The Michigan Daily -
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 - 3A'
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, September 3, 2014- 3A
Driver murdered
as a result of a
road rage incident
Southeastern Michigan author-
ities say a man shot and killed
another man who approached his
vehicle after a road rage incident.
Livingston County Undersher-
iff Mike Murphy says the killing
happened about 3:35 p.m. Tuesday
in Genoa Township, near Howell
and about 45 west-northwest of
Murphy tells WHMI-FM that
two vehicles were eastbound on
Grand River when one passed
the other. He says both stopped
at an intersection and a 43-year-
old man got out of his vehicle and
walked over to the other vehicle.
Murphy says the 69-year-old
man driving the second vehicle
fatally shot the 43-year-old, then
pulled over and waited for police.
Thirty teens
escape from youth
detention center
Thirty teens "overwhelmed"
their minders at a juvenile deten-
tion center by simultaneously
breaking out of four dormitories
and then crawling under a weak
spot in a chain-link fence. By
Tuesday evening, seven were still
on the run.
Police caught up with some
walking along roads or coming
out of the woods. Some turned
themselves in, including one at
the guard shack Tuesday evening.
And some were swiftly returned
to the detention center by their
own families for their own good.
"He broke loose, he was gone,
but he's back now," said LaWanda
Knowles, whose nephew joined
the escape. "I just want to know
that he's here safely and he's OK
- I don't want the police jumping
on him, nobody beating on him or
Hacker obtains
naked photos of
Apple said Tuesday that hack-
ers obtained nude photos of Jen-
nifer Lawrence and other female
celebrities by pilfering images
from individual accounts rather
than through a broader attack on
the company's services.
Meanwhile, numerous sharing
sites r moved images of the stars
apparently in response to copy-
right complaints.
However, experts say there is
no way to fully scrub the photos
from the Internet and the imag-
es could keep popping up in the
future, forcing celebrities to file
repeated complaints as they play a
cyber-version of the arcade game
Apple said its engineers have
determined that hackers breached
individual accounts and didn't
obtain general access to a pair of
the company's services - iCloud
and Find my iPhone. The tech
giant said it released the results
after conducting 40 hours of
Law enforcement inquiries
likely will take days or weeks to
Islamic extremists
release claimed
beheading video
Islamic State extremists
released a video Tuesday pur-
portedly showing the beheading
of a second American journalist,
Steven Sotloff, and warning Presi-
dent Barack Obama that as long as
U.S. airstrikes against the militant
group continue, "our knife will
continue to strike the necks of
your people."
The footage - depicting what
the U.S. called a sickening act of
brutality - was posted two weeks
after the release of video showing
the killing of James Foley and just
days after Sotloff's mother plead-
ed for his life.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports
From Page 1A
make an ALS free world is our pas-
sion," Feldman said. "We're very
excited about participating, donat-
ing and getting other individuals
to participate and become more
aware of the disease."
The Institute's challenge video
is posted on their website and has
put a twist on the original chal-
lenge by usingbeakers rather than
buckets. In the video, Feldman
challenges other ALS scientists to
take up the Ice "Beaker" Challenge
as well. Feldman also instigated an
Ice Bucket Billionaire Challenge,
directed at philanthropist Alfred
Taubman, the man for whom the
Institute is named. Taubman,
who is 90 years old, accepted
the challenge, recognizing the
groundbreaking work done at his
Feldman said she is happy to
donate to the ALS Association, as
the organization has supported
both the Institute's ALS clinic and
its stem cell research. She said she
expects the money to fast-track,
therapies to treat the disease.
"It's an extremely interest-
ing and important event that's
occurred," Feldman said. "Who
knew that a bucket of ice on your
head could result eventually in
$100 million dollars to address in
a very novel way this horrible dis-
Some of the money could even-
tually be awarded to the Univer-
sity. Feldman said her lab already
has several ideas for new projects
concerning ALS they would like
funding for, and they are also look-
ing to further advance their stem
cell studies.
"They may put out a call for
distributing the money," Feldman
said. "We will be there, and we
hope to be first in line."
The Institute has already ben-
efited from the challenge, as Feld-
man said donations have increased
in the past month. Additionally, as
of Aug. 25, the Michigan Chapter
of the ALS Association had gener-
ated roughly $50,000 in donations
as a result of the challenge. ALS of
Michigan focuses on clinical care,
contrasting the national orga-
nization, which focuses on both
research and care.
"What that will mean for our
clinic and other clinics are more
dollars for clinical care, which is
very important," Feldman said.
Feldman addressed the critics
who have pushed back against the
Ice Bucket Challenge, who argue
that the challenge is funneling dol-
lars into ALS research that could
have been directed at other, more
common diseases. She said the Ice
Bucket Challenge shows the pub-
lic is receptive to donating to bio-
medical research, and opens the
doorway for other activists to gain
money for disorders throughsocial
"I think that really what the Ice
Bucket Challenge can do for the
other disorders is lay the gaunt-
let down," Feldman said. "What
can be the next social media way
in which those disorders can
raise new money for biomedical
research and clinical trials?"
From Page 1A
gan where large populations ofstu-
dents come from, as well as places
of interest across the state. The trip
included stops in Detroit, Dear-
born, Grand Rapids, Traverse City,
Lansing, Midland and the Upper
According to the Office of the
Registrar's Fall 2013 Enrollment
Report, 3,479 University students
hail from Wayne County, home to
Detroit and Dearborn. Another
1,083 students reside in Kent Coun-
ty, where Grand Rapids is located.
Lansing's Ingham County produc-
es 575 students and Traverse City's
Grand Traverse County produces
234 students. Two-hundred-and-
thirteen students are from Mid-
land County.
The couple's first stop was
Detroit, where they visited the
Detroit Institute of Arts and chose
to sign up for a membership. They
also saw the Renaissance Center,
which is the world headquarters
of General Motors, and enjoyed the
Midtown neighborhood's mix of
shops and eateries.
"Detroit was in many ways the
most interesting," Schlissel wrote
in an e-mail interview. "Having
heard and read so much about its
economic difficulties, it was excit-
ing to see strong signs of renewed
investment and the seeds of recov-
In recent years, the University
has expanded its efforts to engage
with the city of Detroit, including
the creation of a Detroit Center
and Semester inDetroit, a program
tha gives students the opportunity
to spend a term living and learning
in the city.
However, Business sopho-
more Corey Johnson, who is from
Detroit, said the University could
increase its connections with
Detroit, including more participa-
tion in improving the city's public
From Page 1A
internal transparency in the name
of Shokar's privacy - who cited an
injury and resulting treatment as
the cause for stepping down. The
announcement was made through
social media on Shokar's twitter
and Facebook page.
While CSG President Bobby
Dishell, a Public Policy senior,
followed the council's constitu-
tional bylaws by vetting Lustig
himself, also getting approval
from the CSG Executive Nomina-
tions Committee, representatives
not on that committee were frus-
trated that they had not been noti-
fied of her potential appointment
Speaking from personal expe-
rience as vice president last year,
Dishell said he trusts Lustig to
put in the work necessary to make
student government initiatives
"It is an extremely thankless
job, and one that is incredibly
important to us here and to the
University," he said. "There is no
one who is more qualified."
Some, like CSG Vice Speaker
Laurel Ruza, a Public Policy
senior, felt Lustig's nomination
process had circumvented the
"There are quite a few students
who come from Detroit and Metro
Detroit, and it is necessary for him
to see where we come from," he
said. "Having heard and read so
much about its economic difficul-
ties, it was exciting to see strong
signs of renewed investment and
the seeds of recovery. I am now
very bullish on Detroit. I've been
asking around campus learning
about the University's many proj-
ects in and about the city."
In Lansing, Schlissel and
Schwebs walked the plaza con-
necting the State Capitol with the
Judiciary Building and visited the
Michigan Historical Museum.
Schlisseliwill likely be a frequent
visitor to Lansing. During her ten-
ure, University President Emerita
Mary Sue Coleman traveled to the
state's capitol to lobby for increas-
ing funding for higher education,
which has seen extensive cuts in
recent years.
The couple also traveled to
Grand Rapids, where they enjoyed
the downtown area and public
space in front of the Grand Rapids
Art Museum.
LSA senior Nick Ellis, who
is from Grand Rapids, said he
watched this downtown area
become reinvigorated over the
course of his high school years.
"It looks beautiful now, truly
revitalized," Ellis said. "There is
a new plaza, art galleries and new
apartments. I love to hang out
there when I'm home."
He said it's comforting to know
the new president is making an
effort to engage with his home-
"Grand Rapids has always been
second to Detroit," Ellis said. it
really has so much to offer. Itwould
be great if the University could
build up a stronger tie to the west
side (of the state)."
On the other side of the state,
Schlissel visited the Dow Chemi-
cal Company in Midland, where
he met with company leaders who
majority of the representatives.
Ruza said Lustig wasn't the most
qualified candidate and fur-
ther asserted that the selection
process had "delegitimized the
Medical student Michael Yee,
the only assemblyman to oppose
Lustig's election in the final
vote, said he felt protecting Sho-
kar's privacy didn't excuse the
closeted process of her replace-
ment's selection, adding that the
representatives themselves only
learned about her resignation
through social media.
"I don't think a person's priva-
cy and transparency in selecting
a candidate for vice president are
mutually exclusive," Yee said.
LSA sophomore Swathi Shan-
mugasundaram echoed this con-
cern earlier in the night during
the debate, before which repre-
sentatives were given the oppor-
tunity to ask Lustig a total of eight
questions about her potentially
elevated role. This was in addition
to the nomination committee's
introductory endorsement.
"I just feel like I don't know
you, and that's the problem for
me," Shanmugasundaram told
Lustig. "I don't think it's fair that
I got maybe two minutes to speak
on behalf of what, a thousand stu-
dents that I'm representing, to
have worked with the University
on issues of sustainability.
Schlissel's father worked for
Dow as a pharmaceutical salesman
and took many trips to Midland.
Schlissel and Schwebs also spent
time in some of the state's most
popular vacation destinations,
including Glen Arbor, Mich. and
the Sleeping Bear Dunes National
Lakeshore. Theyalsotook awinery
tour in the Leelanau Peninsula and
trekked to the Upper Peninsula,
where they enjoyed a sunset cruise
on Lake Superior to see Pictured
Rocks National Lakeshore.
"I was struck by the size and
beauty of the state," Schlissel said.
"Lake Michigan is every bit as
pretty as Cape Cod."
One of Schlissel's final destina-
tions was the 10,000-acre U-M
Biological Station on Douglas Lake
in Northern Michigan.
Biology Prof Knute Nadelhof-
fer, director of the University of
Michigan Biological Station, ate
lunch with Schlissel and Schwebs
and gave them a five-hour tour
around the station.
"President Schlissel was very
outgoing, very interactive with
the staff, students,-faculty and
researchers," Nadelhoffer said.
"He clearly understood what we
did here before he came; he had
learned about that on his own."
Schlissel said he was impressed
by the station and noted it is a great
setting to do important environ-
mental and ecosystem research.
On top of learning about the
state that Schlissel will now call
home, he also said the trip pro-
vided an important chance to
evaluate how the University can
better interact with the state that
it's meant to serve.
"There is room for increased
engagement all across the state,"
he said. "It reinforced my belief
that the University must take very
seriously its role as an engine for
the state's economy."
get to know you, to say you're in
this position. I'm not saying that
you're not qualified ... but I think
that we all need more time to get
to know you."
Shanmugasundaram later pro-
posed that the assembly postpone
voting on Lustig's election until
the next meeting, which was
struck down.
Lustig said she went through
three or four rounds of interviews
with Dishell in addition to speak-
ing with other assembly members.
"It's really important for the
vice president to work with the
president well, and know the
inner workings of CSG well," said
LSA Senior Emily Sexton, head
of the Nominations Committee,
later adding that Lustig's quali-
fications in that capacity were
Shokar, who attended the meet-
ing, remained silent throughout
the conversation.
After the meeting, Lustig said
in an interview that she under-
stood those of her peers who were
initially hesitant to confirm her as
vice president.
"I understand them being
skeptical and critical," Lustig
said. "That's their job. They
were asking the questions that I
think many students will or have
already asked."
From Page 1A
tion," DeVaney said in the press
release. "Through leadership in
curricular innovation, learning
analytics and digital infrastruc-
ture at scale we enable engaged,
personalized and lifelong learn-
ing for the entire Michigan com-
munity. Our approach to digital
education and innovation is both
scholarly and practical."
The University intends
to advance digital education
through the Unizin consortium
- a program created by the Uni-
versity and three additional U.S.
researchinstitutions, to improve
the way educational content is
shared between universities
and its students. Specifically, the
program will allow faculty to
store and share material while
maintaining intellectual prop-
erty control.
The University will continue
its involvement with Coursera,
an online learning platform
serving nearly 700,000 students
world-wide through both cours-
es available to the general public
and private courses. However,
the University recently decided
to expand digital teaching and
learning options by partnering
with NovoEd, a program simi-
lar to Coursera, known for its
collaborative learning through
Through the program, fac-
ulty will be given the oppor-
From Page 1A
Howard Brick, Louis Evans
Professor of History, said that
other universities, includingthe
University of California, Berk-
ley and New York University,
were interested in the collec-
tion. However, Brick said Ann
Arbor was a special place for
"I think he felt that his own
history here at Michigan and in
Ann Arbor tugged at him and
made it seem most appropriate
that that collection come here,"
Brick said.
Hayden's collection will be
housed in the Joseph A. Laba-
die Collection, which assembles
collections related to the his-
tory of social and political pro-
test movements from the 19th
century to the present, in the
Hatcher Graduate Library.
Julie Herrada, the curator for
the Labadie Collection, is in the
tunity to experiment with
innovations that will allow stu-
dents to interact and collabo-
rate more on course material.
Timothy McKay, Arthur F.
Thurnau Professor of Phys-
ics, professor of astronomy and
director of the LSA Honors
Program, is serving on an advi-
sory group that will guide the
new office. After his positive
experience developing his own
program that uses learning ana-
lytics to tailor to the classroom
experience for students in large
introductory courses, McKay
is confident in the University's
new large-scale push.
McKay said his tool, ECoach,
was originally used in phys-
ics and then applied to vari-
ous classes that allowed him to
explore the challenges of differ-
ent needs.
"Interest has grown and now
we're ready to use it in 20 dif-
ferent places on campus with 10
different variations. And that's
getting too big for me to man-
age," McKay wrote, as he is also
chair of the Learning Analytics
Task Force.
McKay added that DEI has an
important role in expanding the
program's use.
"All of this emerged organi-
cally. What DEI can do is bridge'
that gap between innovation and
infrastructure. We'll have in this
resource the expertise to trans-
late something from a tool used
in an enthusiast class to Univer-
sitywide use."
process of arranging the docu-
ments so students and faculty
can use them.
"It is a fascinating collection
and very valuable historically,"
Herrada said. "It'll be very use-,
ful to students and researchers
for many years tocome."
Brick said this collection
gives an in-depth look into
activist movements during the
1960s and how those move-
ments affected everyday poli-
"It's an extraordinary record
about how the activism of the
1960s could live on afterwards'
and trying to bring those radi-
cal perspectives into ordinary
.politics and policy making,".
Brick said.
Hayden is coming to the Uni-
versity in mid-September to
speak to the staff of The Michi-
gan Daily, where he served as
editor from 1960-61. He is pub-
licly celebrating the collection
at a public reception at Hatcher
Graduate Library on Sept. 18.
Council passes resolution
for ridesharing agreement
Decision comes
after an increase
in regulations
Daily StaffReporter
The Ann Arbor City Council
is working to keep up with the
increasingly popular rideshare
companies Uber and Lyft, revisit-
ing the issue of their operational
status Tuesday night as a wealth
of potential rideshare clients,
University students, settled into
Following the defeat of apro-
posed ordinance last month to
increase regulations on taxi ser-
vices that was targeted at ride-
sharing services, the council
passed a resolution requesting
the City Administrator Steve
Powers negotiate operating
agreements with ridesharing
companies. Councilmembers
Sabra Briere (D-Ward 1), Sally
Hart Petersen (D-Ward 2) and
Christopher Taylor (D-Ward 3)
sponsored the resolution.
The parameters for ride-shar-
ing companies, which operate
using non-professional drivers,
include a minimum of $1 mil-
lion dollars in liability insur-
ance if operating in Ann Arbor
and required driver background
checks for drivers. Much of
the resolution's language was
derived from a discussion at last
month's meeting.
According to the Uber web-
site, Uber currently provides a
commercial liability insurance,
background checks and cash-
less checks to ensure physical
and financial security. However,
taxi drivers and companies are
enraged that ride-sharing com-
pany drivers are not required to
have a chauffeur's license and a
commercial vehicle plate, along
with not complying with Michi-
gan Limousine Transportation
A number of citizens at the
council meeting Tuesday night
testified in favor of regulation
argued that competitionbetween
taxi companies and ride-sharing
companies isunfair, with ride-
sharing companies having less
defined liabilities and fewer
constraints. Ride-sharing com-
paniessuch as Uberuse asmart-
phone app to connect drivers and
riders. Incontrastthoseopposed
to regulation argued that ride-
sharing companies provide bet-
ter public safety policies thantaxi
Peterson said the evolv-
ing world of technology helps
increase the competition
between ride-sharing companies
and taxi companies.
"I think Ann Arbor has to keep
upwiththetimes," Peterson said
"We want to be a technology:
town. We want to be innovative.
We've got to keep up with it."
Peterson added that the Taxi-
cab Board needs to make more
changes, but are headed in the'
right direction.
"I think it is time for the taxi
cab board to reevaluate their:
regulations," Peterson said. "I do'
agree that deregulating the fare?
is a step in the right direction." -
Councilmember Stephen;
Kunselman (D-Ward 3) said he'
disagrees with the resolution'
because Uber does not have to:
comply with the Michigan Lim-«
ousine Transportation Act.
"What this resolution does:'
though is create what I perceive"
as an undercutting of city attor,
ney's authority,"Kunselmansaid.*
MASS MEETINGS SEPT. 4,11,14,15 @a 7:30PM @ 420 MAYNARD