Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, November 25, 2014 michigandaily com
S chlissel
names new
leader fora
Dr. Marschall Runge,
dean of UNC School
of Medicine, to take
executive role
Daily NewsEditor
and Daily StaffReporter
University President Mark
Schlissel named his nomination
for a new leader of the University
of Michigan Health System Mon-
day. Dr. Marschall Runge has
been recommended to lead medi-
cal affairs at the University, pend-
ing approval by the University's
Board of Regents at their regular-
ly scheduled meeting on Dec. 18.
Runge currently serves as
executive dean for the School
of Medicine at the University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
If approved, he will take over
the position of executive vice
president of medical affairs
March 1. University spokesperson
Rick Fitzgerald confirmed that
Schlissel met with Runge prior to
making the recommendation.
"Dr. Runge has significant
experience and success in mul-
tiple aspects of healthcare and
academic health sciences,"
Schlissel said in a press release.
"His accomplishments as a scien-
tist, physician and leader are ide-
ally suited to advance the UMHS
tripartite mission of clinical care,
education and research."
Runge currently serves as
director of the North Carolina
Translational and Clinical Sci-
ences Institute, a partnership
between the University of North
Carolina and several other insti-
tutions which aims to "acceler-
ate clinical and translational
research from health science."
He earned a bachelors of arts
in biology and Ph.D. in molecular
biology from Vanderbilt Universi-
ty and a medical degree from the
Johns Hopkins University.
If appointed, he will take con-
trol of one of the University's
largest operations.
UMHS includes the Univer-
sity hospitals and health centers,
the medical and nursing schools,
along with a large portion of the
University's biomedical research
centers. Its operating activities
accounted for over $3 billion for
the 2014 fiscal year - 45 percent
of the University's total opera-
When Ora Pescovitz stepped
down from her role as CEO of thy.:
University of Michigan Health
System in June, a search com-
mittee began to seek her replace-
ment. Dr. Paul Lee, director of the
Kellogg Eye Center, chaired the
See CEO, Page 3
University releases first
sexual misconduct report
Reported incidents
rise to 129 during
first year of new
Title IX policy
Daily StaffReporter
Following revisions to its Stu-
dent Sexual Misconduct Policy in
2012, the University has released
its first annual report devoted
exclusively to incidents of sexual
misconduct, which have been
reported at an increasing rate in
the last four years.
The report provides details
of the 129 reported incidents of
potential sexual misconduct this
year and how those proceedings
"Since this is our first report,
ourinterestismakingsure thatit's
useful to the campus community,
especially for our students," said
Anthony Walesby, the University's
Title IX coordinator and associate
vice provost for academic and fac-
ulty affairs. "Students can read it
and look at the information, and
say, 'OK, this would have been
more helpful had you presented
it this way or if there were more
hyperlinks,' or whatever it might
be - that will be useful for us to
In previous years, the data was
published annually by the Office
of Student Conflict Resolution as
a subsection of its larger report
concerning all forms of student
complaints, violations, resolu-
tions and sanctions. This year, the
Office of Institutional Equity, in
accordance with the University's
new sexual misconduct policy,
published this independent report
separate from the OSCR data.
The University's new policy
was implemented in August 2013
following the two-year interim
policy that was put in place in
August 2011. The interim policy
came as aresponse to a "Dear Col-
league" letter issued by the U.S.
Department of Education recom-
mending that universities update
their procedures for handling
such incidents.
Most notably, the new policy
amended the burden of proof
required for finding a person
responsible for allegations of
sexual misconduct. The Univer-
sity previously practiced a higher
"clear and convincing" standard.
Under the new policy, cases are
decided based on a "prepon-
derance of evidence," which in
practice means the standard of
evidence that is more likely than
not an incidence ofsexual miscon-
See REPORT, Page 3
'U' to add
School of Public
Health to provide
new way to for
Daily Staff Reporter
On Thursday, the University's
Board of Regents approved the
creation of the Department of
Nutritional Sciences within the
School of Public Health.
Currently, there are three
existing pathways available to
graduate students interested
in nutrition that are offered
through the Public Health
School's Human Nutrition Pro-
gram. These three programs
are being moved from their cur-
rent home in the Public Health
School's Department of Environ-
mental Health Sciences to the
new Department of Nutritional
Sciences effective July 1, 2015.
Susan Aaronson, environmen-
tal health sciences lecturer, said
the Master of Public Health pro-
gram will stay largely the same,
but will become more tailored
to nutrition rather than environ-
mental health.
"The only thing that will be
slightly different is a couple of
Giving Blueday
to encourage
student donors
Chris Tounsel and Marvin Chochotte (upper left), Associate History Prof. Martha Jones (bottom left) and Rackham
student Kyera Singleton (right) discuss the possiblelmpacts of the grand jury decision regarding Ferguson police
officer Darren Wilson at a speak out in Tisch Hall on Monday.
Students, faculty discuss
jury decision in Ferguson
Fundraising drive
to aid Victors for
Michigan goal of
$4 billion by 2018
Daily StaffReporter
Next Tuesday is about to be a
whole lot more Blue.
The University aims to raise
$1 million next Tuesday, Dec. 2
through Giving Blueday, the first
University-wide one-day push for
donations as part of its current
major fundraisingcampaign,Vic-
tors for Michigan.
Tom Szczepanski, assistant
vice president for development,
connected Giving Blueday to Giv-
ingTuesday, a national movement
to promote charitable action after
mass consumption on Thanks-
giving, Black Friday and Cyber
"Imagine how few nonprofit
organizations can claim that they
raised a million dollars in one
day," Szczepanski said. "I think
that our alumni and our students
and all the friends of the Univer-
sity are up for that sort of chal-
The University is asking stu-
dents, alumni and friends of the
University to donate to an area of
their choice on Giving Blueday.
Some private donors have agreed
to match student donations; one
will match all student gifts up to
atotal of $30,000.
Szczepanski anticipates that
donorswilibe inspiredbycurrent
students and their organizations.
About 70 student groups, includ-
ing the Black Student Union,
Michigan Marching Band and the
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center, will partici-
pate and encourage donors to give
money for their organizations.
"Nothing motivates the donor
more than looking at a young per-
son and saying, 'Wow, I want to
support people like that,"' Szcz-
epanski said. "By their participa-
tion in things like the campaign
kickoff, it really is the embodi-
ment of what they're providing
funds for, to support the students
that we have here."
To encourage participation,
there will be activities on cam-
pus throughout the day, includ-
ing an appearance by Olympic ice
dancers Meryl Davis and Charlie
White, both LSA students, and
a performance by the School of
Music, Theatre & Dance in the
While much of the money
raised will go toward student
organizations, donors can also
direct their money toward schol-
See BLUEDAY, Page 3
Diag vigil planned
for 6 p.m. today
after grand jury
rules in case
Daily StaffReporter
As the St. Louis County, Mo.
prosecuting attorney announced
a grand jury's decision that Fer-
guson police officer Darren Wil-
son would not be indicted in the
August death ofteenager Michael
Brown, about 40 students and
University faculty membersgath-
ered in Tisch Hall to discuss the
issues and watch thg live televi-
sion coveragetogether.
Martha Jones, co-director
of the University Law School's
Program in Race, Law & History
and an associate professor in the
Department of Afroamerican
and African Studies, organized
the discussionbetween apanel of
experts and students.
"We knew it was likely when
the grand jury decision was
formed we would want to create
a safe place where faculty and
staff and visitors could come and
be together and continue the con-
versation," she said.
In addition to Jones, the panel
consisted of Matthew Country-
man, anassociate professorinthe
Department of American Culture
and the Department of History;
Rackham student Austin McCoy,
a Ph.D. candidate in history; and
Rackham student Kyera Single-
ton, a Ph.D. candidate in Ameri-
can culture.
After the fatal shooting of
Brown, a Black teenager, in
August, protests in Ferguson
See FERGUSON, Page 3
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INDEX NEWS ........... ...2 ARTS ..........................5
Vol. CXXIV, No.34 SUDOKU........................2 CLASSIFIEDS .,............... 6
@20r4TheMichiganDaily OPINION............. 4 SPORTS....................... 7