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December 08, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-12-08

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Regents oppose increase in state control

The University's Board of
Regents came out in strong oppo-
sition to a proposal that sought to
replace elected state university
governing bodies with appointed
Per media reports, the recom-
mendation was set to be included
as part of a six-page outline from
the Governor's Commission on
the Future of Higher Education, a
committee charged with examin-
ing the functioning of the state's
public universities.
Regent Thomas Roach (D-
Saline) acknowledged the prob-
lems with elected regents because
people don't understand what they
do and vote along partylines. How-
ever, he said the proposed plan
would allow the University to "be

made into an agency of the state."
Other recommendations
thought to be included in the
report were an increase instudent
financial aid, astate-funded work-
study program and merit schol-
arships for high-school students
interested in teaching.
University students rallied on
the Diag to protest California's
Proposition 187, which would
restrict access to certain public
services for undocumented immi-
Almost 200 students took part
in the protest, which was orga-
nized by M-STOP 187, a coalition

of campus student groups. One
student, then-LSA junior Sam
Copi, was arrested on charges of
obstructing a police officer and
failure to obey the lawful order of
a police officer.
Copi, who was holding a banner
that stretched across State Street
when arrested, claimed that he
was picked out of the crowd at
random and other people stand-
ing in the street were not arrested.
He added he was not warned he
would be arrested.
LSA sophomore Angelo Cisne-
ros, a member of the Latino fra-
ternity Sigma Lambda Beta, one
of the groups in the coalition, said
the purpose of the protest was to
demonstrate support.

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School of Music student Alex Greenzieg performs in
the Undergraduate Opera Studio Scenes Program at
the School of Music Friday.

r R t
THE IETER Sam Amidon Sport injuries Therapy dogs
Lii Wayne concert dialogue in the UGLi
Daily Arts Blogger Lejla WHAT: The Vermont-born WHAT: Dr. Jeff Kutcher, WHAT: Therapy dogs from
Bagoric discusses a recent folk artist will play his associate neurology Therapaws of Michigan
spat at Cash Money Re- music on Mondaynight, professor and Director of . will help students fight the
cords, revealedby Lil Wayne which is a blend of jazz and the Michigan NeuroSport stress of finals when they
through his Twitter account traditional folk. He recently Program, will discuss visit Monday. They will
on Dec. 4. The veteran rap- appeared on NPR's "World recent developments in return Wednesday.
per claimed that label head Cafe." concussion research. WHO: University Library
Birdman attempted to wrest WHO: Michigan Union WHO: University Library WHEN: Today from 2 p.m.
creative control over his up- Ticket Office WHEN: Today from 5 p.m. to 5 p.m.
coming The Carter V project WHEN: Today at 8 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Shapiro Library,
and thatthe album won't be WHERE: The Ark, 316 S. WHERE: Hatcher Graduate Browsing Collection on the
relased on schedule. Main Street Library first floor

during a failed rescue
mission in Yemen for U.S.
hostage Luke Somers and
one other hostage, Reuters
reported on Sunday. Two
American hostages,including
Somers, were killed, as well
as a ten year old boy.
In 2007, the New Jersey
of Technology men's
basketball team lost
every gameitplayed. Saturday,
the Wolverines were upset by
the same team by the score
of 72-70. Check out all of our
content from the game.
An Indian Uber driver
was arrested on Sunday
for raping a 26-year-old
female pussanger in Delhi,
Reuters reported on Sunday.
Local police plan to take legal
action against Uber, as other
assault allegations have been
made against their drivers.

Katie Burke Managing Editor kgburke@michigandailycom
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-%7) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
studens atthe Universityo Michigan. One opy is avalasefreeof charge to allreaders.Additional copies may
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"Iron from Ice"
Daily Arts blogger Kim
Batchelor breaks down the
gameplay and storyline of
"Iron from Ice," a point-
and-click adventure game
released by Telltale Games.
The game is set in the
"Game of Thrones" uni-
verse, featuringnew charac-
ters taken from George R. R.
Martin's book series.

Senior piano Scholar
recital symposi
WHAT: Music Senior WHAT: Colleg
Dalal Yassawi will perform hailing from Af
compositions such as Bach's universities in t
Keybard Concerto no. 1 African Preside
in D Minor and Scriabin's Scholars Progra
Preludes op.11. present their re
WHO: School of Music, WHO: African
Theatre & Dance Center
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m. WHEN: Today
WHERE: Earl V. Moore to 5:30 p.m.
Building, Britton Recital WHERE: Rack
Hall ate School, Asse

um recital

e students
he University
am will
from 2 p.m.
ham Gradu-
embly Hall

WHAT: Guest conductor
Oriol Sans will conduct the
philharmonic orchestra.
It will feature pieces from
Haydn and Corigliano.
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium
Please report any error in
the Daily to corrections@

dents with transportation to do ents and that's what they will be
DETROIT community service in Ann Arbor doing this semester as well."
From Page 1A and Detroit, said program coordi- LSA sophomore Maria Lopez,
nator Teresa Sanchez-Snell, who who is going into her second
has been with the program for 11 semester with the Spanish Lan-
vided through the UM Detroit- years. Students receive one credit guage Internship Program work-
Center Connector. for doing three hours of commu- ing at Western International
LSA senior Tangela Woodley nity service a week and attending High School, said she worked
wrote in an e-mail she was able discussion with students on various skills
to learn about issues the city is "In the City of Detroit, there including their confidence and
currently facing by taking this are so many possibilities to learn the college application process.
course. and do community service work," "I remember when I was in
"So many times have I been she said. "I strongly believe in high school, I was really shy
able to strike up deep and mean- giving your time and giving your when I did presentations or any-
ingful conversations with strang- special skills whatever they are thing upfront," said Lopez, who
ers about the things I had learned in order to help someone else. I is a Western International High
about in this class," she wrote. "I think that's very rewarding in School alum. "So when I went
would always leave hungry for itself and you can learn so much inside a classroom for the first
more knowledge and information as an undergraduate." time, I went and told them that
around the matter. I think this is Sanchez-Snell said the pro- I was there too. I was sitting in
what classes are supposed to be. gram is . currently partnered those same seats that you are, but
They should make our mind curi- with Western International now look at all the things I have
ous, make us ask questions, and High School and Justice for our accomplished bec se I really
make us really think about our Neighbors, a faith-based minis- want to do somethi g for myself
role as members of society." try providing free legal services and not depend on my parents or
Other Semester in Detroit and education for immigrants in end up in a low-paying job."
classes will also be open to stu- Detroit. Students of all levels of Spanish
dents, including Detroit: Beyond "Justice for our Neighbors can participate in the program,
the other, a creative writing hosts clinics in Southwest but those who wish to register
course. Detroit, so we partner with them, must first meet with Sanchez-
For students with a back- but our students meet both with Snell and receive permission.
ground in Spanish interested the staff attorney at one of the Students who are advanced in
in doing, community service in local churches and with clients French can volunteer at Freedom
Detroit, The Spanish Language twice amonth,"she said. "They're House through the Residential
Internship Program provides stu- in communication with the cli- College. The house offers shelter
Uand legal help to victims of per-
secution seeking asylum in the
U.S., many of whom come from
French-speaking West Africa
said Program Director Domi-
nique Butler-Borruat, a lecturer
and head of the French program
8 6 3 7 9 in the RC.
87Butler-Borruat said students
6 48 spend three hours on-site per
week to help the residents devel-
op their skills in English, gain a
7 8 2 better understanding of Ameri-
can culture, and socialize with
the residents during their eve-
-ning meal. Students also learn
6more about the social and histori-
5 cal contexts of Francophone West
African countries.
5 2 9
3 8 Follow us
3 on twitter
5 4 2 M A
4 2 5 I 8

From Page 1A
mediaand journalism, such as how
social media has changed modern
journalism, the integrity of report-
ing through social media and the
role of social media in the recent
political events.
All three panelists agreed that
social media provide important
forums for journalism.
"To survive, journalismneeds to
go where the audience is," Ander-
son wrote via his Twitter account.
"Increasingly, that place is online
and connected socially."
Jones wrote that she is an avid
user of social media to get the latest
news and communicate with her
students and colleagues.
"Twitter and Facebook are now
my morning front page and head-
lines," Jones wrote. "I'm on Twit-
ter. A lot. That's where my students
are. And some colleagues too."
Calfas said social media have
expedited the spread of informa-
tion, but it has come with a price.
"Social media allows informa-
tion to spread to more people at
a faster rate," Calfas wrote. "(But
it) runs the risk of spreading false
information too quickly."

However, Calfas also said that
just because the reporting did not
come from the more traditional
outlets, does not mean that report-
ing via social media compromises
"Regardless of social media,
journalism ethics are the same,"
Calfas wrote.
In addition to faster spread of
information, Anderson wrote that
social media has opened doors to
ordinary citizens to report sto-
ries as well.
Anderson also said that social
media has the power to trans-
form stories into actual political
movements, as with the recent
protests spurred by a grand
jury's decision not to a indict Fer-
guson police officer in the death
of an unarmed Black teenager.
"It's made it easier to orga-
nize protests," Anderson wrote.
"Online movements absolutely
get real results."
Jones added that social media
has also played a role in organiz-
ing student protests at the Uni-
versity, referencing a protest that
occurred Friday afternoon in the
University's Law Library.
"Students are now taking over
the library where I'm working in
protest," Jones said. "That is the
strength of Twitter!"

The three panelists were not
the only ones who shared their
opinions through the forum.
Matthew Adams, LSA social
media manager, participated in
the event and provided his own
answers to the chosen questions.
In an e-mail to the Daily, he said
he sees social media as plat-
forms for social interaction and
"I wanted to participate in
#UMichChat because I value the
medium of Twitter as a conver-
sational space," Adams wrote
in the e-mail. "It's the kind of
conversation I would stop and
observe if it were happening, say,
after a lecture or a seminar."
Nikki Sunstrum, the Univer-
sity's social media director, wrote
in an e-mail that the Twitter chat
events provide opportunities for
the University to to initiate con-
versations through social media.
"#UMichChat is intended to
provide our social audiences
unparalleled access and exclu-
sive opportunities to converse
with our leaders, experts and
athletes. It is an opportunity
to leverage the power of social
media, open the channels of com-
munication and lead thought-pro-
voking dialogue for change," she

From Page 1A
believes the studies used to sup-
port circumcision are biased and
"The studies are identical in
their methodology and share the
same sources of bias," Van Howe
said. "(The researchers) thought
it was already proven that cir-
cumcision prevents HIV. So they
determined what the results were
going to be before the study."
In addition, Van Howe said cir-
cumcision is unnecessary because
there are better options to prevent
HIV infections.
"We know that among other
things that are out there, there
are more effective, less expensive,,
and less invasive ways to prevent
illness," Van Howe said.
Geisheker added that circum-
cision may not only be unnec-
essary but may actually be

harmful since surgeons are often
not properly trained to perform
the procedure.
"There is very little training
for circumcision," Geisheker said.
"There is no training protocol. It's
very common that it is the very
first surgery for the surgery resi-
According to Geisheker, cir-
cumcision of newborns is also
unethical because the newborn
has no say in the decision.
"(Children) have to be protect-
ed until they are able to protect
themselves. (Parents) should save
decisions for the child that could
be made in the future," Geisheker
Rackham student Andrew
Kohler, member of the Univer-
sity's chapter of the National
Organization of Circumcision
Information Resource Centers,
said he believes that circumcision
violates one of the most funda-
mental human rights.
"I think the ownership of one's

own body is one of the most fun-
damental human rights," Kohler
said. "Especially in the noncon-
sensual genital modification, it is
a serious violation."
Van Howe said in spite of the
evidence against circumcision,
the practice remains common in
the U.S. possibly because people
have difficulty admitting that
they have been circumcised.
"People have to first admit that
they have been harmed," Van
Howe said. "And that is very dif-
ficult for guys to do. We also know
that circumcision interferes with
men talking about their feelings,
and that makes it worse for cir-
cumcised men."
Norm Cohen, director of
NOCIRC Michigan, said raising
awareness about circumcision
is important for the university
students since they may have to
decide circumcising their chil-
dren in the future.
"It is very important to make
the right choice," Cohen said.


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