Page 4A -- Monday, December 1, 2014 The Michigan Daily - Page 4A - Monday, December 1, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 MEGAN MCDONALD PETER SHAHIN and DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Activism 2.0 ast Tuesday night, in response to the grand jury decision the day before not to indict former Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson on charges pertaining to the shooting of Michael Brown, more than 1,000 students and communitymembers congre- gated on the Diag to hold a vigil for the deceased, and to protest unjust racial politics and police violence as system- ic problems facing the nation. After leaders from various AUSTIN student organizations gave DAVIS speeches condemning the inaction of the grand jury as deplorable, a march through downtown to Ann Arbor City Hallensued.Onthe steps ofCity Hall, speeches drew parallels between that night's protests and those of the 1960s, classifying the current movement as a continuation ofthat era's Civil Rights Movement. Protest leaders called on participants to wholeheartedly take action in fighting racial injustice, rather than merely shar- ing on social media that they'd attended the rally. Activism, they implied, is much more than medi- ated, surface-level interactionsvia the Internet. What exactly does it mean to be an activist in this generation? Attending protests, picketing causesdeemedabhorrentorgarneringthousands of signatures for a petition were called activist measures by previous generations; but are such actions alone relevant to the technology-driven ideals ofthisgeneration? Social media and the Internet as communica- tion technologies have the power to inform, per- suade and mobilize citizens as previous calls for action never could.Whereas the organizationofa vigil of last Tuesday night's scale may have taken weeks in the past to accomplish, currently, a Facebook event invite made it salient across other social media platforms and attracted thousands overnight. Once at an event, today's protesters can coverthe events themselves by live-tweeting or snapping photos to upload to Facebook, effec- tively taking the power of narrative appeal away from larger media conglomerates. To this extent, a protest is made up of everyone who's physically there, along with everyone who's following the event onthe Internet. Although armchair activism may not be as invigorating as actually attending a protest, the results can be just as - if not more - impactful. After all, Edward Snowden drew the attention of millionsto invasive practicesofgovernment espi- onage through Internet leaks and remote inter- views with journalists, effectively calling into question the morality of the American govern- ment and its adherence to its own Constitution. He did all this without stepping foot in a rally. Organizations such as the Human Rights Cam- paign have also embraced the mobilizing poten- tial of social media - its revamped red and pink logo, released in the spring of2013 in conjunction with Supreme Court hearings regarding Califor- nia's Proposition 8, had been seen by over 9 mil- lion people and was shared over 77,000 times in the course of a day, according to one report. It would have been completely infeasible to garner such a show of support for a cause by more tra- ditional means of grassroots campaigning alone. Amidst evidence of Internet activism, it's not right to demean Facebook posts and tweets about a particular cause as lesser than more traditional shows of protest. While sharing an article or posting a status could be considered arrant nonsense with no basis in fact, so too can reasons for protesting or rallying, regardless of the caliber of the event. Menial displays of sup- port aren't reserved for the Internet alone. In evaluating what it means to be an activ- ist in today's society, one shouldn't diminish the resources available with which to catalyze change. With the same logic, in defining what it meant to be an activist in the past, one shouldn't glorify all actions taken by our predecessors. In Detroit, during the summer of 1967, the city erupted in protests against police brutality; during a four-day span, many died, hundreds were injured and uncontrolled looting and van- dalism ravaged the city. By perceiving these actions as having been efficacious in igniting change - by perceiving such movements as activist in nature - many in Ferguson are engaging in similar activities. Taking to the Facebook page or blogosphere, in comparison, are peaceful means of protest that have the potential for tenable change. That being said, activism today shouldn't be about merely emulating the actions of those who came before. Rather, they should be about taking traditionalist definitions of what it means to act and reforming themto be more conducive with current ideals of a productive, educated and peaceful society. - Austin Davis can be reached at Ferguson protests and Facebook posts W hile many were en route businesses reflects the opposite of There is no concrete evidence prov- back to their home- what these protesters want: peace. ing that racism was a contributing towns to celebrate a Vigils and protests that recognize factor in the shooting. Although it Thanksgiving at home, the phrase the necessity of nonviolent activism is easy to see why racism may have "Black lives mat- and discourse are the demonstra- played a large role in the shooting ter" began flood- tions that the common person can of Michael Brown, there are other ing campus learn most from, and where revolu- ways to argue this point without Tuesday night in tion can truly take place. Violence an unverifiable ad hominem attack. light of the recent has the ability to draw attention to Trying to gain credibility with Darren Wilson causes, especially when change is these types of arguments almost verdict. The self- necessary. But nonviolence often always proves to be hard, especially identified vigil allows demonstrations to gain legit- because people with power (i.e., was a space that imacy and credibility. Undoubt- white males) have problems grasp- encouraged a edly you have heard the reference ing concepts of white privilege. peaceful protest REM to Martin Luther King, Jr. before, American society is propped up by with aggressive PASQUINELLI and the best ways to summarize his the privilege of a specific race - discourse, includ- feelings toward the utilization of white. And the way that the crimi- ing signs that pro- peace is in his quote: "Peace is not nal justice system can sustain the moted justice for Michael Brown, merely a distant goal that we seek, power of white people is easily seen Aura Rosser and other Black indi- but a means by which we arrive at in the shooting of Michael Brown. viduals targeted by police violence. that goal." There are ways to critically ana- Participants of the vigil chanted, Peaceful demonstrations lyze the situation surrounding Fer- "Hands up! Don't shoot!" "What following the controversial ruling guson, as well as any other Black do we want? Justice! When do we in the Darren Wilson case have civilian shooting done by a white want it? Now!" and "Hey hey! Ho exposed issues that have previously police officer. Explaining your opin- ho! These racist cops have got to been considered taboo topics. You ion with warranted claims is the go!" These words wafted through probablynoticedthattheonlysubject best way to eradicate the frustra- the Diag, and eventually made their people discussed on Facebook after tions stemming from others' inabil- way over to the Michigan Theater. the decision was announced was ity to empathize with your opinion. The student-organized vigil is police violence toward Blacks. For Stating Darren Wilson is a racist pig an example of a protest done well. me, this was one of the first times will not help you critically engage Unfortunately, protests that take the this issue had been discussed this in arguments that you are trying form of riots perpetuate negative, much, even after the Trayvon Martin to make, nor will saying Michael untrue stereotypes of an entire race. shooting. These types of discussions Brown deserved to get shot. The Although not everyone participating are more likely to happen and keep reason there is so much frustration in violent riots are Black, these happening if buildings are not between individuals with conflicting expressions of public opinion in the burning down left and right. This views isn't because people can't hold Darren Wilson and Michael Brown type of violence only propagates the conversations about these issues, case are often viewed negatively and likelihood that people give up having but because of the way each side attributed to race. Peaceful spaces civil discussions of race. presents their arguments. Whether for expression, whether it is through There are problems, however, these arguments take the form of an words, art, posters, etc., present with the way a majority of people aggressive and overly biased Face- opportunities to pull the existence of are discussing such issues. I read book status or violent protests, alter- police violence against Blacks out of at least five Facebook posts where natives to these forms of expression the shadows. individuals took an opinion on Dar- have a much stronger ability to pro- Protests that are occurring as a ren Wilson's verdict that said some- mote revolutionary change. result of the decision not to indict Darren Wilson are the pathways to justice. It is clear that burning down thing along the line of him being a "racist pig." This is not how one should address such a serious issue. - Rennie Pasquinelli can be reached at SIMON RIVERS I EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Edvinas Berzanskis, Devin Eggert, David Harris, Rachel John, Jordyn Kay, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Victoria Noble, Michael Paul, Allison Raeck, Melissa Scholke, Michael Schramm, Matthew Seligman, Mary Kate Winn, Jenny Wang, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE I Dow Chemical, questionable donor Stereotypes are a fascinating part of everyday life. We grow up learning things according to our stereotypes and schemas. We learn that squares have four sides, so whenever we see a square we remember that it has four sides. However, we often forget that a square may also be called a rectangle or a rhombus.. We also grow up learning stereo- types about people. We learn that Black men are angry, sex-crazed, and dangerous. Stereotypes, while usual- ly negative, are simply a conundrum of misinformation and ignorance. Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie adds that stereotypes are unfinished. She left her audience speechless dur- ing her TED Talk when she said, "The single story creates stereotypes and the problem with stereotypes is that they are not untrue, but they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story." That is why I say that stereotypes are "fascinat- ing," not evil or horrid, because they derive from ignorance and general- izing; they are incomplete. The danger is in seeing a man who is yelling and cursing at someone and labeling all Black men as angry. The danger is in viewingthe'actions of a "reality" television star as promiscuous and labeling all Black men as sex-crazed. The danger is in seeing a Black man stealing from someone in your neighborhood and labeling all Black men as dangerous. And those stereotypes are definitely incomplete; the stereotypes limit one's capability to see Black men as versatile beings that are as complex as the interworking of the solar system or, to fall in line with my original analogy, as complex as geometry. Growing up as a young Black boy, being tough - being "hard" - had already been ingrained in me by society, upheld by perceived stereo- types, as the most important thing that we could be. We are socialized to play sports, have girlfriends - have sex with them, don't wear pink, wear your pants low, don't listen to Beyonc6 - only lust after her, make fun of the gay kid who will eventu- ally become one of your best friends, vly single story don't cry, don't you dare cry, don't m ever cry, especially don't cry. w Even as a young boy, I struggled sp with being tough. I wanted to be fel tough, butI just couldn't do it. I was ids ashamed. I didn't know that a Black an boy (or a man, which is what I was re trying to be) could be anything less than.. the stereotypes that society lo; labeled us. TI I felt ashamed that I didn't yo like sports. ab I felt embarrassed that I enjoyed pr playing dress-up. TI I felt guilty that I never got into m4 fights, even though I was enrolled w in karate. an I felt that I was never good enough. cu In order to be good enough to iz( meet the requirements of being a no young Black man, one must have in male friends. I have always found izi it easier to interact and develop an relationships with girls/women; at so naturally, most of my friends for sic my life have been girls/women. At wl 19 years old, after telling my father m; that I was going to my best friend's w younger sister's birthday party at the es mall, he responded, you know that be you're not a girl, right? Of course, I ca do, Dad, I said as I chuckled. Then why don'tyou act like it? to It stung more than my father Gc could imagine. It hurt because I FL knew that hanging out with women of as friends was not what young men fri did. We had sex with them. I knew Bl that being into Broadway, ballets, tif and Beyonce was not what young Bl; men were supposed to do. We made tio fun of the gay kids that liked them. I an knew that being a young Black man tio meant that I had to be manlier than an my white counterparts (it wasn't co until later that I learned that it was because of the perceived hyper- ha sexuality and the perpetuated su homophobia of the Black male body). fri My actions did not align with what be, was expected of me, as a young, An heterosexual Black man. I knew that - I wasn't good enough, but I couldn't help who I was. I felt different, abnormal, and inadequate as a man - as a young Black man. I was never like my y father or brother. I was never like y male friends in high school, Iho could sit around and talk about orts, rap music and having sex. I It judged based on my intersecting entities of race and gender. Black nd male stereotypes culminated sulting in my many insecurities. The insecurities that for far too ng overshadowed my decisions. he insecurities that forced me, as a ung Black man, to feel uncomfort- le with who I was instead of being oud of who I was going to become. he insecurities that subsided the oment that I decided that people ould either have to accept who I m or get out of my way. The inse- rities that collapsed when I real- ed that gender expression does t equal sexual orientation. The securities that ended when I real- ;d that my Blackness supersedes y and every stereotype. And while times it does define my deci- on making, my insecurities ended hen I accepted that my Black aleness, as important as it is to me, as not going to define my inter- ts, friends, or who I was trying to come, because as a Black man, I n be whomever I want to be. So here I am today, listening Whitney Houston's "You Give ood Love," saying "eyebrows on EEK," agonizing over the state the Detroit Tigers, helping my ends pick out their outfits for ack Homecoming, loving a beau- ul Black woman, and I am still a ack man. No amount of persecu- n or ridicule will change that. No iount of prejudice or discrimina- n will ever change that. And no nount of pressure from society to nform will ever change that. I may not fit the mold that society s designed for me, but I for damn re, regardless of my interests, ends or expression, always have en and always will be a Black man. d nothing will take that away. Michigan in Color is the Daily's opinion section designated as a space for and by students of color at the University of Michigan. To contribute our voice or find out more about MiC, e-mail A remarkable event occurred Saturday, Nov. 15.Graduatestudentsandpostdoctoralresearch- ers presented the results of their research on a myriad of sustainability issues - a subject that couldn't be more relevant for our age. But amid the interesting and important projects present- ed, a coterie of protesters (for the sake of trans- parency: us) pointed out deeper practical and philosophical issues associated with the event's funder, the Dow Chemical Company. Dow has and continues to be engaged in activities of questionable (a stronger word might be relevant) sustainability - indeed, of questionable (a much stronger word would be relevant) morality. As the last company will- ing to produce napalm to horrendous effect on humans in Vietnam, still willing to produce the well-known toxin Atrazine and recently having pressured the Environmental Protec- tion Agency to approve a new product that will result in the spraying of 2,4-D (one of the chemicals used in Agent Orange - also pro- duced by Dow - for terrorism in Vietnam), we called for the audience to reflect on the nature of the funding source. Through distributing informational flyers across campus a week before the event, handing out a fact sheet at the event, unfurling a couple of banners call- ing out Dow on its prior and current crimes against the environment and humanity and posing questions at the event, we confronted Dow's "sustainability" representative. It should be noted that our protest was not against the work of the Dow sustainability scholars. On the contrary, we applaud the fine work they are doing. Rather,, our concern is with the past and present actions of one of the world's worst actors on the sustainability front and the image that represents for the University. Serious sustainability researchers now have part of their resume tainted with the label "Dow Sustainability Fellow," which is certainly not useful in seeking some employment opportunities. Why is it that Dow funding carries with it the obligation to be called a Dow fellow? If Dow is, as it claims, simply concerned with solving some of the world's pressing sustainability problems,why insistonburdening the recipients of its funding? Inthe past, fellows were called "Graham Sustainability Fellows" after the Graham Institute. What is wrong with that title? Or is Dow simply concerned with purchasing some of the University's legitimacy? Such questions call into view some even bigger issues. Why are folks who are interested in doing sustainability research forced to go to the dark side for money in the first place? Why, in turn, is the University forced to get into bed withnotoriouscriminals?The answer,asknown by everyone from the University President to the incoming first-year undergraduate, is that the University is, in practice, no longer a public institution. As part of the great "conservative" move - if you call destroying public education conservative - beginning with the Reagan/ Thatcher era, state funding for higher education has, by now, effectively disappeared. Therefore, students, faculty and researchers are forced to seek private funds to support what used to be thought of as activities in service of the public good and thus worthy of support from the public at large (which is to say the government). Students (and student researchers) are forced to seek money in every available nook and cranny from loan sharks (banks) to criminals. Yet, is there absolutely no limit on who should fund us? Perhaps the leaders of Los Zetas wish to donate some money? Perhaps the American Nazi party would like to help fund our Jewish Studies program? The KKK, our African American Studies program? Certainly there are limits to what we will endorse by accepting their money. Do criminal elements like Dow deserve our endorsement? And is it simply irrelevant that the fellows doing such fine work must be saddled with the Dow label? Maybe the University can give us an answer. This viewpoint was written by Science for the People. SEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@MICHIGANDAILY.COM Thank you, Devin Gardner TO THE DAILY: I am a long-time resident of Columbus, and although I graduated from another school (Purdue), I have become a strong Ohio State football fan. Unlike most of the rhetoric you hear during The Game week, I have no bad feelings about the University of Michigan. In fact, I know it to be one of the premier public academic universities in the country, right up with University of California Berkeley, University of Virginia and Illinois. I want you to know that I was very touched by the words and actions of your team's quarterback, Devin Gardner, in the kind and articulate way he demonstrated his concern over the injury sustained by Ohio State quarterback J.T. Barrett during the game. He is a gentleman, a class act, a man that the entire University community - and, indeed, the state of Michigan - can be proud of. What he did and said, and the manner in which he did both, will be the memory of that game that will remain with me. Congratulations on having such a person as your football team's leader. In the end, that kind of result trumps wins and losses, big time. Bill Hood Resident of Columbus, Ohio 6 I I ' F R