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December 04, 2014 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-12-04

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4B - Thursday, December 4, 2014

the b-side

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


It's amazing how some-
thing that lasts only a minute
and a half can provide you
with a feel-
ing of enthu-
siasm and
ecstasy that Star Wars:
is likely to The Force
last for days.
It's amaz- Awakens'
ing how a Walt Disney
few clips can Studios
catapult you
back in time,
back when
you wished that lightsabers
were real and you thought
you could magically move that
lamp on your table by focus-
ing your hands and summon-
ing the power of the Force. It's
amazing how a blast of music
accompanied by that title card
can cause your hair to stand
on end, your body to come
alive with .goosebumps and
leave you gasping for breath.
The trailer for "Star Wars:
The Force Awakens" is, simply
put, amazing.
It's almost the perfect trail-

er - you don't really know bly build up to the climax,
what's going on, but you love and what a climax it is. I don't
it and you really want to see want to give it away for those
the rest of it. Is that R2D2 roll- who haven't seen it, but if
ing on the sands of Tatooine? you've seen it, you know what
Is that Han Solo's daughter on I'm talking about. Holy shit -
that pod? Is that how all the that was awesome.
lightsabers are going to look? I If this trailer doesn't leave
don't know, but I'd sure as hell your. spine tingling with
like to find out. uncontrollable joy and excite-
The trailer is made up of a ment, you have no soul. Just
few teasing clips, which last ask Stephen Colbert.
mere seconds. They inevita- - MAYANK MATHUR

Shannon Zandee, president of the University's chapter of FeelGood.
Ending worldhunger,
one sandwich at a time


She & Him's music video
for their cover of Dusty
Springfield's popular hit "Stay
Awhile" - from
the duo's Dec.
2 release, Clas-
sics - deserves Stay
awe and recog- Awhile'
nition. Bringing
their mysteri- She & Him
ous melancholia Columbia
alive through
dance, the duo
has figured out how to bring
indie flair to the well-forgotten
era of American Bandstand.
The video's elegance lies in
its simplicity. Vocalist Zooey
Deschanel (also known for her
depiction of Jess Day on "New
Girl") dances with a ghost in a
transience that makes you beg
for her to find whomever she's
longing for,. The choreography
is exemplary of the emotions
that accompany loneliness and
disappointment, and what starts
off looking like Deschanel in
simple child's play turns into a
rock-ribbed routine of twists and
turns. Behind it all is producer
M.Ward doingwhathe does best
- playing an invisible guitar that
ebbs to Deschanel's heartbreak


The vocals are weathered and gesture. Thevisual doesn'ttryto
the choreography is on-point. make a conclusion about love. Its
The visuals are crisp, and with emotions are simple, and by the
every movement, you're hooked end, you've truly see how pow-
into wondering where Descha- erful dance can be in painting a
nel's trance will take her. picture of wistful yearning.
The video makes no grand - MIMI ZAK

Club sells grilled the club, which started selling
sandwiches last year. Though
cheese for a good , they initially struggled to make
FeelGood's typical kiosk ven-
cause dor strategy work, they catered
their tactics to better fit Michi-
By KAREN HUA gan's fast-paced student life-
DailyArts Writer style. Unique to most other
chapters, they operate solely on
It was a blustery, premature- delivery delis, personally bring-
ly harsh winter evening, but ing the sandwiches directly to
the room we entered was cozy, students who order them.
immediately brightened by However, FeelGood is much
Shannon and Joe's warm per- more than this-exchange. They
sonalities. We made small talk maintain that it's more about
- the finals schedule, the atro- partnership than it is charity.
cious weather - and eventually At it's core, that is exact-
the cessation of world hunger. It ly what Zandee and Murray
was clear this was certainly not embody. They speak almost
the first time they had this con- perfectly in tandem, finishing
versation, as they patiently but each other's thoughts and elab-
animatedly relayed their mis- orating on the other's ideas.
sion to me. Just as they work together
LSA senior Shannon Zandee, in coordinated harmony, they
president of the University's do the same with the numer-
chapesof FeelGood, greeted o, prtnerships they've cre-
me; with a smile. She stood ated since the club's inception.
petite, with LSA junior Joe They now collaborate with the
Murray, FeelGood's deli man- Sigma Chi fraternity for access
ager standing about two heads to a kitchen, with Zingerman's
taller than her. Though they Deli for bread donations and
seemed like a contrasting pair, with Central Student Govern-
they maintain a solid partner- ment for a bulk of their funding
ship which upholds a successful for other supplies.
club. Most importantly though,
Zandee and Murray are two their 'primary partnership is
core members of FeelGood's with the students who purchase
chapter at the University, a vol- the grilled cheeses and who aim
unteer organization commit- to be educated about the cause.
ted to ending global hunger in Beyond simply raising money
our lifetime - a hefty goal for for a charitable cause, FeelGood
ordinary college students. In has a much larger mission to
exchange for a freshly made educate locally. Each Tuesday at
grilled cheese sandwich, sold weeklymeetings, theygatherwith
every two weeks and delivered about 20 other committed mem-
at the height of nighttime study bers to inform themselves and oth-
sessions, they earn a profit, erson sustainailityandtheglobal
100 percent of which goes to hunger crisis.
hunger-ending organizations.
Students operate every aspect
of the operation, including
advertising, cooking and deliv- "W hen people
ery runs. Priced at a minimum
suggested donation of $4, their are hungry, they
menu features twists on the .
classic comfort food, such as can't reach their
the "Kerrytown," a sweet com-
bination of apples and honey, full potential"
and the "Big House," Joe's per-
sonal favorite which he calls
"the pizza sandwich."
Zandee planted the club's "As far as the communities that
seed at the University after she we're helping, that's all abroad, but
transferred from the University the local impact comes from the
of Vermont during her sopho- conversations we have while rais-
more year. ing awareness on campus," Mur-
"I saw how successful ray said. "So, we're not directly
UVM's chapter was," Zandee helping to end hunger in Ann
said. "How much they were Arbor ... but we get people talk-
able to get the word out about ing and thinking about these
world hunger and be effective things locally to help interna-
change-makers in a fun and tionally."
positive way ... So seeing this Zander said the partnership
huge campus that is really pas- expands to many levels. "So it's a
sionate about a lot of things, I really cool moment when we deliv-
saw that as an opportunity to er a sandwich and someone gets
spread that word." the mission and really embraces
After devoting a semester to it and they end up donating $5
tedious paperwork, planning instead of the usual three," Zander
and fighting discouraging red said.
tape, she finally established Consequently, they have also

formed a beautiful partnership
with each other - the essence
of why the club has become so
successful from its foundation.
"It's a really nice opportu-
nity to meet people who are
passionate about global issues
... They're some of the coolest
people I know," Zandee said.
"We spend a lot of time
together," Murray said. "It
takes a lot of coordination, a lot
of meetings, a lot of planning
and the small people trying to
start a club at this big Univer-
sity has been the best bonding
As they invest so much time
into the ambitious undertak-
ing, they only become more
passionate about sustainability
issues and the eradication of
world hunger themselves. As
they educate others, they con-
sequently delve in further to
the cause themselves.
"One of the big aspects that
FeelGood emphasizes is that
it's helping people end their
own hunger," Murray said.
"So it's not about giving peo-
ple food handouts, or giving
them money. It's about raising
(awareness), doing different
education things and sustain-
ability practices - just trying to
empower the communities."
Because FeelGood gener-
ally focuses on the logistics of
the sandwich making and the
delivery, they stress the extra
effort to remind themselves of
the bigger picture beyond the
"People should care about
the work we do because it's
bigger than (feeding hungry
people)," Zandee said. "When
people are hungry, they can't
really reach their full human
creative potential ... If everyone
had enough to eat to maintain a
healthy, active lifestyle - they
would have such beautiful voic-
es to offer to the world."
"There are so many people in
the world with so much to offer,
but they can't focus on doing
anything but feeding themselves
on a day-to-day basis," Murray
said. "If we can help take that
strain away, we can see what
some of these people can do who
may not have been able to show
this potential otherwise."
In essence, they want every-
one to be involved in this grand-
er partnership.
We eventually parted ways
for the night - them off to their
meeting, and me off to start my
Chaucer essay. As I finish up
my paper, I'll have another site
open next to my procrastination
tabs for FeelGood's last deliv-
ery of the semester. I'll surely
get my own "Vegetable Victor"
- hopefully to satisfy my late-
night study munchies and my
small contribution to ending
world hunger.



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