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December 01, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-12-01

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2A - Monday, December 1, 2014

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A - Monday, December 1, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

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State rep. pushes for inclusion

State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) said he was plan-
ning to introduce a bill early in
1986 to provide at least one seat
for students on each of the gov-
erning boards for state universi-
The proposal aligned with a
then-ongoing push by Michi-
gan Student Assembly president
Paul Josephson to guarantee
student representation on the
University's Board of Regents.
Bullard refused to speculate
about the bill's chances, but he
did acknowledge that there was
a chance it would face difficul-
ties; the change would require
an amendment to the state's
Bullard said it was "doubtful

the plan will sweep the coun-
try" because of opposition from
20years ago this week
A mass e-mail message
described as "very racist" by
Randy Frank, Computer Aided
Engineering Network director,
was sent to the roughly 10,000
Engineering students on the
CAEN listserv.
The message asserted that
the federal government gives
money to groups including indi-
viduals with low IQs, young
parents, "homosexual 'perfor-
mance artists"' and Russian

It was sent from the e-mail
address of a student at the Uni-
versity of Texas at Austin, but
UT officials said the message
was a result of hacking.
"It's not a matter of anyone
here doing anything suspi-
cious," said Charles Warlick,
director of the Computation
Center at UT.
CAEN Administrative Man-
ager Jack Love said messages
like the one sent out were not
"Unfortunately, these things
have gotten common enough
that people are pretty blas6
about it," Love said. "But we're
disgusted by this behavior."

Arts Section
Display Sales
Online Sales

News Tips
Letterstothe Editor
Editorial Pate
Photography Section
Classified Sales
finance @michigandaily.com

Students perform a traditional Chinese dance as
part of the Moli Performing Art Ensemble Sunday at
the Michigan League.


The Michigan women's
basketball team had
a successful trip over
Thanksgiving Break to
Puerto Rico, where they
defeated Washington State
and San Diego State.
New minor
The Daily editorial board
discusses the new Inter-
group Relations minor being
offered at the University
beginning in Winter 2015.
They praise LSA's efforts to
bring awareness to students
about the different forms of
oppression faced by differ-
ent groups of people.

Comp. Studies Polish movie Meditation
co-advising WHAT: "The Promised presentatioi
Land," directed by Ziemia
WHAT: Students can Obiecana, will be screened. WHAT: Panelists wil
meet with both a Com- It portrays the industrial explore the benefits
prehensive Studies city of Lodz during the 19th associated with medit
Program adviser and a century. WHO: Program
Career Center Coach. WHO: Copernicus Program in Creativity and
WHO: The Career Center in Polish Studies Consciousness Studie
WHEN: Today from 10 WHEN: Today from 7 p.m. WHEN: Today from.
a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. p.m. to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Angell Hall WHERE: Michigan WHERE: Burton Me


Followng a three-day
visit.to Turkey, Pope
Francisspoke against ste-
reotypinglIslamic culture and
religion. The pope also urged
Islamic leaders to publically
denounce terrorism to fur-
ther help dispel stereotypes,
Reuters reported Sunday.

KatieBurke ManagingEditor kgburke@michigandaily.com
JenniferCalfas Managing News Editor jcalfas@michigandaily.com
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Tower, Room 506

MUG Monday Author's forum Voice recital

WHAT: The Michigan
Union ground floor will
hold a free crafting sta-
tion, where students will
be able to make maize
and blue felt bookmarks,
decorate block 'M' cook-
ies and make Michigan
spirit bracelets.
WHO: Center for Campus
WHEN: Today from 5
p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan

WHAT: Award-winning WHAT: The
poet Laura Kasischke graduate and
discusses her recent voice student
poetry collection, "The free and open
Infinitesimals," alongside WHO: Schoo
Megan Levad, assistant Theatre & Da
director of the Helen Zell WHEN: Tod:
Writers' Program. WHERE: Ea
WHO: Laura Kasischke and Building
Megan Levad
WHEN: Today from 5:30 CORRECTIONS
p.m. to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate a Please rep
Library Gallery in the Dailyt

recital features
s. The event is
to the public.
1 of Music,
ay at 6:45 p.m.
rl V. Moore
ort any error
to correc-m

Despite - a strong
performance from
quarterback Devin
Gardner Saturday, the
Michigan football team
lost to Ohio State, 42-28,
dropping to 5-7 on the season.
More than 100
passengers and crew
were evacuated from
American Airlines Flight 67
following a bomb threat on
Sunday, The New York Times
reported. The flight was to
depart from John F. Kennedy
International Airport.

Ohio State football player
found dead near campus

student-athlete dies
of self-inflicted
gunshot wound

dark Sunday evening and no
one answered when a reporter
knocked on the metal door. A few
coffee mugs holding what could
have been some small plants were
on the window sill of the dark-
ened two-story, gray clapboard
home with black shutters. Christ-

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A mas decorations could be seen on
missing Ohio State football player some surrounding apartments.
who disappeared shortly after The site was within a mile fo
sending a text message about his the university's student union
concussions was found dead Sun- building and about a half block
day, apparently of a self-inflicted from High Street, the main artery
gunshot wound, police said. of the campus.
Police tell media outlets the Karageorge's parents filed a
body of 22-year-old Kosta Kara- missing-person report Wednes-
george was found near the cam- day evening, and his mother,
pus after a search since he went Susan Karageorge, told police he
missing Wednesday. The senior has had several concussions and
defensive tackle from Columbus a few spells of being extremely
had last been seen at his apart- confused, accordingto the report.
ment in Columbus, when his She said that at about 1:30 a.m.
roommates said he left to go on a Wednesday he texted a message
walk. that cited the concussions and
The body was found within a said, "I am sorry ifI am an embar-
couple hundred yards of Kara- rassment."
george's house. The house was University athletic officials
S 0 01

said they were grieved to learn of
Karageorge's death.
A former Buckeyes wrestler, he
joined the football team as a walk-
on this season. He has played in
one game and was among two
dozen seniors slated to be recog-
nized at the final home game Sat-
urday againstrival Michigan. The
Buckeyes won, 42-28.
During halftime at the No. 16
Ohio State men's basketball game
against James Madison in Colum-
bus, pictures of Karageorge were
shown and an announcement
was made urging people with
any information to contact police.
Defensive lineman Michael Ben-
nett said afterward that Kara-
george missed practices and that
teammates started getting ner-
vous Thursday.
The team's physician, Dr. Jim
Borchers, has said he could not
comment on the medical care of
student athletes.
The player's sister, Sophia
Karageorge, told The Columbus
Dispatch that he apparently was
upset, and roommates said he
went for a walk, dressed in black
from his hat to his boots.
"We're very concerned that
he's not himself and that he
maybe doesn't know what's going
on," she told the newspaper.
She said after each concussion
he followed trainers' instructions
and received proper care but "his
repercussions from (concussions)
have been long-term or delayed."
She said he was without his
wallet and his motorcycle.
Coach Urban Meyer described
Karageorge as a hard worker and
an important player in practice.
In an interview with The
Michigan Daily, McClellan said
she wants to incorporate social
science knowledge into natural
science research to alleviate pub-
lic confusion over the results sci-
entists present in their findings.
"We are trying to publish
something in the scientific jour-
nal that says trying to pay atten-
tion to the context of how your
ideas are being understood," she


Tabard Vazquez, presidential candidate for the ruling Broad Front party, celebrates in Montevideo, Uruguay on Sunday.
Left-leaning presidential
candidate wins in Uruguay

Tabare Vazquez
recognized for
legalizing same-
sex marriage
(AP) - Ruling party candidate
Tabare Vazquez easily won Uru-
guay's presidential election on
Sunday, returning to power a left-
leaning coalition that has legal-
ized gay marriage and moved to
create the world's first state-run
marijuana marketplace.
The runoff vote had drawn
international attention because.-
Vazquez's rival, center-right
candidate Luis Lacalle Pou, had
promised to undo much of the
plan to put the government in
charge of regulating the produc-
tion, distribution and sale of mar-
ijuana on a nationwide scale.
Lacalle Pou, 41, said late Sun-
day that he had called Vazquez
to concede and "wish him great
success" after three exit polls
showed him losing by a more
than 10-percentage point margin,
a defeat seen as saving the pot
plan from possible extinction.
Vazquez, a 74-year-old oncolo-
gist who was president from

2005-2010, immediately called
on the opposition to join him in
a national accord to deal with
the key issues of public security,
health and education.
"I want to be able to count on
all Uruguayans, but not so that
they follow me but so that they
guide me, accompany me," said
Vazquez in his victory speech.
Sunday's win marked a rever-
sal of roles for Vazquez, who
shook up Uruguayan politics
when he became president his
first time, peacefully ending 170
years of two-party dominance. In
his first presidential campaign,
Vazquez promised changes that
would "shake the roots of the
trees." But he governed as a rela-
tively cautious moderate, avoid-
ing the constitutional changes
and polarization that have shak-
en countries such as Venezuela.
His popularity on leaving
office paved the way for the
election of his successor, cur-
rent President Jose Mujica, a
former guerrilla known for his
humble lifestyle and straight talk.
Both men belong to the Broad
Front coalition, which has been
in power for a decade and has
passed laws backing same-sex
marriage, marijuana and other
social issues.

This time around, Mujica's
popularity and a strong econo-
my helped propel Vazquez. into
office, where he is now seen as
the candidate of continuity, notof
Javier Silva, an operator at
a state electrical plant, said he
voted for Vazquez because he
thinks the country is doing well.
"The economy is rising. The
country isn't anything like it was
10 or 20 years ago, when it was in
decline," said the 35-year-old.
Monica Centurion, a 51-year-
old official at a state hospital, said
she backed Lacalle Pou because
she worried about crime.
"It was for his proposals, espe-
cially to improve public security,
which is the principal issue," she
said describing why she voted for
Lacalle Pou is the son of anoth-
er ex-president, Luis Alberto
Lacalle Herrera, who governed
from 1990 to 1995.
During his campaign, he criti-
cized the marijuana plan, saying
he would shut down the state-
run pot market, while allowing
domestic cultivation of the plant.
Polls show that despite its inter-
national popularity, most Uru-
guayan oppose the marijuana
laws and want them repealed.




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