The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5A The MthgnDiy- m c i a d i y o~d e d y eebr3 04-5 }iMNOEOO ___________________________ UNIVERSAL One of Spike Lee's earliest film proves its timelessness. Still learning to.'Do, the Right Thing' 'I don't know how to say this, but this glass is literally stuck to my face.' 'Faking It' midseason finale forgoes subtlety Sp revi Fer We eviden Brown would collect the si it app trouble compr to Bro betwee of Col what i microc Missou As capacil on cur pretty film a' shining of ou especia to exat that to makes is the "Do th killing, "Doi us life in the distric Sal Fra just as the pas he's s shift d Black a Sal ac resenti and hi of the son Pi hates custom Black. the re neighb with a bellige about t on th fame and en a large (Radio ike Lee classic of a white police officer. The film explores racial and ethnic sited in wake f relations, the factors that drive conflict and the challenge to do 'guson decision the right thing. The present controversy ByZAKWITUS surrounding Michael Brown's DailyArts Writer death can be understood largely as one that resulted now possess more from poor storytelling. How ce regarding Michael far back does the story begin 's death, and so one - when Brown stole a pack of think we'd have a better cigarillos, to Officer Wilson's ive understanding of childhood, to the Civil Rights tuation. Unfortunately, Era, to slavery? Who instigated ears we're still having the conflict between Brown even beginning to and Wilson? What were the ehend what happened personal antecedents in both wn, what's happening Brown and Wilson's lives? en police and People What situational factors or across America and influenced the event? Films s=still happening in the like "Do the Right Thing" offer? osmic city of Ferguson, us a narrative framework to ari. help us answer these sorts of a film reviewer, my questions and, in turn, more ty for commenting deeply understand the issue. rrent events is usually The police killing in "Do the limited, but sometimes Right Thing" is eerily similarto vails itself for the task, the killing of Michael Brown, g light into the darkness and the film does not offer any r present issues. Art, simple moral explanations for ally film, has the power this type of violence; the film mine the world in a way asserts that Radio Raheem is akes the confusing and not entirely innocent. Indeed, it understandable - as he did instigate the conflict by case with Spike Lee's provoking Sal with his boom- e Right Thing" and the box and then assaulting him. of Michael Brown. But why did Raheem provoke the Right Thing" shows Sal? Because Radio Raheem on a hot summer Sunday believed that he had the right e Bedford-Stuyvesant to play his boom box as loudly t of Brooklyn, New York. as he wanted wherever he gione opens his pizzeria wanted, including in the White he's done every day for Man's pizzeria, where Sal did st 25 years. In that time not want Raheem playing his een the neighborhood boom-box. emographics to a more The fundamental point here nd Hispanic community. is that any particular conflict cepts this fact without between African and White- ment: He sees himself Americans exists within a is restaurant as a part much larger framework of community. His elder race., relations that goes back no, on the other hand, through the Civil Rights it there and hates the Era, slavery and beyond. The iers who are primarily contingencies that lead to the Pino wants Sal to move particular conflict between Sal staurant to their own and Radio Raheem (the hot day, orhood. What begins the poverty in the community) Black patron somewhat were produced by an economic rently complaining system and a history much the lack of Black people larger than the particular e restaurant's wall of "actors" immediatelybefore us. devolves into violence Social psychologists often ids with the murder of talk about what's called the e, unarmed Black man fundamental attribution Raheem) at the hands error, as Wikipedia defines: "people's tendency to place an undue emphasis on internal characteristics to explain someone else's behavior in a given situation, rather than considering external factors." The first lesson I draw from "Do the Right Thing" is this: Ranging from the current sociological factors that maintain our respective statuses as well as the historical factors that have led us all to our current places in the world, appreciating and accepting the complexities of one another's identities and how these identities interact to produce a community is imperative for resolving interpersonal and intergroup conflict when it arises. Broadening our minds in this manner can prevent us from committing the fundamental attribution error, which too often fosters hate, violence and destruction, and instead can lead us to understanding, love and creation. The rioting in the film and in Ferguson pains me personally for many reasons, not least of which is its thoughtlessness. In "Do the Right Thing," one line by the owner of the market across from Sal's speaks to the absurdity of the often self- destructive nature of rioting. When the mob has finished destroying the pizzeria, they turn on the Korean-owned market across the street. The Korean owner waves his broom side-to-side in vain, trying to deter the mob, and he says to the mob in broken English: "I Black. You, me: the same." Despite what mightbe the more salient differences between the groups in the community (skin color, accents, etc.), they are all more or less the same, as we all are. Looting local businesses only perpetuates the shared economic deprivation of the community. The end goal, it seems to me, should be creative local initiatives to address the community's issues. This approach will lead to more constructive and overall better solutions. But what do I know? I'm just a film writer. BySOPHIAKAUFMAN Daily Arts Writer MTV's "Faking It" continued its pattern of jaw-dropping cliffhangers in its mid-season finale, which premiered on Nov. Faking it 25. The Midseason show has Finale solidified Tuesdays at its voice 10:30 p.m. throughout MTV the second season, and it shows in the finale, "Busted"; the writers are fleshing out the characters' backstories, and the actors are learning that subtlety isn't their dfrong suit, so they aren't even trying' anymore - which actually works. "Faking It" has found the balance between being ironically dramatic, and just real enough to keep people interested. In "Busted," Amy (Rita Volk, "The Hungover Games") is desperately trying to get Karma (Katie Stevens, "American .Idol") to stand still long enough for her to apologize for sleeping with Liam (Gregg Sulkin, "Avalon High"), Karma's boyfriend. The following scenes fraught with friendship drama have a comical backdrop of a holding cell as Karma's parents get themselves (and Karma) thrown in jail for selling "special brownies." Amy punches a cop to get herself thrown in jail too, determined to get a chance to apologize. Their argument reaches a climax as she histrionically dangles half of a "best friends" heart necklace over a prison toilet, asking "G.B.F.") purposefully outs Karma if she's going to literally his secret boyfriend as gay flush their friendship away. and Lauren (Bailey de Young, Karma tearfully stops her, and "Bunheads") accidentally the two begin to slowly repair outs herself as intersex to their relationship. While this the whole school. The latter did seem abrupt, the writers is especially interesting, as ensure the audience knows it it's a concept that has yet to won't be an easy return to the be explored as thoroughly friendship the two had before. on television shows. Lauren The cliffhanger unfolds never meant for the whole with three quick shots of Amy school to know her secret, hooking up with her current and she is surprised when girlfriend, Karma and then she receives an outpouring of Liam - only to be revealed support for her campaign for as a dream. The ending is class president. Yet she goes confusing, as it at first seems along with it, despite the fact like it's Amy who is dreaming, she hasn't fully accepted that but it nonetheless gets the point part of herself. This saga sets across: Karma doesn't have any up an interesting story arc for better control over her feelings the second half of the season, than Amy has. Fans rooting for perhaps the most- engaging 'Karmy" -'the official couple subplot of the series. name for the two of them - As a show with multiple may still have hope. LGBTQIA characters, "Faking It" has the potential to offend, and some of the jokes 'Faking It' works are admittedly less tasteful than others. But despite by exploring some hackneyed themes and e throwawayone-liners, "Faking fluid aspects of It" simply works by exploring the more fluid aspects of teen sexuality. teenage sexuality-in a slightly more pronounced way than that of popular shows in the past ("Degrassi," "Glee," While Amy and Karma's "Skins," etc.). The directorial relationship dynamic has choices in "Faking It" are stayed more or less predictable sometimes questionable, throughout the season, as and the only actor with any the audience knew Karma's measure of subtlety at all is discovery of Amy's betrayal Volk; but for a half hour MTV was inevitable, the secondary series, it has enough legitimate characters are becoming more social commentary thrown in adept at stealing the spotlight. among the hit-or-miss jokes The show is explores in depth and cheap one-liners to work, the concept and consequences and keep people invested in the of "outing" people, as only slightly farcical lives of Shane (Michael J. Willett, "Karmy" and co. CHECK THE LATEST ENTERTAINMENT NEWS ON THE OUR TWITTER FEED IS LIKE BRUNO MARS'S OUTFIT: FRESH HASHTAGS UPTOWN RETWEETS * @MICHIGANDAILY FUNKY FOLLOWERS *ALSO A PINK SUIT SOMEWHERE A