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November 20, 2014 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-11-20

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The Miehigan Daily -- michigandaily.com

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 5A


The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 5A

By Brad Whipple, Weekend Roundup Editor I Photo by Brad Whipple

F orgetthecold and forget
the stress, because only
on thing matters:
It's the most wonderful
time of the year.
Whether or not Andy
Williams is the one to tell you,
it's the truth. It's the holiday
season and that means turkey,
eggnog and family.
For those who didn't make
it home for Fall Break, like
myself, this is the moment
we've all been waiting for.
Soon we'll be in the comfort of
our own homes, warming up
beside the fire with the pets
that we've missed for so long
and promising never to leave
(if only that were true).
Home-cooked meals
are being prepared as you
watch "A Charlie Brown
Thanksgiving," and the snow
will slowly fall outside. The
punch line: you don't have
any classes to walk to. There's
finally an excuse to relax and
play on your Nintendo, read
a book or catch a late-night
In my house, it is a tradition
every year that my family sees
a movie together after dinner.
This year's pick: "The Hunger
Games: Mockingjay - Part I."

good things in life. Oddly
enough, it's this underlying
meaning that brought about
the holiday in the first place,
when the pilgrims put on a
feast after a successful harvest
in Plymouth nearly 400 years
Be thankful for the joys in
life, because others may not
have the same benefit. Don't
take what is given to you for
granted, especially the meal
you will share with your
family a week from now.
If you're worried about
coming back to reality when
the holiday is over, don't fret.
Only 10 more days of class plus
some finals, and we're back at
home for Winter Break.
When the time comes, I'll
be sitting under a tree full of
light and decorations, playing
with my puppies while
admiring the voice of Karen
But even if there are 28 days
standing between now and
the end of the semester, one
thing is for certain: I didn't lie
to you.
It is indeed the most
wonderful time of the year,
and that is something to be
thankful for.

6-8 p.m.
Lydia Mendelssohn
LFn day, 11/21
"Sweeney Todd"
8 p.m.
Lydia Mendelssohn
GO BLUE! Spirit Day
1-4 p.m.
The Diag
Michigan Football vs.
3:30 p.m.
The Big House
Men's Glee Club Concert
8 p.m.
Hill Auditorium
"Caroline, or Change"
2 p.m.
Arthur Miller Theatre
Dance Marathon Therapy
3:30-5 p.m.
Sports Coliseum

It's the newest installment in before you know it. So yes, done Thanksgiving the wrong
the franchise, and if you're not study for that final. And yes, way. This is the one time of
caught up, you've just found catch up on some schoolwork. the year where we can eat an
what you'll be doing for the But my suggestion: hide exorbitant amount of food
next few days. your backpack, and don't look that is typically frowned upon
5 There are so many ways to at it until Sunday. We've been - no judgment now. There's
enjoy this momentary break working hard for two months turkey, stuffing, yams, mashed
from the stress of projects, now, and it's time to enjoy potatoes and pumpkin pie.
papers and professors. The ourselves. The list doesn't even end
break will fly by sooner than Fill yourself so that you there, though.
you realize, and you'll be back enter a food coma. If you Thanksgiving is truly a
on the doorstep of Mason Hall don't get to that point, you've time to be thankful for the




to do on the
UI[ last game day

There's snow on the ground
and that means one thing:
winter is coming.
However, before we
embrace the frigid weather
that we as Wolverines have
come to know and tolerate,
we still have one last game
day to celebrate.
Whether it's your last game
day as a student, or your last
game day of freshman year,
this is the time to rally and
embrace your Wolverine
So while you're bundled up
under multiple layers of maize
and blue spirit, here are some
things you must do during the
last game day of the season. If
you don't, you'll have to wait
another year.

This is fun. I don't know
how you could go through
a football Saturday without
dancing on some kind of ele-
vated surface. Embrace this
last weekend of football tail-
gating and have fun with your
friends. Jump on a ledge and
forget about your impending
finals. Make sure you take a
picture while you're up there.
While I love pizza always,
there's something about gorg-
ing yourself on melted cheese
and bread after a long day
(morning) of tailgating. It's
almost tradition at this point
that my friends and I get Bell's
Pizza for lunch every game
day. In that moment when I'm

stuffing my face with pizza,
I've literally tasted nothing
better. Stopping for pizza is a
great opportunity to recharge
with your friends before
cheering on the Wolverines in
the Big House.
I know it's cold. I am
extremely aware that it is
cold. However, there are a
limited number of games to
cheer on the team, the team,
the team. This is your last
opportunity until next year
(or ever if you're graduating).
I know watching the game
from your television while
sipping hot chocolate sounds
tempting, but nothing beats
the rousing atmosphere of the
Big House. Besides, this is a
perfect opportunity to make
use of the maize and blue

How to stay in perfect
shape during the holidays

Check out more content online! Thanksgiving Dinner
5-8 p.m.
www. mich iganda ily.com Trotter Multicultural
mail: dailydisplay@gmaiL.com
RELEASE DATE- Thursday, November 20, 2014
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
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Weekend Roundup Contributor
Just when you think you
have worked off all the
Halloween candy, the real
holiday feasting begins.
Whether you are trying to
look great in that New Year's
dress, impress your friends
you haven't seen since
summer or just prove to your
parents you didn't gain the
freshman 15, everyone has
a reason to want to stay in
shape over the next couple of
The cold weather of
November and December
makes everyone want to
nuzzle into pajamas and
a snuggie. Working out
becomes even more of a
chore than it already was
but it is possible, through the
freezing temperatures and
warm stuffing, to get some
exercise in.
If you are like me and
running in nice weather
is unthinkable, doing it in
negative degrees is pretty
much impossible. But there

are tons of ways to
work out indoors that aren't
running on a treadmill at the
Try ayoga class or a fitness
class like Title Boxing.
To avoid venturing out of
your house into the cold,
download a workout video
and do a workout right in
your room. Insanity or P90X
can get your blood pumping
within 10 feet of your bed.
While most of us like to
think that if we work out we
can eat whatever we want,
that isn't how our bodies
work. Weight loss begins
in the kitchen, where you
need to decide what to not
delight yourself with. So
even though it's the holidays,
consider portion sizes when
allowing yourself a treat
every now and then. There
are so many good side dishes
during the holidays and it's
easy to eat everything...
but don't! Have a taste of
everything, but just a small
spoonful. You won't feel
like you missed out, and you

won't feel like you overate
I'll admit it, on
Thanksgiving I usually don't
eat anything all day until my
mom serves the turkey, but
this isn't the best way to keep
your eating in check over
the holidays. If you starve
yourself all day you are more
likely to overeat during the
big meals.
Eat breakfast, lunch and
snacks throughout the day
like you would normally
so that when the fancy
dinner comes, you will don't
overeat, but get enough to
keep you full for quite some
Need to get away from
your mom's prying questions
about school and your major?
How about your grandma's
insistence that "you should
meet a nice boy/girl"? Use
a trip to the gym to escape
your relatives for a few hours
this holiday season. Your
mental health and your new
toned body will thank you.

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