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November 21, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-11-21

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, November 21, 2014


unsure TX
10 percent
plan doable

Members of By Any Means Necessary protest during the regents meeting Thursday. The meeting was relocated after protestors began pushing past security
guards. They later left the Union and marched down State Street to the admissions office.
BMN p rotest te m orly
Sshuts down rgntsmetng

Schlissel restarts
meeting in closed
Fleming Building
Daily StaffReporter
Carrying signs and shouting
"Open it up, or shut it down,"
about two dozen members of the
organization By Any Means Nec-
essary shut down the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents monthly
meeting Thursday afternoon.

The protesters pushed past
barriers intended to separate the
public from the table of regents
and University's executive offi-
cers inside the Union's Anderson
Room. They refused to be seated
after interrupting remarks by
recently inaugurated Ann Arbor
Mayor Christopher Taylor just a
few minutes into the meeting.
"The University of Michigan
can no longer ignore the growing
segregation and intense hostil-
ity towards minority and'women
students unless they want a rude
awakening on this campus,"
BAMN organizer Jose Alvarenga
said during the protest. "Actions

speak louder than words."
Several security officers
struggled to hold protesters
behind the ropes. Both plain-
clothed and uniformed officers
stood with their arms stretched
out, at times pressing against the
small crowd to keep them from
approaching the boardroom
table. After a few minutes of pro-
test, University President Mark
Schlissel asked if the students
would step back from the rope,
but apart from those comments,
the University did not directly
ask the protesters to sit down or
stop chanting.
After staying for a few min-

utes of the protest, the regents
and executive officers left the
room at the recommendation of
public safety officers. Accord-
ing to DPSS spokesperson Diane
Brown, additional officers were
dispatched to the Union but
made no arrests or ejections.
BAMN - a national organiza-
tion that advocates on behalf of
affirmative action and inimigra-
tion rights, among other issues -
held a press conference near the
entrance of the Union before the
meeting and rallied on campus
earlier this month, listing several
demands directed toward the
See BAMN, Page 2A

BAMN demands
increase in minority
Daily StaffReporter
After the chants of about two
dozen BAMN protesters forced
University President Mark
Schlissel to relocate Thursday's
meeting of the University's Board
of Regents, several BAMN mem-
bers called on the University to
increase its minority enrollment
by guaranteeing admission to
every in-state student in the top
10 percent of their high school
graduating class.
Despite the adoption of simi-
lar plans in Texas, California
and Florida, it's unclear whether
such a policy would be feasible in
In recent years, the Univer-
sity has struggled to increase the
representation of minority stu-
dents, particularly since the pas-
sage of Proposal 2 in 2006, which

banned the consideration of race
in admissions.
The number of underrepre-
sented minority students in this
year's freshman class remained
roughly stagnant, though the
proportion of minority students
reflected a slight decrease due to
the largerthan average class size.
Along with a list of several
other grievances, BAMN has
demanded that the University
double its minority enrollment
through an initiative similaruto
Texas' "Top 10 Percent Rule." In
Texas, every public university
automatically admits students
who rank in the top 10 percent of
their high school classes.
LSA senior Tara McManus, a
BAMN member who attended
the protest, said the University
uses the statewide ban on affir-
mative action as a cover for its
failure to improve its enrollment
of minority students. She said
adopting a plan similar to the
policy in Texas would increase
minority enrollment while stay-
ing within the lines of the state's
See TEXAS, Page 2A

Journalist talks
tobacco industry
media coverage
Charles Lewis Washington, D.C., where Lewis
is a tenured professor.
says companies In the discussion, Lewis
expressed frustration with the
complacent in tendency for the public to hear
about wrongdoing only after it
millions of deaths initially occured.
"I looked at how. often have we
ByIRENE PARK found out the truth months or
Daily StaffReporter years later instead of real-time,"
Lewis said. "And I found that this
Inside the Biomedical Science happens a lot."
Research Building on Thursday, Lewis said misleading infor-
investigative journalist Charles mation from powerful groups
Lewis discussed the history of could cause delayed awareness
investigative journalism in the in the public, particularly in the
tobacco industry during a lec- case of the tobacco industry. He
ture titled "The Truth About the said smoking killed approximate-
Lies." ly 100 million people in 20th cen-
Lewis, a former investigative tury alone, more than both world
reporter for ABC News and pro- wars combined.
ducer of the CBS program "60 Despite the harmful effects,
Minutes," is the founder of the companies advertised tobacco
Center for Public Integrity, one as harmless for decades before
of the largest nonpartisan, non- being regulated.
profit investigative news organi- "The CEOs of the seven tobac-
zations in the country. The center co companies said that tobacco
aims to expose corruption and is not harmful," he said. "One
abuse in both public and private of the CEOs actually said that it
institutions. might be more dangerous to eat
He also co-founded the Inves- Twinkies than to smoke tobac-
tigative Reporting Workshop, an co."
investigative news organization In addition to misleading
based at American University in See JOURNALIST, Page 2A

Students hold a candlelight vigil on the Diag Thursday to show support-for 43 Mexican students that went
missing. The students are asking for the Mexican government to give jusice for the missing men.
Student-held VIgilhnors
missing Mexican students.

Campus votes
reps., school
gov. members
UMEC votes on
changes to student
government constitution
Daily StaffReporter
The democratic process was in full
swing this week at the University.
From 12:00 a.m. on Nov. 19 until
11:59 p.m. on Nov.20, students across
campus voted in fall elections for
Central Student Government repre-
sentatives, as well as on a variety of
individual issues.
Engineering students could vote
to completely replace the University
of Michigan Engineering Council
constitution. The entire campus also
had the opportunity to elect a stu-
dent representative to serve on the
Department of Public Safety Over-
sight Committee.
Additionally, students from LSA,
the Ross School of Business, School
of Information, School of Public
Health, the Law School and Rack-
ham Graduate School were able to
elect representatives to Central Stu-
dent Government.
Results for all elections are

Friends of
kidnapped 43
teens, others
gather on Diag
Daily StaffReporter
Two months after 43 stu-
dents went missing after being
taken from Iguala, Mexico by
police during a protest, Uni-
versity students commemo-
rated the missing students'
lives during a vigil on the Diag

Thursday evening.,.
Around 5 p.m., a group of
students and Ann Arbor resi-
dents marched from Mason
Hall to the Diag, carry-
ing posters with the phrase
"Vivos los Queremos," rough-
ly translating to "bring them
back alive," and a string of
images depicting the faces and
names of the missing students.
They chanted: "Where are the
43 students? Where?"
On Sept. 26, 43 students
from Raul Isidro Burgo Ayo-
tzinapa Normal School were
protesting for education
reform in Iguala when police

officers shot, at the students
and then rounded them up
into police vehicles. They have
not been seen since.
Mexican government offi-
cials have since stated that the
students were killed by a car-
tel, however their bodies have
not been accounted for.
The protest and vigil comes
on the eve of a global day
of action, which is slated to
include more than 250 pro-
tests across the world. On
the Diag, a group of about 30
people created a large circle
around the block M as speak-
See VIGIL, Page 3A

Makin his mark
0 yFor senior Alex Mitropoulos-Rundus,
the chance to make an impact on
Saturday comes off the field.


Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and letus know.

'The Bigger You Are...' Part Two: The Price of Fame Vol. CXXIV No. 31

NEWS ......... ....2A SUOOKU..................... 3A
OPINION.............4A CLASSIPItOS............... 6A
SPORTS...........7A B-SIDE .................,...1B

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