. Parker is the annual MPowered Startup
said an officer from the group is usu- Career Fair.
allyatthelibraryeverydaytoassista The fair, hosted by the Zell
person with impairedhbehavior. Lurie Institute for Entrepreneur-
In contrast to AAPD's schedule, ial Studies, economic developer
Parkers said CSTS comes on an Ann Arbor SPARK and startup
irregular basis because it depends accelerator Bizdom, will take
on the staff members' schedules. place Jan.15 on North Campus.
"It's not a setup office hour type LSA sophomore Sydney Big-
thing at all," Parker said."That's not elow, co-director of the fair,
what this is about. This is just about said 91 startups from across the
being another set of eyes, a pres- country, including Michigan,
ence in the library and two groups California, New York, Chicago
that the library can fall back on now and Colorado, have registered for
that we think is much more positive the event, with the Dec. 15 reg-
thanjust calling911." istration deadline approaching.
Even though the two services Students can register and submit
run on different schedules, Parker their resumes up until the day of
said each program fills roles that the fair.
compliment each other in an effi- She noted that the startups
cient manner. attending the fair vary in type
"CSTS is the treatment and and size, including companies
the support side," she said. "The that employ anywhere from 10
police department is the author- to 500 people. Similarly, students
ity. They're the persons who from different fields and majors
could come and help us make sure
a person leaves the library. CSTS
gets that person into a place that's where people can stay after its
going to better for them than jail." hours of operation.
Even with the implementation "The library is not prepared to
of these services at the library, be a homeless shelter and we're
Parker said the library will not not trying to be," she said. "That's
become a permanent shelter why we ask for help because that's
ered to
are expected to attend. Bigelow
added that 1,500 to 2,000 stu-
dents attendedlastyear's event.
The startups will showcase
their company and products
catered to students, with an
emphasis on networking and
building career opportuni-
ties. Bigelow said though
startups might be looking to
fill specific positions, respon-
sibilities within a startup
often rotate.
"They are looking for people
that are dedicated about the
startup," she said. "That are
passionate about what they are
doing and just really willing to
learn, willing to work for what
they want."
Entering its seventh year, Big-
elow said MPowered reaches
out to startups to attend the fair,
though many companies have
started asking to attend on their
"It's really casual and it's
a great way to interact with
recruiters on a one to one basis
because there's no pressure, it's
not uptight," Bigelow said. "It's
great for casual conversation,
beginning a conversation and
getting to know people. And it's
just really fun-a fun environ-
ment-and that's what we were
going for because that's what
startups are."
not what we are."
Callan said these recommenda-
tions are planned for the upcom-
ing winter, but it hasn't been
determined whether the approach
will continue annually.