The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 24, 2014 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, November 24, 2014- 3A I ",V OF ". , R' A-00907 RUBY WALLAU/Daily TOP ROW: Survival Flight helicopter pilot Kim Pacsai inspect one of the team's three helicopters. BOTTOM LEFT: Pacsai logs flight miles at the Livingston Emergency Medical Services headquarters. The Survival Flight team is responsible for servic- ing over 200,000 square miles of populated areas. BOTTOM RIGHT: Pacsai wears a helmet and radio set equipped with night vision goggles during flights. FLIGHT From Page 1A is good around the state today. "I'm here for 12 hours, and sometimes we fly, sometimes we don't," Pacsai said. Pacsai, a lifelong Michigan resident and graduate of Michi- gan Technological University, has bee icopters for over 30 years - eight years in the Marine Corps and 18 in the Coast Guard before spending the last five with Survival Flight. His job has taken him around the world. During his career, he's been stationed in Michigan, Cali- fornia, South Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Alaska and Japan, per- forming transport flights, search and rescue and - in his current position - medical transport. Despite a relatively low num- ber of transfers - Survival Flight typically runs about three calls per day - the program is involved in some of the most critical cases coming into the University. Most of the cases accepted by the program are transfers to one of the University's intensive care units, where patients with potentially life-threatening inju- ries can receive around-the-clock care from a team of specialists, depending on the case. While these units are found at health systems around the state, certain types of specialty care can best be handled by experts at the Uni- versity, requiringsuch patients be transported to University facili- ties, sometimes from hundreds or even thousands of miles away. To receive a Survival Flight transfer, a patient's doctor must first contact a physician at the University and have them agree to take the case. From there, they can make a request for the patient to be transferred via traditional ground ambulance or by one of the handful of air transport pro- grams currently operating in Michigan. Pacsai inspect one of the three Eurocopter EC-155 helicopters used to transport patients outside of the University Hospital. (Ruby Wallau/Daily) The key to a successful trans- fer, Pacsai said, is limiting the time out of the hospital. For critically-ill patients, even a couple of hours outside of the hospital can be detrimental to the recovery process. While ground ambulances can in most cases transport patients effectively, they are limited by certain fac- tors, such as road conditions and distance between hospitals. The Survival Flight helicop- ters, on the other hand, can travel 300 miles at about 165 miles per hour, transporting patients from Grand Rapids to the University in about 45 minutes, compared to a ground ambulance, which can easily take 2 hours under perfect conditions in no traffic. In general, Pacsai said ground ambulances also tend to be uncomfortable for the patient. "The helicopter can be rough, but in general our effort is to make it smooth and it can be a much smoother ride than some ambulances given the road condi- tions," Pacsai said. In addition to the speed of transports, Survival Flight pro- vides a higher level of care than standard ambulance services. The two flight medics that travel onboard the helicopter - respon- sible for providing care to a patient during transport - are registered nurses and paramedics. Based on this training, they are able to pro- vide a similar level of care to what a patient might receive in any hos- pital intensive care unit. While ICU-to-ICU transfers make up about 80 to 85 percent of calls, the program also performs emergency scene calls as needed throughout the region. Pacsai said he has been called to land in some pretty unique locations, such as the M14-I75 interchange. In these situations, first-responders are responsible for assessing whether the helicopter is needed based on a combination of safety consid- erations, speed of transport and accessibility of the landing zone. "My biggest reward for being (at Survival Flight) is the fact that we fly people who really need a ride," Pacsai said. Pacsai said his most important role in the program is to ensure the safety ofhimself and the crew. This emphasis on safety draws on first-hand knowledge of its inher- ent dangers. In June 2007, six members of the Survival Flight program died when their fixed-. wing aircraft crashed into Lake Michigan. "Our hearts are broken by this devastating and irreplaceable loss for the University of Michi- gan community," said University President Emerita Mary Sue Cole- man at a press conference the day after the event. In an interview with The Michigan Daily in March 2014, Coleman, reflecting on her time in office, said the weeks and months following that crash were some of the most difficult of her entire tenure, as she personally attended funerals for the deceased mem- bers of the University community. John Bullen, a flight nurse who has been with the program for more than 20 years, knew most of the people on the flight. The crash struck him and other members of the program hard, but in the years since they have rededicated themselves to improving safety. Still, he said they take pause every June to remember the events and look for ways to improve. "If you think the work you do is important, one needs to carry on," Bullen said. "That was what we did ... It's not ever going to be risk free, but we do everything we can do to minimize that risk." Pacsai said the medical trans- port industry as a whole has made a similar commitment. His men- tality has changed since his time in the service, an inevitable'esult of the change inresponsibilities. He recalled a flight he took over Green Bay during his time in the Coast Guard in an effort to rescue someone who had fallen in the frigid water. The crew was "dodging rain squalls and thun- derstorms" to get to the individu- al, flying close to the water in low visibility. Pacsai described the situation as "pretty dicey." "The bottom line: if you put yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, you've made decisions before that got you there," he said. "You make the decision when you're comfort- able, so you don't have to do the .crazy stuff when you're uncom- fortable." Unlike the Coast Guard and Marines, Pacsai said he feels no pressure to fly when conditions are poor at Survival Flight. He takes comfort in knowing that, within the health system they serve, there's always a backup plan. In Livingston, skies are blue and the winds are calm as Pacsai and the flight team approach the end of their 12-hour shift. Several mem- bers of the flight crew sit in the command center watching televi- sion, and one member from the fol- lowing shift starts to unpack their gear for the night shift. A call comes in over a yellow handheld radio sitting next to one of the desktop computers - patient transfer, sepsis. The team plots a flight route toward Monroe. Once they pick up their patient, it will be a quick 20-minute flight to Ann Arbor. The patient is stable in the ICU, so Bullen and the other flight nurse take a couple minutes to call the hospital and get a more detailed patient history. If possible, they aim to show up at the hospital with all the necessary equipment already onboard. Five minutes later, the rotor blades are spinning. Pacsai sits at the controls running his pre-flight checklist. He checks left and right down the runway - gaining his awareness of traffic in the area - then slowly builds power, lift- ing the wheels off the ground and turning his aircraft toward the southeast corner of the field. "We give people a chance, that's what they get." CONFERENCE From Page 1A measured by real gross domestic product output, to rise - from the current 2.2 percent to 3.1 percent in 2015 and 3.3 percent in 2016. Manaenkov and Hall also fore- see 2.7 million jobs being generat- ed in 2015 and another 2.6 million in 2016, for a total of 5.3 million across the country over the next two years. Michigan Research Prof. George A. Fulton, director of RSQE, discussed the job mar- ket forecast for Michigan in his presentation on Friday. He said the state will have created about 463,000 jobs between the sum- mer of 2009 and 2016, with the largest growth being in the pro- fessional and business sector where 33,000 jobs are expected to be added. The economists predict that the unemployment rate for both the U.S. and Michigan should continue to fall over the next two years. Manaenkov and Hall predicted the national rate to lie at 5.4 per- cent at the end of 2015 and then drop to 5 percent by the end of 2016. Michigan's unemployment rate is currently at 7.2 percent, but Fulton expects it to be at 6.7 after 2015 and a low 6.3 percent going into 2017. "In all, the Michigan economy has certainly come a long way in the past five years, and that prog- ress should be celebrated," Fulton said. Nigel Gault, Co-Chief Econo- mist at The Parthenon Group, a consulting firm, disagreed with Manaenkov's prediction for U.S. GDP growth. "We need to be realistic about long term growth in the com- ing years," he said. "We should expect 2 percent (growth) rather than 3 percent." Along with GDP and job growth, the housing market is projected to continue to recover slowly after home sales plummet- ed following the 2009 recession. "Job gains is the key deter- minant," said David W. Berson, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company's senior vice president and chief economist while pre- senting on home sales. "The good news is that job growth has been pickingup, and the monthlygains (in home sales) in 2014 are by far the strongest in this expansion." When asked which elements of his presentation of the confer- ence as a whole he believed to be most relevant to college students, Manaenkov reiterated his predic- tions for the job market. "There's research that suggests that the state of the labor market when one gets their first job out of college has a permanent effect on lifetime income," he wrote in an e-mail. "Because of that, cur- rent students who will graduate into a better market will probably be better off than those that did graduate recently." Trends in vehicle sales, vehicle safety and gas prices were also a topic of discussion on both days of the conference. Nationwide, light vehicle sales are expected to increase. Manaenkov and Hall predicted 16.6 million units sold in 2015 and 17 million in 2016, with truck sales dominatingthe market as demand for SUVs and CUVs, crossover utility vehicles, increases. Richard Wallace, director of Transportation Systems Analy- sis at the Center for Automotive Research, discussed the vehicular innovations we should expect to see in the upcoming years, partic- ularly in vehicle connectivity and communication. CAR is researching a topic called connected vehicles, which would allow close together cars on the road to communicate with each other and roadside infra- structure. Wallace hopes this communication would increase vehicle and roadway safety and mobility and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. "You don't need to know about imity," Wallace said. remain stable at approximately vehicles that are miles away from Manaenkov and Hall project $79 to $80 per barrel through you, but you do 'need to know gas prices to maintain their cur- 2016. about ones that are in your prox- rent levels, as oil prices should q I A