Page 4A -Thursday, November 20, 2014 The Michigan Daily - Page 4A - Thursday, November 20, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom a Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 MEGAN MCDONALD PETER SHAHIN and DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position oftthe Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Athletics over academics The 'U' must maintain student-athlete academic integrity espite increasing skepticism from the general public, the NCAA claims to hold "the pursuit of excellence in both academics and athletics" as a core value of its institution. The NCAA prides itself on being an organization with the students' best interests in mind above all else. Although the NCAA generates massive amounts of revenue each year - in 2013 it generated a total revenue of $913 million - it still classifies itself as a nonprofit organization with a commitment to academics. in love with the game. Tradition has been built at Michigan because it's fun to go to games and cheer on our team. Sports are fun. Football at the Big House is fun. So on Saturday, bundle up, scream until you lose your voice, take advantage of the deals that we'll get (it's fan appreciation day on Saturday!) and enjoy the day with a stadium with your friends, family and fellow Wolverines. Let's make Saturday about the football team, especially the seniors. Earlier this semester, FSAC members had the opportunity to meet with the football team leader- ship group. They voiced to us loud and clear that the student section matters to them. The first place they look after touching the ban- ner is the student section. They notice how full it is when they run out of the tunnel, and they hear and respond to our cheers throughout the game. We make a difference. So, let's do our part and support our boys in blue this Saturday. Let's get to the game early to watch our seniors honored and to cheer on our team as they run out of the tunnel. Let's stay for the whole game, sup- port our team and be active partici- pants in the victory over Maryland. We can make Saturday count. Our team needs one more win to be eligible for a post-season bid, and as students, we can do our part by cheering our team on to a victory at home for the last time this season. As students, we are Michigan and our presence at games makes a difference. As FSAC, we're bringing our best to Saturday. Will you? This article was written by members of the Football Student Advisory Committee. Ninety percent of the money brought in comes predominantly from the Division I men'sbasketballMarchMadnesstournament, through television marketing and ticket sales. Of the revenue generated by the NCAA, nearly 60 percent is directly distributed to Division I programs, with $120 million going towards grants-in-aid and $60 million in funding for student assistance. By paying the athletes' tuition, the NCAA appears to be giving the athletes an education; however, in reality it is buying the organization the workers it needs at a discount price and does not give the student-athletes the benefits they would receive if they were employees, such as overtime and promise of safety. Forbes magazine reported that "The typical Division I college football player devotes 43.3 hours per week to his sport - 3.3 more hours than the typical American work week." The NCAA restricts weekly athletic activities to taking up no more than 20 hours, but because this rule is not enforced, colleges do what they can to take their athletic programs to the next level. Most other colleges follow suit to remain competitive, even though the safety and academics of their student-athletes are put at risk. The schedules created by the NCAA suggest a tacit disregard for student-athlete education. It has been estimated that the students on teams that make it to the Final Four miss a 24.2 percent of the semester's classes, and that is for the tournament alone. The NCAA may give the athletes an opportunity for an education, but if they are only learning a fraction of what other students learn, exactly how much is an athlete's education worth? On the first day of winter semester last year, the University's men's basketball team was in Nebraska. This caused them to miss the first day of class, without significant ramifications. This comes while non-athlete students risk losing their seat should they miss the first day. The apparent emphasis on athletics over academics in the nation's universities has become clear in recent years. In 2008, a controversy arose at the University around retired Psychology Prof. John Hagen, who was accused of assisting student-athletes in maintaining eligibility by teaching independent study courses that were well below University standards of academic rigor. In Hagen's courses, the student-athletes had an average GPA of 3.62, whereas their average in other classes was a 2.57. Some students were found to have spent only 15 minutes with Hagen every two weeks, but earned up to four credits for the class. Hagen taught 294 independent studies courses from Fall 2004 to Fall 2007, 251 of which were to student- athletes. After months of investigation, the allegations were dropped, but universities across the nation were left wondering about the academic rigor and standard of student-athletes. Last March, attention was drawn to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill when athletes received relatively high marks in regular, introductory classes. Paragraph- long final papers were given an A- on more than one occasion. An interview later discovered that athletes were encouraged to sign up for "paper classes," classes with little work; later, they were guided into "easy" majors. Many student-athletes were not capable of keeping up with college academics. A UNC study showed 60 percent of football and basketball players at their school read between a fourth and eighth grade reading level. It's not acceptable for universities to allow these students into an academic world for which they are not ready. This responsibility falls first to the NCAA to make sure that universities are compliant with the academic standards in admissions and throughout the college career of student-athletes. For an organization that prides itself on putting academics first, even the money the NCAA gives to students is focused solely on what the player can contribute to the team, not what they can contribute to the classroom. Most athletic scholarships are granted for one academic year at a time, and they are available to be renewed except in cases of extreme injury that prohibit the student's athletic performance from meeting expectations. If education and player safety are the goals of the NCAA, then they wouldn't tie student-athletes' education directly to what they can give the athletic department, and thus, what they can give the NCAA. Universities will not change by themselves, and are stuck in this position the NCAA has put them in - with no room to act againstcthe harsh conditions for fear ofnotremainingcompetitive with other schools. In order to keep up with otherschools, universitieswill continue to push student-athletes as much as they can. Rules like academic standards and athletic boundaries were set for good reason, and only the NCAA can enforce them. It needs to take that first step. The NCAA needs to enforce the rules to protect not only the education of our student- first student-athletes, but also the integrity of our traditions. In a 2008 Michigan Daily interview, Bruce Madej, then University Athletic Department spokesman, said "Compliance has a big stake in each and every part of the Athletic Department. They look at academics as much as travel expenses and recruiting and all other aspects." This is precisely the problem. When our students' bus rides become as important as their educations, the system is flawed and in dire need of a change. The NCAA and universities are responsible for their athletes' educations, and must provide ways to make sure student-athletes aren't left behind. Student-athletes should be given the chance to succeed and get the most from their college education, while engaging in their respective sports. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Edvinas Berzanskis, Devin Eggert, David Harris, Rachel John, Jordyn Kay, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Victoria Noble, Michael Paul, Allison Raeck, Melissa Scholke, Michael Schramm, Matthew Seligman, Mary Kate Winn, Jenny Wang, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe LAUREL FRICKER | Winning the battle for blood When I returned to campus for my sophomore year, of Blood Drives United have, I would in a heartbeat. my personal goal was that by the end of November, every We have been tirelessly promoting and organizing this single student as well as faculty and staff member on the competition for the past eight months, but there is only University of Michigan's campus would have heard the so much the five of us can do. We cannot donate the words "Blood Battle" at least once, and hopefully even competition's goal of 2,500 pints of blood ourselves - we know for what they stood. I am afraid I have not yet desperately need you. successfully completed mygoal. There are only four blood drives left on campus to Blood Battle is the annual competition hosted by the help us save lives and beat OSU. Make an appointment student organization Blood Drives United. It occurs at with the sponsor code 'goblue' or in November between the University and Ohio State just walk in and donate - and bring all of your friends! University to see which school can collect the most pints Also, all presenting donors receive a free T-shirt and of blood. The University has won five out of the past buy-one-get-one Pizza House milkshake coupon. Please six years and has an overall record of 19 wins, 12 losses consider donating, and a huge thank you to those who and one tie during the competition's 33-year history. already have. Do you bleed maize and blue? If so, help us However, without your help, that loss tally mightbecome beat OSU. a 13 during the course of the next week. Thursday Nov. 20 in the South Quad Game Room from Appointment counts are extremely low, and every 2-8 p.m. single pint matters, both in the competition and in terms Thursday Nov. 20 in the Union Ballroom from 2-8 p.m. of saving lives. Your pint of blood can save three lives, Friday Nov. 21in the Hatcher Graduate Library Gallery and if you were to donate every 56 days from the time from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. you turned 17 until you reached 76 years old, you would Friday Nov. 21 in the Union Ballroom from 12-6 p.m. have donated 48 gallons of blood, potentially helping save Need another reason to donate? Check out the short more than 1,000 lives. And as we are quickly approaching news piece from Local 4 about agirl who needs thousands the holiday season, your pint is needed more than ever, as of donors to donate blood on her behalf. fewer people donate duringthese months. If I could donate more than once or even just show Laurel Fricker is an LSA sophomore and an you how much passion the five of us Executive Officers executive board member of Blood Drives United. .I hile the front seats of my decrepit, immobile Pontiac Grand Prix often provided a venue for deep discussion, particular bits of conversations , lately resurfaced in my mind. Within the car's rust-encrusted confines,two dear friends divulged MELISSA secrets, expressed SCHOLKE future hopes and formed promises. The tall, good-natured shadow in the passenger seat frequently assured his anxious counterpart her worth and her academic ability weren't intertwined. He promised she could trust the decisions she was making - even if they contradicted others' expectations. He fervently suggested she cease fearing her own intuition. Likewise, the small shadow sitting cross-legged in the driver's seat lookedback at her friend and assured him the whispered judgments of close-minded people were worthless. Supportive,. tolerant individuals - the soft-spoken shadow swore to him - aren't a rarity in the world. She promised him once he left their little hometown - where archaic notions, indifference and homophobia were as frequent as the snowfall - everything would improve. She, with teary eyes, promised him minds and society were about to change. Of all the promises I've made, that particular statement is one I, regretfully, find myself continually questioning. The words - in for- mation - arise with full, idealistic conviction. Yet each time, the syl- lables wedgethemselves in my throat before their shaky utterance. My words are well-intentioned when I try to offer support to my family and friends who identify as LGBTQ, but I know my attempts to empa- thize with my loved ones will never allow me to fully understand their struggles. Nor will my optimistic statements remedy the injustice they face. Likewise, I know they deserve far more than reassurance mpty romzi and promises - especially the empty ones they've been receiving from Michigan's government.' A tumultuous legal battle - span- ning a mere matter of months - both ignited and diminished the hopes of the LGBTQ community and its allies. At first, over 300 same-sex couples were granted the long-overdue right to legally marry, but state Attorney General Bill Schuette quickly halted progress by issuing a stay - restrain- ing any further marriages and forcing the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals to assume jurisdiction of the case. Schuette's appeal'initiated the beginning of a tenuous and unneces- sary waiting game. An answer - in the form of a 2-1 ruling by the Sixth Circuit - was received earlier this month. However, this decision com- pletelyunraveled the miniscule steps taken by the state to ensure equal- ity for all citi- zens. Although- the two judges Until same-s who decided to reinstitute the is legalized - ban stated "the doubt - laws question is not whether Ameri- to dictate v can law will individual ca allow gay cou- ples to marry; it the life th, is how and when that will hap- pen," Schuette on Nov. 14 further demonstrated unwillingness to let same-sex marriage occur by declar- ing the marriages performed in March no longer exist. By issuing a filing stating: "From a legal standpoint, because the mar- riages rested solely on the district court's erroneous decision, which has now been reversed, it is as if the marriages never existed and the Plaintiff's request for benefits attendant to a legal marriage must be denied," Schuette retracted the promise frequently echoed over the past few months by Snyder where he reaffirmed the legality of these marriages. Now with only the rem- nants of a former promise to hold onto, LGBTQ couples are forced to wait for action from the U.S. Supreme Court.. Even in the realm of preventing if lI lE discrimination, the potential for progress has met possible hindrAnc- es. Currently, Michigan's main anti- discrimination law doesn't offer any protections for LGBTQ citi- zens, but the proposed amendment by state Rep. Frank Foster (R - St. Ignace) would only offer protection to a subset of its intended commu- nity. The amendment - while it does include protections for sexual orientation - doesn't include any mentions of "gender identity and expression" in the language of the legislation. Likewise, a possible impediment to the overall goals of the amendment is found in pairing this piece of legislation with anoth- er proposal - known as the Michi- gan Religious Freedom Restoration Act - that would allow for "broad exemptions to federal laws if they conflict with an individual's reli- gious beliefs." Currently, the ex marriage University and select cities offer - without a protections for will continue sexual orienta- tion as well as ihether an gender identity n freely lead and expression, but legislators ey desire. cannot expect members of the LGBTQ commu- nity to confine themselves to a single city or move out of state if they want to possess rights they're wrongfully denied in Michigan. Regretfully, this is an option my friends and family members have considered for the future. Even if proper anti- discrimination laws are eventu- ally passed, it would only partially eliminate discrimination. Until same-sex marriage is legalized - without a doubt - laws will contin- ue to dictate whether an individual can freely lead the life they desire. Michigan's leaders must stop try- ing to placate citizens by insinuat- ing they'll eventually receive basic human rights. Our friends and family deserve action, not more empty promises. - Melissa Scholke can be reached at melikaye@umichedu. 6 4 FOOTBALL STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE I Make Saturday count To Our Fellow Wolverines: Throughout the semester, between study- ing for our exams, enjoying boneless Thursday deals at Buffalo Wild Wings and cheering on the football team, a group of 22 students, all foot- ball season-ticket holders, have met regularly with the UniversityAthletic Department. With four representatives from each class, includ- ing graduate students and two members of the Central Student Government, the Football Stu- dent Advisory Council has served as a candid voice to the Athletic Department regarding stu- dents' experiences at football games. We've helped make changes to how students experience game days. Our feedback played arole in loweringfootball season ticket prices and the free water at the Penn State game was our doing. We've also contributed to the discount on hot dogs available through the H.A.IL. app, because who doesn't love discounted hot dogs? Hotdors,cheaper tickets and free waterjust skim the surface of the list of improvements that FSAC has contributed to, andthough they may make for a more positive student expe- rience, the Athletic Department's policies should not influence our student section game day environment. Our attitude determines whether or not we enjoy game day. As a student body, our attitude toward this upcoming football game is important. Saturday marks the last home game of the season, the last time we will walk through those hallowed gates into our house this year, and our attitude will dictate our experience of the game. So, let's choose to put aside our critiques and complaints and make the matchup between Michigan and Maryland the best home football game atmosphere yet. Let's make Saturday fun. The rich tradition surrounding Michigan football far surpasses any other collegiate football program, and that tradition includes having fun. Players spend hours every week at practice preparing for Saturdays because at some point they fell ENJOY A GOOD ARGUMENT? LIKE CURRENT EVENTS? POLITICS? MICHIGAN? Check out The Michigan Daily's editorial board meetings. Every Sunday and Wednesday at 6 p.m., the Daily's opinion staff meets to discuss both University and national affairs and write editorials. E-mail to join in the debate. 4 { A