)1fi' Page 4-Tuesday, December 2, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com C 4cfftdligan Daily Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MEGAN MCDONALD PETER SHIAHIN and DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position oftthe Daily's editorialboard. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. What we need to hear his holiday weekend made for some had before Michael Brown was shot. We are of the most bizarre television IScan forced to address the issues of discrimination ever remember. and inequality that we are trying to convince There was Thanksgiving ourselves don't exist - a conversation that may and all its traditional cheer, have gone somewhere were it not for all of the but this year, football and the rioting, vandalism and brutality. Macy's Thanksgiving Day What would it take to get a protest to cause Parade were sandwiched by real change, and not just contribute to the the morning and evening madness? There's no clear leader of a movement news where reports were like Martin Luther King, Jr.'s historical still rolling in from Fergu- guidance during the 1960s. Hollywood, artists son, Missouri - the town and musicians seem a world apart from current that pulled the floorboards events, except to offer more criticism. Wealth up from small-town America SCOTT disparity is already a problem, and it seems the and exposed the unstable working class is at risk of losing its voice, too. foundation of social change, a Until people find the right way to channel rot that had set in long before their message, the next serious social issue will the shooting of Michael Brown happened. simply repeat the same cycle. Ferguson will Rarely do ideas questioning the status quo eventually go away (though it will probably live to be anything more than interesting be remembered as one of the most depressing dormroomconversation. Thevoicesofprotest reflections of humanity in recent years), but and progressivism are often sufficiently more opportunities will come to provide the discredited. For a country with a rich history stage for a movement. of popular protest, demonstrations to inspire If anything good is to come out of Fergu- new thought and change carry remarkably son, let it be that we learned from it. No one little weight, and are always accompanied should criticize a protest that targets racism, by harsh criticism. Situations like Ferguson but no one should defend rioting and vandal- only reinforce the notion that social protests ism. There's no question about whether social are nothing but mindless angry mobs when change is really needed or if racism is still an they turn violent, and peaceful protests issue. Thousands of people taking to streets get drowned out by media scrutiny from across the country speak to this, butthe argu- whichever end of the political spectrum ment isn't being presented like it should be. they're offending. Rarely does it seem like To make light of a serious issue,. most an organized effort to bring about change protesters are like having a friend who's terrible actually makes an impact. at telling jokes. When someone is .moved to Popular forms of protest are outdated, protest, or tell a joke, they believe they can and occur so often that they have become contribute. But even the best one-liners are white noise playing underneath the beat of ruined if the timing is off or the situation social issues. Government and the rich can isn't right. open up discussion about change and make it There's a recipe for every good social happen, but it's much harder to do so from the interaction. It takes the changing of a few bottomup. variables to elevate a forgettable experience to It's hard to imagine a movement that would one that resonates with an entire nation. grip the attention of Americans today like past It's no different with Ferguson or any other protests have. Vietnam, the Civil Rights Move- protest. Before we take to the streets, we should ment -they both feel likethey had something figure out exactly what America needsato hear. more than Ferguson, where the outbreak of violence only created a public outcry for it all - Tyler Scott can be reached to end and to return to the exact same life we at tylscot@umich.edu. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Edvinas Berzanskis, Devin Eggert, David Harris, Rachel John, Jordyn Kay, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Victoria Noble, Michael Paul, Allison Raeck, Melissa Scholke, Michael Schramm, Matthew Seligman, Mary Kate Winn, Jenny Wang, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe SUNDAI JOHNSONI H(I_ A Letter to the revolutionaries The next social injustice ve never fully understood football. I don't know if it was for lack of interest or because it just seemed too complicated, but I admittedly never tried to comprehend it. I don't mean the mechanics of the x game (although I'm a little hazy { on those details, too), I mean the MAURA phenomenon LWINE of American football: the reason we play it (i.e. obsess over it) as an American society despite its proven dangers. It's like smoking cigarettes. We know it's bad and it just might kill us, but people choose to gamble and do it anyway because it feels good. Just for writing this position peo- ple will label me too-girly-to-under- stand. Perhaps that is true. But yet again the liberal banner exulting the dangers of football must be raised and repeated, for otherwise I fear the imminent decay of our society into a caveman world of oblivion. Let's start with the most recent, horrifying football news. On Sun- day afternoon Ohio State football player Kosta Karageorge was found dead. He reportedly shot himself in the head after suffering numerous concussions thanks in part to his beloved sport, football. Right before he was last seen, he texted his mom, "I am sorry if I am an embarrass- ment but these concussions have my head all f***ed up." Karageorge was a walk-on to the Ohio State football team after having wrestled for three years. CNN reported his death with an opening line of, "The rough sports he loved may have helped to do Kosta Karageorge in at age 22." This simple, matter-of-fact statement is about as hype a reper- cussion as his death may receive. There will be no riots or protests for Karageorge. There will be no Fer- guson fury. We have accepted as an American society that the pleasure we derive from watching young men hurl themselves at one another across a field of grass is worth more than the death of a few or the brain injury of hundreds. In fact, we teach our little boys that strong, able, suc- cessful men play football. We turn a blind eye to the casualties as we continue to pour money and effort into a sport that does nothing for the good of mankind. Michael Brown, the victim of the Ferguson shooting, was 18. His needless death has been protested for months and has brought this country damn near to its knees. It's all you hear about when you turn on the news. That's because of what it stands for. Brown's death stands for the injustice and the racism that still plague our society. He's a cause people can rally around. But what about Karageorge? What does his mom feel like? He was only four years older than Brown. He died needlessly, too. No one is protesting for him. Yes, he will receive well- deserved candlelight vigils and a school-wide grievance, but will anyone question the institution of football? Will anyone research the statistics of how many football ath- letes are injured or die from concus- sions? Will anyone cry for an end to this constant violence like they did in Ferguson? I'll just go ahead and take a guess. No. And here we find ourselves back to the slippery slope that is former Athletic Director Dave Brandon and the University of Michigan football program. Why, you may ask, do we refuse to question football and why do we refuse to make our players safer? Money. Yes, we're a society that will do anything for money. Dave Brandon himself made $850,000 in 2013 while working at the University. That made him the highest-paid employee of the University. So somewhere, someone decided that Michigan football, with all of its concussions and sexual abuse scandals, was more important than the University cancer researcher with a Ph.D. on North Campus who spends over 12 hours a day in a lab trying to find a cure for breast cancer. But that is neither here nor there. Money, then, is what drives this train. While people run to burn things down and -throw rocks at policemen over the death of Michael Brown, they leave NFL football playingonthe TVathome,forgetting that the.Super Bowl represents the single largest human trafficking incident in the United States each year. People rush* off to protest violence, while supporting violence (without even knowing it). Here's the boys-will-be-boys part I really don't understand: we're letting football and all of its atrocities fly because we find it relaxing to watch young men break each other's legs and tackle one another to the ground? I think I missed something. Perhaps in another 50 years Ferguson will be a story of the distant past. People will rejoice in a newfound equality between all races. Football, then, will be the next injustice and violent theme we protest in this country. One can only hope. - Maura Levine can be reached at mtoval@umich.edu. NICHOLAS RAJA I A new approach to student mental health concerns This piece was originally posted on Facebook in reaction to the grand jury's decision that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted in the death of teenager Michael Brown. It has since been revised for publication in The Michigan Daily. I am usually not one to use Facebook as a platform to share my own voice. I might repost things I find funny or exciting, artistic and beautiful, reassuring. Repost about issues that are relevant and important that reflect my, thinking and beliefs, but when it comes to my own voice on this particular platform, I have been silent. But tonight, on this grave night, when my, hands and heart tremble, there is no other time that might merit a greater reason to speak out than this. We all know what happened months ago. We all know what happened tonight. We are all reactingin some capacity. I'm thankful for the voices that resonate with my own, the words Ican snap to. It reminds me that I am not alone, that we are not alone. That we matter. And while I am hurt and angered by those voices that are dead set that this man is innocent, that this circumstance is not about race, these arguments are irrelevant to the matter and not only is there no room to discuss this, there is negative room to discuss this. Then there are those who believe they are not reacting at all. Those who have the power and privilege to look away. I would just like to say that your passivity might be the biggest reaction of them all. Neutrality is the greatest threatto a world that might one day be just and free to all. This silence perpetuates a system in which accountability and responsibility are not required and tells those who believe that this is anything less than a tragedythat they are right. There is no more room for passivity and complacency. There is no'neutral'where human rights are concerned, only responsibility. This is not the time to police and criticize the reactions of a people beaten and broken down by a system in a country and society built on their backs and their blood. And please spare me arguments about how slavery is irrelevant. The institution of slavery helped create a system where Black bodies are seen as subhuman and where unlawful Black death is justified, rewarded and upheld. socially, institutionally and politically. This is the mess slavery - and the violent distorted thinking and bloody actions that produced it - made. We'll stop talking about it when its residual effects are cleaned up. Tonight I am ill with sadness and trauma. I believed that maybe we might have made it a little farther than we'd come before. I am pained to admit that I was sorely mistakenandamnowperplexedbythis massive question of where we go from here. What do we do now? I may - we may - have been wrong in thinking our justice system would move away from its haunting history and surprise us with hope for the future, but I believe I am right about one thing: This time is different. The difference not being in a system that consistently fails us - but the difference being in a people tired of being failed. We have changed; we are the difference; we have the power to be the change. This cannot be put to bed. They wanted us to forget but we cannot allow them to bury us, to bury this. We must keep organizing, keep speaking, yelling, screaming, until we are heard. Marching, stomping, pounding, shaking the ground until the system has no choice but to break. And by we I mean all. This is not a Black issue; this is a human issue, as all violations of human rights are. We did notenslave ourselves. We need just as many bodies that helped get us here to help us get free. I live by this always and Iwill say ita dozen times over: "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion" -Albert Camus I will be a rebellion. Iwill be a revolution. I hope y'all will join me. Michigan in Color is the Daily's opinion section designated asa space for and by students of color at the University of Michigan. To contribute your voice or find out more about MiC, e-mail michiganincolor@umich.edu. The weekend of Nov. 14, 35 University students from across campus came together at the Colombiere Conference and Retreat Center in Clarkston, Michigan to receive training as group leaders in anticipation of next semester's kickoff of the Wolverine Support Network, a University-wide ini- tiative to promote student mental health and wellness. ISwill add, as a caveat, that ISwill be working as one of these group leaders myself. According to its mission state- ment, the WSN aims to become "the first sustainable peer to peer led structure at the University of Mich- igan." This network will provide another way for students who are struggling with issues impacting their mental well-being to express their concerns and generate cathar- sis. It's important to note that WSN will be available to all University students, and participants need not have been formally diagnosed with a mental health condition. The pro- gram's inception originated with Public Policy senior Bobby Dishell, current CSG president, as one of the key components of his and LSA junior Meagan Shokar's 2014 Make Michigan campaign platform. Both he and Shokar felt that the issue of student mental health was not being given adequate attention, and indeed, data collected by the University seem to support such a conclusion. A College Student Mental Health Survey conducted by the Univer- sity's Counseling and Psychological Services in 2010 reported several striking statistics. Of the 2,358 stu- dents surveyed, approximately one in four noted that mental health issues had caused problems in their academics. Thirteen percent admit- ted to having inflicted non-suicidal self-injury, and 40.3 percent had been impacted in some way by a traumatic event, with females, LGB individuals (no data were reported for students identifying as transgender or queer), Latin@s, African-Americans and multira- cial individuals experiencing the highest prevalence of traumatic experience. Furthermore, 74 per- cent of participants voiced general concern about their ability to suc- ceed academically, and 73 percent expressed some level of dissatisfac- tion with their weight. Despite their high prevalence among college students, mental health conditions continue to be heavily stigmatized in the United States as a whole. In 2007, the Cen- ters for Disease Control and Preven- tion reported that "only 25 percent of adults with mental health symp- toms believed that people are car- ing and sympathetic to persons with mental illness," suggesting that there exists a profound fear of the judgment or ostracism that may result from being diagnosed with mental health symptoms. This stigma is what the Wolverine Sup- port Network hopes to erase from the University campus. "I see ... a place where all niches of campus come to create a new culture of the University," said one WSN group leader. Beginning in January 2015, interested students will be placed in groups of 12 to 15 of their peers, along with a pair of student lead- ers. Throughout the semester these groups will meet weekly to confidentially address and support the varying needs of their mem- bers. Students will be placed with students they've never met, in an attempt to allow free speech with- out fear of judgment from their friends. It's not therapy, and it's not counseling. It's a safe space for University students to gather together with others who come from a diversity of backgrounds, in order to share their struggles, their triumphs or any issue that they would like to address. Further- more, every other Friday, members of all groups will participate in a large group activity, so that people have the opportunity to get to know other members of the WSN in a fun and relaxing setting. Activities may include anything from group yoga sessions or guided meditation to outings to different venues around Ann Arbor. The network has been months in the making and remains an ever-evolving entity. As part of the leader retreat, student lead- ers were encouraged to critically examine the structure of the pro- gram, to create together something that would become an integral part of University culture moving into the future. As a participant in the weekend, I found it to be a trans- formative experience, and I think many of my co-leaders would say the same. Another WSN group lead- er said, "It will provide a home away from home for people who are struggling." In order to build trust among those in attendance, the first night was dedicated to getting to know one another and sharing thoughts about or our connections to mental health. I was deeply moved by the experiences of my peers, many of whom have been impacted in some way by traumatic or painful expe- riences, including suicide, abuse, depression and anxiety, among many others. Equally moving were the stories of those who, despite no apparent connection to mental health issues in their lives, felt so passionately about the topic and believed so strongly in the mission of the Wolverine Support Network. "It'll become a great community through which students can meet new people and bounce ideas off of one another in a safe, inclusive, and action-oriented environment." - WSN group leader The entirety of Saturday was spent on leader education. Experts from CAPS, the University's Sexual Assault Prevention and Aware-, ness Center, Wolverine Wellness and University Housing's Diversity Educationprogram gave lectures on a wide range of topics. As a group, we learned about the prevalence of depression and anxiety on college campuses, and how to recognize signs that a person might be con- templating suicide. We received instruction on how to best pro- vide support to survivors of sexual assault and how to make them aware of the numerous resources available to them on campus. Addi- tionally, we were taught about the ways in which substance abuse can impact student life and how to maintain a comfortable environ- ment for individuals of every race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, age and religion. Though our education was, of course, not exhaustive, it pro- vided a solid framework from which to proceed. Furthermore, it was emphasized that we were not mental health profession- als and should be prepared to direct students to appropriate campus resources. Leaders will continue to receive training on a variety of health topics throughout the semester. "It will aid in de-stigmatizing mental health" - WSN group leader Sunday was spent working as a group to define what we really wanted the Wolverine Support Net- work to become. I found that every- one had a unique vision for the future of the initiative. The most common themes focused on simply creating a community, one where everyone on campus would - feel safe, included and valued, and one that would continue to develop and change just like our diverse student body. That afternoon, 35 people who had been strangers less than 72 hours before stepped off the bus by the Union as friends, energized and optimistic about the future of mental health at the University. If you or anyone you know might be interested in joining a WSN group next semester, please feel free to sign up at http://bit.ly/ WSNMember or direct any ques- tions to wsndirectors@umich.edu because, as we all know too well, life happens. Nicholas Raja is an LSA junior. i A A I A, N