New 2A - Wednesday, November 19, 2014 The Michigan Daily - Ale idiigan DAMl 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 PETER SHAHIN DOUGLAS SOLOMON Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1251 734-415-4115 ext. 1241 SUIT AND TIE NU INiTtI A TIVE SO Native American Outreach A report released Monday by Northwestern's Native Ameri- can Outreach and Inclusion Task Force outlined a series of recom- mendations for Northwestern University, the Daily Northwest- ern reported. The report offers more than 50 ways that the University can improve their relationship with Native American communities on campus, including creating an Indigenous Research Center and renaming programs and build- ings after University founder John Evans. It also calls for hiring a staff member within Multicul- tural Student Affairs to support Native American students. Northwestern Psychology Prof. Doug Medin, who served on the task force, was confident in the ways that the report will help increase Native American inclu- sion on campus. "The recommendations are both concrete and quite exten- sive," he said. "I think that indi- cates the seriousness with which Northwestern is beginning to address its relationship with Native nations and Native Ameri- can people." USC closes fraternity following sexual assault allegations The University of Southern California will withdraw its rec- ognition of the fraternity Alpha Tau Omega for five years, the EUGENE STAYT/Daily Students of The Arts Chorale perform at Hill Audito- riumT esday. T IHEI EBLTER A$AP Ferg By LEJLA BAJGORIC Rapper A$AP Ferg's new single "Perfume" is just a taste of what's to come for his upcoming mixtape, "Ferg Forever." Ferg isn't deviating from his usual sound and current fans should be pleased. PODIUM Satisfied? By MARIS HARMON Opinion writer Harmon asks whether studentsmshould be satisfied with their undergraduate education as she approaches graduation. She encorporates the ideas of Paulo Freire's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed." CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Birding Law Scho presentation workshop o) Friendship seminar Daily Trojan reported Monday. A press release stated that the members of the fraternity had two accounts of sexual assault charged against them over the span of two years. There was not enough evi- dence to fully support the case that occurred in 2013. The case that took place in 2014, however, was found to have violated the USC Code of Student Conduct. Ainsley Carry, vice provost for student affairs, released a press statement Monday that criticized the fraternity for their behavior. She also expressed disappoint- ment in the entire fraternity through actions set forth by the members involved the case. - CARLYNOAH T H REE T HINGS YOU SH OULD KNOW TODAY Facebook will launch a new free mobile app for its Groups feature, which allows users to interact based on culture or hobbies, the Associated Press reported; Tuesday. Users will be able to access Groups through the r Facebook app or its website. The Statement looks at how theory and practice come together in a liberal arts curriculum, with a feature about the mini-city being built on North Campus for driverless vehicles. FORMORE, SEE STATEMENT, PG.llB Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey found polar bears numbers in the southern Beaufort Sea dropped, CBS News reported Tuesday. From 2000 to 2010, the' number of polar bears dropped around 40 percent. z. WHAT: Sarah Toner will discuss how to utilize weather data to maximize birding success. WHO: Sarah Toner WHEN: Tonight from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. WHERE: Matthaei Botanical Gardens Newsroom 734-418-4115 opt.3 Correctins Arts Section Sports Section Display Sales dailydisplay@gmailcom Online Sales o" News Tips letters tn the Editnr Editorial Page Photography Section Classified Sales Finance WHAT: Lindsey Stetson, WHAT: This workshop the University Law School's will cover how to make director of financial aid, friends from different will provide information on cultures without cultural how to pay for law school. misunderstandings. WHO: Lindsey Stetson WHO: International Centei WHEN: Today from 12 WHEN: Today from 5:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. p.m. to 7 p.m. WHERE: South Hall, Room WHERE: Pierpont 1020 Commons, East Room EDITORIAL STAFF Katie Burke ManagingEditor kgburke@michigandaily.oom Jennifer Calfas ManagingNews Editor jcalfas@michigandailycom SENIOR NEWS EDITORS: Ian Dillingham, Sam Gringlas,WillGreenberg, Rachel Premack ASSISTANT eWS OEITORS: Allana Akhtar, Neala Berkowski, Claire Bryan, Shoham Geva, Amabel Karoub, Emma Kerr, Thomas McBrien, Emilie Plesset, Michael Sugerman a"d Jack Turman Megan Mclonald and Daniel Wang Eitorial Page Editors SENIOREDITORIALPAGEEDITORS:AaricaMarshandVitoria Noble ASSISTANTEDITORIALPAGEEDITORS:MatthewSeligmanandDavidHarris Greg Garno and AleandroZfiiga Managing Sports Editors SENrOR ORTEyDITOMax Cohen, Alexa Dettelbach, Lev Facher, Rajat Khare, Jake ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Max Bultman, Minh Doan, Danieel dman, Simon Kaufman, Erin Lennon, Jake Lourim and Jason Rubinstein John lynch and AkshaySeth ManagingArts Editors SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: Giancarlo Buonomo, NatalieGadbois,Erika Harwood and ASSISTANTARTSEDITORS: JamieBircoil,JacksonHoward,GillianJakabandMaddie Thomas Teresa Mathew and Patu Sherman Maaging Photo Editors SENIORPHOTO EDITORS: AllisonFarrandandRubyWallau ASSISTANT PHOTDIORSL nnaArAheVirginiaLozano, JamesColl,,,M eieem, a iholas IWilliams Carolyn Gearig and Gabriela VasquezoManagingDesignEditors SENIOR DESIGN EDITORS: Amy Mackensand AliciaKovalcheck Carlina Duan Magazine Editor DEPTEY MAGAHZ)NEEDDITORS: Max adwi n and Amrutha Sivakumar SrATEMENT'rOOEDTOeR:oRubyrallae STATEMENT LEAD DESIGNER: Amy Mackens Mark Ossolinski and Meaghan Thompson ManagingCopy Editors SENIOR COPY EDITORS: Mariam Sheikh and Alisha Qiu Austen Hufford OnlineEditor VIDEO EDITORS: Paula Friedrich and James Reslier-Wells SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR: Brianne Johnson BUSINESS STAFF Madeline Lacey University Accounts Manager Alie Steir classified Manager Simonne Kapadia LocaltAccounts Manager Lotus AnNational Accounts Manager Olivia Jones Production Managers Nolan Loh special Projects Coordinator Jason Anterasian Finance Manager ThMichgnDily (SSN 075-67) ispubised Mondaythrough Fridaydurig tefll and we trnsby be pick upateDaysoffcefor$2.SebsrptionsfofltrmstartgiseeeaU.S.mile$110. Wint te (anu arytr oghAri is,$115 yearIons(Septem etoS Apri) is$19s.Univesity aies aresujectteo reucedeuscpeinrat.On-caopserptenfrfal s tare$35.Seciptonses be prooad. Teci,~ganDaysa emer of T, eeoaed Pessand She Asocied CollegiatePen, Science Cafe UMS Global Cover letter lecture Music fair convention WHAT: School of Public Health professors Arnold Monto and Joseph Eisenberg will lecture on Ebola, popular fears and health policies thatcould contain the outbreak. WHO: Arnold Monto and Joseph Eisenberg WHEN: Today from 5:30 p.m. to7:30 p.m. WHERE: 318S Main Street WHAT: Hawaiian ukulele WHAT: This workshop player Jake Shimabukuro will teach students how to will perform. Shimabukuro create and write a cover has been named a musical letter that presents a story. "hero" by Rolling Stone and WHO: The Career Center has drawn comparisns to WHEN: Tonight from 6 Jimi Hendrix. Shimabukuro p.m. to 7 p.m. plays traditional ukulele WHERE: The Career music, along with combining Center other musical elements. CORRECTIONS WHO: Jake Shimabukuro " Please report any error WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m. in the Daily to correc- WHERE: Hill Auditorium .. Senate narrowly defeats Keystone XL Pipeline Israel plans response to recent synagogue attack I In 59-41 vote, in hopes of securing approval of the project and boosting her legislation was chances in an uphill Dec. 6 run- off election. rejected, preventing All 45 Senate Republicans c supported the legislation to project completion build the Canada-to-Texas pipe- line. Only 14 of 55 Democrats WASHINGTON (AP) - In and allied independents joined a combustible blend of oil and them, a total that didn't budge politics, the Democratic-con- despite an appeal by the Loui- trolled Senate rejected legis- siana Democrat behind closed lation Tuesday night to force doors a few hours before the completion of the Keystone XL vote. Pipeline. Republicans vowed to The vote was one of the last resurrect the controversial issue acts of this Senate controlled by soon after taking two-house the Democrats. It is expected control of Congress in January. to complete its work by mid- The 59-41 Senate vote was one December. short of the 60 needed to clear But Republicans said a pipe- the House-passed measure, and line replay with the potential to marked a severe blow to embat- spark a veto confrontation with tied Sen. Mary Landrieu of Lou- Obama would be coming - and isiana. While President Barack soon. Obama and much of her party Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., oppose the bill, the third-term and the incoming majority lead- Democrat had commandeered er, said within minutes of the control of the chamber's agenda vote, "I look forward to the new ---IU Republican majority taking up and passing the Keystone jobs bill early in the new year." Her political career in jeop- ardy, Landrieu told reporters, "I'm going to fight for the people of my state until the day that I leave, and I hope that will not be soon." Rep. Bill Cassidy, Landrieu's Republican opponent, said that Louisiana families "need bet- ter jobs, better wages and bet- ter benefits," and the pipeline would provide them. Democratic divisions were on vivid display in a bill that pitted environmentalists against ener- gy advocates. While Obama opposes the measure, likely 2016 presiden- tial candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton has repeatedly refused to take a position. Most recently, her spokesman did not respond to two requests over the week- end to do so. Among Senate Democrats, 14 had publicly announced their support for the bill in the hours before the vote, but sev- eral whom Landrieu had hoped would provide the critical 60th vote needed for passage failed to step forward. Among retiring lawmakers. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, Tim Johnson of South Dakota and Tom Harkin of Iowa all said in advance they would oppose the bill. Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, who opened the door on Mon- day to becoming the 60th vote, slammed it shut a few hours later. Following violence and five deaths, tensions run high amid conflict JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel vowed harsh retaliation Tues- day for a Palestinian attack that killed five people and left blood-smeared prayer books and shawls on the floor of a synagogue in Jerusalem - an assault that sharply escalated already-high tensions after weeks of religious violence. The attack during morning prayers in the west Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof was carried out by two Palestin- ian cousins wielding meat cleavers, knives and a hand- gun. They were shot to death by police after the deadliest assault in the holy city since 2008. Four of the dead were rab- bis and one was a police offi- cer who died of his wounds hours after the attack. Three of the rabbis were born in the United States and the fourth was born in England, although all held dual Israeli citizenship. Five others were wounded. Palestinian President Mah- moud Abbas condemned the attack, the first time he has done so in the wave of deadly violence against Israelis. But he also called for an end to Israeli "provocations" sur- rounding Jerusalem's shrines that are sacred to both Mus- lims and Jews. President Barack Obama called the attack "horrific" and without justification, urging cooperation from both sides to ease tensions and adding that too many Israelis and Palestinians have died in recent months, Tuesday's attack, however, appeared to mark a turn- ing point, with the gruesome scene in a house of worship shocking a nation long accus- tomed to violence. The government released a photo of a meat cleaver it said came from the crime scene. Government video showed blood-soaked prayer books and prayer shawls in the synagogue. A pair of glasses lay under a table, and thick streaks of blood smeared the floor. "I saw people lying on the floor, blood everywhere," said Yosef Posternak, who was at the synagogue in the quiet neighborhood that has a large community of English- speaking immigrants. "People were trying to fight with (the attackers) but they didn't have much of a chance," Posternak told Isra- el Radio. In one of Israel's first acts of retaliation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the demolitions of the homes of the attackers. But halting further violence could prove to be a tough challenge as police confront a new threat: Lightly armed assailants from annexed east Jerusalem who hold residency rights that allow them to move free- ly throughout the country. Netanyahu condemned the deaths of the "innocent and pure Jews." In a nationally televised address, he accused Abbas of inciting the recent violence and said the Pales- tinian leader's condemnation of the attack was insufficient. Hamas, the militant Pal- estinian group that runs the Gaza Strip, praised the attack. In Gaza, dozens celebrated in the streets, with some offer- ing trays full of candy. The U.S.-born victims were identified as Moshe Twer- sky, 59, Aryeh Kupinsky, 43, and Kalman Levine, 55. The Israeli Foreign Ministry said the British man was Avraham Goldberg, 68, who immigrat- ed to Israel in 1993. It described the four as "rabbis," an honorific title in the ultra-Orthodox world given to men who are consid- ered pious and learned. Twer- sky, a native of Boston, was the head of the Toras Moshe Yeshiva, a seminary for Eng- lish-speaking students. He was the son of Rabbi Isador Twersky, founder of Harvard University's Center for Jew- ish Studies, and a grandson Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, a luminary in the world of modern Orthodox Jewry. DO YOU FOLLOW US? michigandaily because you should really should. I 4 I 0