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November 13, 2014 - Image 1

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bE llzdjigan &itj

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, November 13, 2014



MSU prof.
survey data

Teresa Huang draws a turkey vulture on display in the Natural History Museum for an Aran Arbor Arts Center class Wednesday afternoon.
Ban on benefits for sa-me-
sex partners overturned

National College
Health Assesment
provides data on
wellness of students
Daily StaffReporter
Larry Hembroff, Ph.D., former
director for the office of Survey
Research in the Institute for Pub-
lic Policy and Social Research at
Michigan State University, spoke
at University Health Service on
Wednesday to discuss the results
of the 2014 National College
Health Assessment.
The NCHA is a nationally rec-
ognized surveyfromthe American
College Health Association that is
designed to "provide a snapshot of
behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs of
students with regard to health and
wellness," Hembroff said. The sur-
vey also provides the University
with information to assess how
far along they are to achieving the
Healthy Campus 2020 goals - a
collection of wellness standards
for university health systems
paralleling the federal program,

Healthy People 2020. The Univer-
sity conducted the survey in 2006
and 2010 as well, but the most
recent survey, conducted February
2014, included graduate students
for the first time.
Hembroff- discussed the top
three reported academic impedi-
ments among both undergraduate
and graduate students. The report
stated that the top three reported
impediments are stress, anxiety
and sleep difficulties.
Alcohol use did not make the top
10 list for either graduate or under-
graduate students. Hembroff said
it's a common misconception that
alcohol and drug use are major
barriers to academic success.
The percentage of studentswho
report being diagnosed for anxi-
ety or depression has increased
slightly from 2010, and there are
higher reports of students feel-
ing lonely and anxious, especially
among undergraduate students.
When students were asked which
were the most "traumatic or very
difficult to handle" situations they
have had to face, 53 percent of
undergrads responded that it was
their academics.
"You have to remember, you
See UHS, Page 4A

Decision rules law The AP reported Wednesday
that Judge Lawson ruled the
as unconstitutional Michigan law unconstitutional
coming after he issued an injunc-
in the state tion against the law in July of last
By CLAIRE BRYAN The law, signed by Governor
Daily StaffReporte Snyder in 2011, mandated that
public employers cannot give
Detroit Judge David Lawson medical and other fringe benefits
has overturned the ban on same- to partners of employees unless
sex partner benefits fromschools the partner is married or legally
and local governments. dependent on that person.

Jay Kaplan, an attorney at
American Civil Liberties Union
Michigan, said the law was a
unique one.
"This law is the only law like
this in the country," Kaplan said.
"Michigan is the onlystate where
they passed a law like this."
The law stated that a "'public
employee' means a person hold-
ing a position by appointment or
employment in the government
of this state; in the government

of one or more of the political
subdivisions of this state; in the
public school service."
The preliminary injunction
issued in 2013 prevented the
enforcement of the law until a
final decision was made, Kaplan
"What happened today was
the judge issued a final judgment
on this case saying he is deter-
mined that this law is unconsti-
See BAN, Page 444

Hoke:'M' is
an 'academic

Bye week a chance
to rest and recover
for injured players
Daily Sports Editor
No one has explicitly said
it, but it's clear the bye week
couldn't come at a better time for
the Michigan football team.
The Wolverines, winners of
two straight and one win away
from a postseason bid, are ding-
ed up and in need of a Saturday
away from football. Big names
like fifth-year senior quarterback
Devin Gardner and junior wide
receiver Devin Funchess have
been playing through injuries for
much of the season, while junior
wide receiver Dennis Norfleet
and freshman defensive tackle
Maurice Hurst Jr. were new addi-
tions to last week's injury list.
Gardner's lingering injury,
tracing back to the Penn State
game, has made him hesitant

to take chances with his feet -
something that made him dan-
gerous when he was healthy.
Funchess' toe injury inhibited
the burst he flashed early in the
season as Michigan's top play-
maker. Recently, he's had trouble
with dropped passes, something
a few days off could help fix men-
"Bye week gives (us) a chance
to rest some guys," said Michigan
coach Brady Hoke. "The health of
Devin Gardner keeps improving
(and), with all those guys who've
played a lot, there's a lot of guys
playing beat up a little bit and
that's just the way it is in foot-
Following the bye, Norfleet
should return to the field, accord-
ing to Hoke. Last week, he didn't
travel with the team to Evanston.
gan athletics was in the news
again, and it wasn't for its on-field
This time, it was because of
comments made by the Univer-
See HOKE, Page 4A

Mike Furlough, HathiTrust's executive director, presents at the HathiTrust conterence in the Rackham Auditorium
Wednesday atternoon.
HathiTrust series explores-7
benefits of print digitization

Rival schools
use different
approach to
student gov.
Student leaders
across the Big 10
voice variety of
interest areas
Daily Staff Reporter
Over the past year, students
have been making their voices
heard on campus, and the Uni-
versity community has started to
evaluate the role Central Student
Government plays in working on
causes of varying sizes.
So far this year, students have
been vocal about the football stu-
dent ticket policy and pricing, the
controversy surrounding former
Athletic Director Dave Brandon
and the University'ssexual assault
prevention measures ant poli-
cies. Students have also brought
national issues to campus, includ-
ing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
and the situation inFerguson, Mo.
Last week, the assembly passed
See CSG, Page 4A

of ho

ne-day program umes of digital books. Thus, the
HathiTrust was formed, a part-
iscusses use of nership of the University and
nearly 100 other institutions that
line collections works to share and collect large
quantities of digitized works.
By CARLY NOAH On Wednesday afternoon, a
Daily StaffReporter gathering of approximately 40
prominent faculty, including
hen the University entered former University Provost Paul
contract with Google to Courant, librarians from South
ze its library 10 years ago, Africa and African Studies,
ians ran into the problem English, History and Anthropol-
w to preserve the large vol- ogy scholars fromthe University

had discussed the implications
of digitization and the organiza-
tion of libraries internationally.
As part of a nine-day pro-
gram titled "African Studies in
the Digital Age," Wednesday's
installment in the series was
divided into three sections eval-
uating the benefits of digitizing
print documents.
HathiTrust is, in the sim-
plest sense, a digital collection
of books available to the general


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DPSS officials join Command Officers Association

INDEX NEWS...................2A
Vol.CXXIV,No26 SUDOKU,.............2A
©2014 The Michigan Daily OPINION .....................4A

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