I - 0 a -f 0W 4B 5B AS STARTUP SCENE GROWS DETROIT FACES NEW CHALLENGES I BY RACHEL PREMACK, SENIOR NEWS ED ITOR Internet memes typically don't reflect com- plex urban issues or hint at long-running race and socioeconomic issues. Yet, upon glancing at the White Detroit Entrepreneurial Guy meme, a viewer can tell. It's a response to often misguided public giddiness over "revital- izing Detroit." The image, which surfaced in April 2013, features a background of buildings, set behind a white man smiling into the distance. The text on each meme varies, with satirical phrases like, "Everything tastes better when you're across the street from an abandoned build- ing" or "Those that have the capacity to create change have the right to do so, like me and Dan Gilbert." Detroit-based blogger Aaron Foley wrote about the meme last year in car culture blog Jalopnik Detroit, owned by Gawker Media. He affirmed the meme's message, which intend- ed to show that Detroit's problems cannot be solvedby techstartups and microbreweries. Moreover, revitalization efforts have been focused in Greater Downtown - a 7.2 square mile region that are comparatively whiter, wealthier and better educated than other posi- tions of the city. The Downtown area accounts for 40 percent of the city's total employment, despite being just over 5 percent of the city's space, according to a 2013 data report from the Detroit-geared Hudson-Webber Foundation. "We haven't really seen the effect yet on the rest of the city," Foley said in an interview with The Michigan Daily. "It's not quite like it's spreading outward. There's development going on here and here and here, but there's no rolling through." While 98 percent of Midtown and Down- town apartments are occupied, blight continues to be a problem in many other parts of the city. The majority of jobs in these neighborhoods pay more than $40,000 annually, but 38.1 per- cent of Detroit residents citywide live below the national poverty line. Incorporating the otheri132 square miles into the Greater Downtown's economic comeback, which has been hailed by nationwide media, may soon come. Leslie Smith, president and CEO of TechTown, Detroit's first and biggest tech accelerator, named this a key priority at her organization. "For me, if that's not the outcome, we can't declare a success," Smith said. At the very least, Foley noted there hasn't been another White Detroit Entrepreneurial Guy meme since last year. A new industry Detroit Free Press business reporter and author of Reimagining Detroit John Gallagher said that Detroit's startup scene was integral to the city's rebranding. "It's part ofthe culture that gives Detroit this reputation as on the comeback trail," Gallagher said. "Startups are sort of a lively phenomena and they help give Detroit this air that it has now of a very interesting urban experiment that's taking place." Following decades of racial tensions, a noto- riously high crime rate and setbacks in the auto industry, Detroit is looking for a new economic driver. And it might just come in the expand- ing ,startup scene, where millions have been invested from the public and private sector this decade. Detroit has lost more than 20 percent of its population 25 years and overin the last decade, according to U.S. Census Data. But a more shocking statistic indicates a different narra- tive: the population of college-educated resi- dents under 39 year olds increased by59 percent in the 7.1square mile area ofGreater Downtown from2000 to 2010, according to a Forbes report from 201L. "There is a certain demographic that comes to Detroit that is well-educated, affluent and white and wants to do something," said Asso- ciate Prof. Nick Tobier, who teaches topics like social entrepreneurship in the University's School of Art & Design. "i mean that in good and bad ways." Now, Detroit is building an ecosystem of entrepreneurship, including venture capi- talists - those who provide early-stage funding to promising startups - entrepreneur- ship-focused non-profits; lawyers; a tech-savvy Chamber of Commerce; office hubs, the vibrant urban areas that innovators crave and months- long programs that provide funding and men- torship to innovators. Jim Martinez, Detroit Regional Chamber director of communications, said tech entre- preneurship in Detroit has grown in the last 10 years, particularly in the past three to five years. He affirmed that the public and private sector were making a "concerted effort" to develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Martinez added that Michigan universities, which provide tal- ent, are also a key part of that growth. Most cities began their entrepreneurial push in the '70s or '80s. Until recently, the Motor City's fortunes were based almost exclusively on the auto industry. Large manufacturers and suppliersdominated much of Detroit's econom- ic history, and leaders were apt to keep their money rather than invest in creating new busi- nesses "Detroit, for the last100 years, was a big cor- porate market. We relied on big corporations, big government and big labor," Gallagher said of business culture in Detroit. "The notion that someone would let just a little startup in was just a joke." Smith, the president of TechTown, said the corporate culture created a stable and thriv- ing period for the auto industry in the mid-20th century. Entrepreneurial activity and innova- tion blossomed within the auto companies as the company enjoyed their heyday. In 1955, the bosses of General Motors weren't losing sleep over their own job security as they dominated 50 percent of the American vehicle market and was the world's largest employer. At its peak in 1979, GM employed around 600,000 Ameri- cans. In the decades following oil shocks, fierce new competition, and increasingly outdated technology and management practices led to the Big Three losing their prestige, market share and steady cash flow. And as that hap- pened, their employees were laid offand needed new jobs. -The biggest factor was that the change was forced on us," Gallagher said. "We had to do it." The nascent stage of entrepreneurship is attracting young people who are excited about creating something new in a city with a com- plex past. "There's not a lot of followers," said Jacob Smith, a University alum and director of Busi- ness Development at tech startup UpTo. "If you're going to be in Detroit right now, you're not a follower because it's not popular among the masses. Everybody is here to make their impact." it's easier to begin your startup in Detroit than in more prosperous cities due to cheaper rents for office space, and the presence of a wealth of non-profits keen on building Detroit's startup corridor. The concept of openinga tech firm in Detroit is also still somewhat revolu- tionary and press attention is easier to attract, which concerns Foley. University alum Michael Williams, a Detroit native, wrote his Afroamerican and Afri- can Studies honors thesis on gentrification in Detroit. He said there was a "hipster aesthetic" and drive for social justice to those who moved to Detroit. "It's hot to move to a place that's struggling, that's a bit off the beaten path, that's unique or atypical. It has its appeal with all its challenge and struggle," Williams said. "We have an opportunity here not just to work or have a job, but really be invested in something greater than yourself, a movement to improve humanity and quality of life." Gallagher said the culture and identity of Detroit is changing. "Detroit's public space is being identified a little bit more," Gallagher said. "All else being equal, they (entrepreneurs) would probably take the chance on Detroit right now over other cities. It is viewed as a place where startups and entrepreneurs are welcome. It's fun - it's get- ting to be a fun place." However, building a startup in Detroit is not as clear-cut a process as creating one in, say, San Francisco or Austin. Here, Foley said, there are questions ofwhat happens when a business that serves and employs almost exclusively college- educated people - like tech firms - in a pre- dominantly middle and working class city. Greater Downtown Detroit vs. everybody Forty-two percent of Greater Downtown residents aged 25-34 are college educated, com- pared to 11 percent citywide, according to the data report from the Hudson-Webber Founda- tion and U.S. Census data. The report also reflected that from 2000 to 2010 in Greater Downtown, the Black popula- tion decreased 5 percent - 12 full points lower than the rest of the city - and the white popu- lation increased 3 percent. The proportion of whites downtown is twice that of the the rest of the city. The differences in privilege cause a chasm between old and new residents, as well as a dif- ference in what each segment of the population can accomplish. "A lot of entrepreneurswere sort of self-serv- ing andnot fully conscious of what their actions had on the community around them," Foley said. "When people would move into a neigh- borhood and be completely insular to their neighbors and what not, it would create tension. A business would open up shop and say, 'okay, we're gonna cater to a certain clientele without being conscious of what other businesses were doing' It created a problem that shouldn't have to exist." Organizations like TechTown are starting to recognize the tension between the white, wealthy Greater Downtown and the nearly 132 square miles which don't attract 40-dollars- a-plate Brazilian restaurants. Leslie Smith of TechTown emphasized the need especially to ensure economic developments in Detroit's neighborhoods as its fractured transportation structure prevents all Detroiters from benefit- ing from jobs created downtown. TechTown partners with community devel- opment nonprofits to assist initiatives in seven neighborhoods throughout Detroit. These busi- nesses aren't start-ups, but daycare providers, retail storefronts and small- and medium-scale manufacturers. One tactic TechTown employ- ees might teach the business owners is how to effectively track sales, inventory and financials, easing the local business' process of obtaining a bank loan. More difficulty may come with reconcil- ing longstanding racial tensions in the city, which Smith said has impeded opportunities in Detroit. It is a "priority focus" for her organiza- . tion. "One of the obvious issues is that most of the action in downtown and midtown applies to a primarily white population," Smith said. "How can you have a city center that doesn't reflect the balance of the city?" Smith said her colleagues in Pittsburgh, Phil- Mt adelphia and other revitalizing Rust Belt cities