Page 4 - Tuesday, November 25, 2014 The Michigan Daily - 4 Page 4 - Tuesday, November 25, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since,1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 MEGAN MCDONALD PETER SHAHIN and DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. over the content of the action itself - and in a situation as exceptional as this, should be expected to seize upon that exceptionality's source and take issue with it. This cuts to the basic problem behind using executive action to implement a policy change as significant as this one: a presidential directive can't claim any of the legitimacy that debate and discussion in Congress confer upon if the legislation it passes (If what follows doesn't clarify this for you, the recent "Saturday Night Live" skit involving Obama's executive decision should suffice.) That body's dismal -and contradictory approval ratings aside, the process it owns has agreatdealofhistoricalandsymbolic weight. Its members are pieces of the most comprehensive, current and concise human mosaic of collective American political and ideological opinion in existence. The president, in comparison, is only a single person and while his or her views might change over time in office to better reflect those of the public, the impressions and opinions the public forms change at a much slower pace. Whether Americans feel that the president represents their concerns is outside of the president's control, and still independent from their right to representation in Congress. In short, the contemporary blowback from opponents of immi- gration reform through executive action and the methodical disre- gard shownbyits supporters should not come as a surprise to anyone with knowledge of Congress's insti- tutional role in legitimizing policy change. Executive action can cer- tainly make change more quickly than Congress can; its test now will be to see if it can hold up without the formidable power of legislative legitimization at its back. - Eric Ferguson can be reached at 4 Parting with couple weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to be an audience member in the Center for Entrepreneurship's Entrepreneurship Hour debate between Max Fin- berg and John Hart. Finberg the senior advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Agri- culture and also served as a Senior Policy Advisor with- in President Barack Obama's Domestic Policy Council.~ Hart is a Republican who is an award-winning writer DEVIN and the editor-in-chief of EGGERT Opportunity Lives. Hart also served under former Republican U.S. Representatives Jim DeMint and Steve Largent and as Republican Senator Tom Coburn's communications director. For several weeks, this talk between Fin- berg and Hart was promoted within our class as some kind of political smackdown within the political barriers surrounding entrepreneur- ship. Iwill admit that my boredom gave way to simple-minded pleasure, as I did look forward to this event in this context. I caught myself daydreaming of old red-and-blue clad politi- cians in a WWE ring with my fellow University students shouting, "Give 'em the chair!" OK, I'll admit. I'd still be up for this happening. But, to my surprise, and seemingly to the coordinators', Finbergand Hartcame in waving a white flag similar to Disney's "Pocahontas." Both of the influential leaders stressed that although they maintain different core beliefs and philosophies of government, they respected each other's views and were open to listening to alternative approaches. I leaned back in my seat, puzzled as to why I thought this was so revolutionary. Is individuality and open-mindedness not something that we are all constantly striving to improve upon? The idea !hit me. Although, ideas like tolerance are stressed, not once have I seen adults of influence have a respectful debate about politics. My mind flashed through casual offhand digs by professors, obscene political cartoons and Bill O'Reilly. Not once could I recall two adults having a debate that I would call mature, intelligent and respectful. The debate proceeded. Finberg and Hart navigated us through the cores of their beliefs. Their philosophies are nested in the amount of power and responsibility, the government should exert on its people. The extras, the platforms that a representative markets votes with are based on interpretations ofwhat people withthose ideals should believe. Now I don't want to paint Mr. Finberg and Mr. Hart as idols in a messed-up atmosphere, though their friendship deserved a Disney theme song. They too fell into a five- minute trap in which they were debating a long list of presidents starting with Reagan vs. Obama. It became a political version of "mine's bigger," duringwhich a youngwoman turned to me and said, "I honestly don't even remember which one belongs to which party." That was another moment of surprise to me. Her comment enticed me to survey the audience of young entrepreneurs, of whom I thought would surely side with one side or another. The partisanship crowd looked largely annoyed as well. Maybe they were like me. Instead of seeing political solutions as A=A, B=B, or A or B only, the crowd was seeing the bigger picture. Maybe A+B+ a little C= S ... an actual solution. Proposing political solutions to a crowd of people largely focused on out-of-the-box solutions and seeing a bigger picture initiated a different vibe. I'lladmitnow,Idon'tidentifywith aparticular party. Each election I read information about the representatives and think critically about what approach would be best for the nation at a certain time and particular representatives' capabilities. But, I am one of the 14.08 percent in Washtenaw County that voted in the 2014 Midterm Elections. Even if you are a lifelong whatever, the logic of always having a primed, simple, bipartisan set of solutions doesn't make sense when trying to solve a complex problem. For example, a point in the Finberg and Hart debate was the issue of extreme student debt in the United States. Finberg brought up the point that it's necessary and right to have government provide aid for students. Hart brought up the point that while this is necessary, these packages give universities the idea that they can jack up their prices under the assumption that it's the government's responsibility to cover for those facing financial difficulties. It was obvious from my seat in the audience that both of these points probably had merit. Both of these points could probably be used to build a better system of education for students. And, even as someone who works two jobs to fund their own schooling and relies on financial aid, I can look at the issue through a larger lens. So where do wegofrom here? As the debate wrapped up, I raised my hand to ask this question. "I feel extremely grateful to have you both here today, Mr. Finberg and Mr. Hart. It was amazing of the Center for Entrepreneurship to put this event on. This is actually the first time I have seen an adult Democrat and Republican of influence have a beneficial and respectful talk regarding politics. But in reality most Americans are not exposed to this sort of composed idea exchange. What are some resources or solutions you can recommend?" The answer was along the lines of us needing to elect people in offices that care less about getting reelected, because in reality, that is what a large percentage of politicians on both sides care about. That is an answer I get a lot. It is an answer that gives you nothing to work with. I unfortunately don't have an answer to our American political system that functions more and more like a sports rivalry between University of Michigan and The Ohio State University. But, I do challenge others to remember that an entrepreneurial attitude can be successful in many facets of life. Remember our relentless protests to get our football team back to its ideals and our open student discussion on possible solutions. There's a reason that our legal system isn't reliant on robots. For all the faults that humans have, compassion and open-minded creativity is irreplaceable. - Devin Eggert can be reached at Refusing to be radical By any means necessary. The phrase, delivered by Mal- colm X in a speech given at the founding rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity in 1964, has become a chant among activist groups throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. In Mal- colm X's speech, he announces, "That's ABBY our motto. We TASKIER want freedom by any means neces- sary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary." His words planted the seeds of hope among the minorities the represented, and yet, in November 2014, University of Michigan students still shout out that same motto - "We want equality by any means necessary" - as minority enrollment is at its lowest number in years, comprising only 10 percent of the student body. On the afternoon of Thursday, Nov. 20, The Michigan Daily report- ed that the organization By Any Means Necessary protested directly outside of the meeting of the Univer- sity's Board of Regents, prompting the evacuation of the regents and executive officers from the room. The organization insisted upon the University's recognition of serious minority issues that plague campus and notably, the group proposed the implementation ofrthe 10 Ber- cent plan - a rule allowing any high school student in the top 10 percent of his or her class to be admitted to any public university in the state of Michigan. According to the Daily's coverage, University President Mark Schlissel implied that the plan is infeasible. In Schlissel's defense, such a plan wouldn't necessarily ensure minority enrollment. But, the issues of segregation and underrep- resentation of minorities stem way beyond the control of the University. As American citizens, we're well aware that these are systemic concerns, dating back to American slavery and the absolute control of the white man. Today, the American forces of oppression aren't as easily identifiable in broad daylight. Oppression exists in more subtle, less blatant designs - the confinement of minorities to ghettos, perpetuated mass incarceration of African- Americans, cycles that leave children uneducated and prompt a lack of education for future generations. This has been coined as "The New Jim Crow." But I have to wonder, when oppression manifests itself inconspicuously to the uncurious eye, is it worthy of being challenged by any means necessary? I spent a semester studying abroad in Cuba, which I can say, for all intents and purposes, is governed by an authoritarian regime. Despite the palm trees, the Caribbean sun and the colors that illuminate the old, dilapidated buildings, oppression runs high on the island. My Cuban friends, who quietly despised the system and uttered words of discon- tent when given jolts of liquid cour- age, were trained to be quiet about their criticisms of Cuban socialism. From the rhetoric they'd been taught, opposition is bad and compliance is good. Alberto, my Cuban boyfriend at the time, was taken to jail simply for walking alongside my American friend. The police officers assumed that he was selling himself to the American girl he accompanied on the street. Being a whi'te foreigner, I was the only one with the power to get the arrest expunged. A Cuban attempting to explain the same situ- ation would have been written off as a liar, a counterrevolutionary or an accomplice to foreign exploitation. I often wondered why there wasn't more opposition to the system, why Cuban citizens who'd only been able to eat grains of rice and a few beans that day weren't marching along the oceanside promenade demanding more resources and more rights. But fear burdened their activism. Under the Cuban system, every citizen lacks liberty. Was this means for a radical movement - one that would come into existence by any means necessary? At first I thought so, but then I thought of Cuba's past. The reason for Cuba's oppressive government is the 1959 Cuban revo- lution. Fidel Castro, CheGuevaraand a myriad of other young, hotheaded revolutionaries overthrew the dic- tatorship of Fulgencio Batista - a tyrant maintaining severe economic and social inequality. They achieved their goal of subversion by any means necessary: guerilla warfare. Now, the system has returned to its dicta- torial roots - but under the guise of socialism. Having achieved the revo- lution's goal by any means necessary, such violent and oppressive tactics associated with the doctrine became accepted, normal. Come back to contemporkry America. Come back to the BAMN protest that forced Schlissel out of his seat. Radical activism is needed on college campuses. Radical activism is still needed when injustice is no lon- ger blatantly obvious, but lurks in the shadows, pullingcertain people away from the potential for achievement. Racism is gone because we have a Black president, right? Wrong. As Americans, we're afforded the ability to fight for our liberties. But it's hard to get behind a dogma that propagates violence and seemingly opposes active discourse. BAMN is trying to get things doneBAMN is fighting for something we should all be fighting for, regardless of ourrace, gender or class. But, when the motto "by any means necessary" infiltrates the situation, one is left to wonder: how far are they willing to go? And if it's past nonviolent, radical activism, I for one will have a hard time taking part in it. - Abby Taskier can be reached at How to talk about the Middle East in class An alternative for change If you guessed that Republicans and Democratic President Barack Obama have generally concluded that working with each other through the normal legislative process to address the country's problems is too hard, you wouldn't be too far off from the truth. So, much like what many students are tempted to do at this point in then semester, they have resigned themselves to mediocrity and half-measures to get by ERIC and get what they want. FERGUSON This kind of resignation has been happening for years in multiple sectors of the political arena - witness how Republicans slammed Medi- care reform through Congress at 5 a.m. in 2005 while ignoring the amount of time allocated to the vote. And how presidents have been habitu- ally able to ignore the War Powers Act of 1973, particularly its restrictions on the use of mili- tary force, in the face of a Congress that has only chosen to invoke it once. It happened again last Thursday, as Obama announced a policy shift on immigration through an executive order. Along with a few nods to border security in a lackluster attempt to appeal to Republicans, it granted five million undocumented immi- grants apathwayto temporary U.S. residence if theycan fulfill araftofeligibilityrequirements. Don't get me wrong - this is, unquestion- ably, a better policy than the current one. Among other things, it creates an essential and long-promised avenue through which people, who have worked extremely hard and embody American ideals, can cease to fear deportation' while not incentivizing new arrivals outside of the legal system in place. However, as gratify- ing as the result may feel, the means used to get there matter. That executive action - stem- ming purely from the executive branch - was the only feasible way to change immigration policy for the better, and it is deeply troubling from an institutional perspective. ' For those who care deeply about a legisla- tively frozen issue, executive actions' power as a tool for change is extraordinarily seduc- tive. Part of the reason for this is simple. Self- interest makes it hard to care about the process behind policies that will enhance your, your friends', or your social group's quality of life if only a deadlocked Congress weren't in the way. The singular, often deeply personal fac- tors driving this interest are resistant to all but the most flagrantly irresponsible policy solu- tions to the problem - irrespective of whether a court order, bill or bureaucratic rule change caused it. Thankfully,Obama'sactiononimmigration is well outside of that range. Moreover, its status as a victory for those directly affected bythe immigration issue leads them and their ideological supporters to classify the means as a lower-level, almost trivial concern. Those left in opposition end up outraged Be as geographically vague as possible. Treat the Middle East as one nation with expansive deserts, run-down buildings and people living in tents. Men wear turbans and smoke hookah. There are also underground n night clubs, unlimited wealth and very aggressive sheikhs - think HAYA "Aladdin." The ALFARHAN Middle Eastis both a war-torn wasteland* and a place of riches, filled with oil-drunk-barbarians. Treat Arabs, Persians, Muslims and Middle Easterners as though they are all one homogenous, indis- tinguishable group because they all look the same to you anyway. If someone in class points out that Arabs are not equal to Muslims and Persians are not equal to Arabs, nod knowingly, and then proceed to con- flate them anyway. It's really hard for you to keep all these identities apart. Express your disdain for the state of minorities in that region. Make sure to use the word "backward" as much as possible. Constantly refer to Muslims as being part of the "most oppressed race." Always begin by talking about Muslim women, and how they're treated so awfully, how they're forced into marriages, how they're not allowed to pursue education, how they're waiting for you to get on a volunteer trip to help liberate them. Definitely bring up the fact that women aren't allowed to drive, despite the fact that this issue is central to literally one country in the entire region. Again, don't get too caught up in the details. The point is, these women need saving, even when they say they're fine. To quote FEMEN, the Ukraine feminist group famous for its topless protests, "They write on their posters that they don't need liberation but in their eyes it's written 'help me."' When talkingabout Arab and Mus- limwomen, always remind your fellow classmates that the veil is a thing. A very oppressive thing. When it comes to women's issues, it's all a "thing." In the Middle East, "things" happen to women. Female genital mutilation is a thing, honor killings are a thing, acid attacks are a thing, forced mar- riage is a thing. Attempting to trace and understand socio-economic and political factors that have created and contributed these issues is too compli- cated. Framing issues isn't important, because these women are being treat- ed like bodies for their governments to project their ideologies on, they're a means to a political end. Never ques- tion whether or not you're partially fueled by your American exceptional- ism. You're the good guy here. In your political science class, always center the United States in every Middle Eastern conflict. Disregard any history of colonialism, Western influence and American interventions. The region has always been in chaos. Talk about the Middle East in abstract terms detached from the reality of people's lived experiences. Talk about Islam like it's some rigid and monolithic system of beliefs independent of the people who practice it - a failure on behalf of the West to humanize Middle Easterners. Pay attention to youth movements and grassroots activism in the Middle East when it's trendy to talk about, when it's trending on Twitter #PeaceinTheMiddleEast #ArabSpringForever. When you feel like you're losing their attention, try to pull them back by throwing in 9/11 or anything that'll blind them with a sense of patriotism. Ifbringing9/11seemslike too much of a stretch, make sure to use buzz words like "jihad," "suicide bombers," "al Qaeda," "extremist," "radical,""sharia," "fundamentalist." In English class, always mention how amazed you are that the Middle East isn't as primitive as you assumed it would be. The reading your professor assigned didn't mention anything about camels. The characters were well rounded and people were going about their daily lives. Nobody's hand got chopped off. If you're taking an Arabic class, let everyone know on the first day that you're doing it so you can help fight the war on terror. Reduce a very rich language spoken by millions to just another qualification on your resume. Arabic is the language spoken by the terrorists and you want to infiltrate their ranks from within. Your opinion iswellinformed,you'vebeenwatchingf "Homeland" since it premiered. Always end by talking about freedom. Your freedom, their freedom. Freedom is always . the operative word. This piece was inspired by Binyavanga Wainaina's How to Write about Africa. - Haya Alfarhan can be reached at 4 4 0 : EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Edvinas Berzanskis, Devin Eggert, David Harris, Rachel John, Jordyn Kay, Jesse Klein, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Victoria Noble, Michael Paul, Allison Raeck, Melissa Scholke, Michael Schramm, Matthew Seligman, Mary Kate Winn, Jenny Wang, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe 4 :' I