r 2A -Thursday, November 6, 2014 P The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 2A - Thursday, November 6, 2014 ~NCXX' The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom NOT IN TlH E LEASE Nothing to squeal about The student's name has been changed for privacy reasons. Two weeks ago, LSA senior Annie made a new friend, and he moved in that night. The special man was Milo, a miniature pigthat Annie's older brother convinced her to buy from one of his close friends. "I wasn't exactly searching for a pet," Annie said. "I had before thought that students who have pets ... it's sort of unfair. You're gone all day, you can't really give it attention, ithas limited access to being outside andthings like that." When she first met Milo, Annie's doubts continued to grow. Then, she held Miloinher arms; he curled up in her lap and fell asleep. There was no going back, hold for one caveat: Annie lives in a house with nine other roommates. "I had texted them in a group text; I said, 'Hey, does anyone mind if I get a mini pig?' No one answered, so I just kind of brought himhome." Now, Milo shares Annie's room, claiming comfortable spots in piles of her clothes and under her bed. In the spirit of these maternal instincts - and honoring Milo's - Annie took the pig to the Arb last week to roam free and enjoy nature. He wasn't as keen on the trip. "I was hoping that he would feel so happyto not be cooped up any- where, and he didn't want to move ... I was like, 'Seriously, it took all that effort to get you out of the house... andyouwanttobecarried the whole time,"' she said. Another struggle in taking Milo out and around is that Annie's landlord has forbidden pets. She said the pig has yet to attract unwanted attention - other than eliciting more frequent visits from her friends because of his cute- ness, Annie said Milo lives in a fairly quiet and discreet manner, ambling around her room and napping for most of the day. Overall, Annie's really not wor- ried about getting in trouble. She doubts anyone will squeal on her. - MICHAEL SUGERMAN Masic, Theatre & Dance freshman Jesse Aaronson rehearses Othello' Wednesday night. R i y _:._1d 'l u_..,... z yMr..4..+?..... _..n.w _ . _ s, H. n r..,: . ' _.. ..c,_s. .. h.... Xa Y"?r.«.. .., ,r. n- ":'.... , i ... ,- t._.,. i CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES WSPOR TS Women's basketball BY BRAD WHIPPLE With a weekend win against Davenport, the Michigan women's bas- ketball team has embraced some new faces. As players describe, earning a starting position is a week-to-week grind in practice. T HE FIL TE R "Like This" BY LEJLA BAJGORIC Bajgoric contends that Skizzy Mars embraces "hip hop done in a way that hip hop usually isn't done." The lead single off his new album, The Red Balloon.Proj- ect, this track is elevated by Skizzy's flow over a solidly crafted production. MiC Satyame Jayate Speaker Series Museum lecture Va After 14 years of attempt- ing to making her name eas- ier for English-speakers to pronounce, Jayate discusses embracing the power of her name's meaning. She writes: "My names. Our names. Honest, unabridged, and authentic." PODIUM Classyorcreepy? BYAMELIA FULLER In an age when college singles are warned of the potential dangers of inter- acting with people online, Fuller discusses the conflict she faces when she discovers carefully written love notes on her dorm room door. WHAT: The ongoing series will feature Latvian Pho- tographer Inta Ruka, who provides her view of her region's current struggles as it integrates with the Euro- pean Union. WHO: Penny Stamps School of Art & Design WHEN: Today from 5:10 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Theater Research symposium WHAT: The Fall 2014 Research Computing Sym- posium will feature a poster session and presentations from leading researchers in the field. WHO: Michigan Institute for Computational Discov- ery and Engineering WHEN: Today from 8:30 a.m. to3:30 p.m. WHERE: Rackham Gradu- ate School; WHAT: This presentation will discuss the historical and contemporary role of "multi-sensory" exhibits. WHO: Museum Studies Program WHEN: Today from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. WHERE: Museum of Art CORRECTIONS A version of "With global issues, collaboration becomes key" published on Oct.28 mistakenly identified the World Health Organization as a non- governmental organization. WHO is an authority of the United Nations, which in turn represents its member countries. " Please report any error in the Daily to esorrections@miehi- gandaily.com. THRE THINGS YOU SHULD KNOW TODAY After months of escalating conflict, President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that he would seek Congressional support before engaging in further campaigns against the Islamic State, The New York Times reported. Daily Arts takes a look at the only professional piercing shop in Ann Arbor - Pangea - and a broader look at the piercing culture on campus. FOR MORE, B-SIDEON PG.1B A Maryland boy had made plans to kill his parents before driving to his school and killing students and teachers with a stolen handgun, CBS News reported Wednesday, based on court documents obtained by CBS Baltimore. (tie lrtchgan Baolg 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com PETERSHAHIN DOUGLAS SOLOMON Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 eat. 1251 734-418-4:15 eat. 1241 pjshahin@michigandailycom doupolo@michigandaily com Newsroom News Tips 734-418-411s opt.3 news@michigandaily.com Eorrections Letters tothe tditor corrections@michigandailyoo, oohedaiy@mihigaodaity.com ArtsSection EditorialPage arts@michigandaiy.com opinion@michigandaily.com Sports Section Photography Section sports@michigandaily.com photo@michigandaily.com Display Sales Classified Sales dailydisplay@gmaia.com classifed@michigandaily.com Online Sales Finance onlineads@michigandaity.com finance@michigandaly.com EDITORIAL STAFF Katie Burke Managing Editor kgburke@michigandaily.com JenniferCalfas ManagingNews Editor jcalfas@michigndaifycom SENIORNEWSEDITORS:IanDillingham,SamGringlas,WillGreenbergRachelPremack adStephanie heouda ASSEnTN s SEDITORS: Allana Akhtar, Neala Berkowski, Claire Bryan, S hoham Geva, Amabel Karoub, Emma Kerr, Thomas McBrien, Emilie Plesset, Michael Sugerman Megan Mclonald and Daniel Wang ditoriaIPage Editors opinioneditors@michiandaiysom SENIOR EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS:AaricaMarshandVictoriaNoble ASSISTANT EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS:MatthewSeligmanand David Harris Greg Garnoand Alejandro Zdtiga Managing Sports Editors sportseditors@michiganday.com SENO SORTSEDTOR:MaxCohen, AlexaDettelbachLevFacher, RajatKhare, Jake Lourim andaJeremy Summitt ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Max Bultman, Minh Doan, Daniel Feldman, Simon Kaufman, Erin Lennon, Jake Lourim and Jason Rubinstein John Lynch and jplynchogmichigandailyaom Aks"aySeth ManagingArtsEditors akse@michigaodaiyoom SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: GiancarloBuonomo, Natalie Gadbois, Erika Harwoodand ASITANT ARTSEDITORS: Jamie Bircoll, Jackson Howard, Gillian Jakab and Maddie Thomas Teresa Mathew and Pau Sherman M EinhototFditors photo@michigandaily.om SEORoPOO EOSoo: lson aanRby Wallau ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITORS: Luna Anna Archey, McKenzie Berezin, James Coer,VirginiaLozano, and NicholasWilliams Carolyn Gearig and Gabriela Vasquez Managing Design Editors design@michigandaily.com SENIOR DESIGNEDITORS: Amy Mackensand AliciaKovatheck Carlina Duan Magazine Editor statement@michigandaily.com DEPUTY MAGAZINE EDITORS: Max Radw and Amrutha Sivakumar STATEMENT PHOTOEDITOR: RubyWallau STATEMENT LEAD DESIGNER: Amy Mackens MarklOssolinski and Meaghan Thompson MangingCopEditors copydesk@michigandaily.com SENIORCOPYEDITORS:MariamSheikhandAlishaQiu AustenHufford OnlineEditor ahufford@michigandaily.com VIDEO EDITORS: Paula Friedrich and James Reslier-Wells SOCIA LMEDIAEDITOR: Brianne Johnson, BUSINESS STAFF Madeline Lacey Unersity Accounts Manager Ailie Steir classified Manager Simonne Kapadia Local Accounts Manager Lotus An National Accounts Manager OliviaiJones Production Managers Nolan Loh SpecialProjectsCoordinator Jason Anterasian Finance Manager beopicked up at :sse D aysof2soor io so r ,s t atinoo n s eptebervUS a il re s s11o Sr5 yosjnatog ypri ) mis5y ea tonse rto ss: Ap s$19. :Uisisty aflass be noosiTh;M00ijan Daly is a member o hs oocised Sosod nhes ocl.oooay ati 4:saa . 6 i 0 Power conservation focus of alum startup A2SF to face possible change of venue in 2015 0 Partners use 'U' Dean and Sherman, both 25, met during their freshman year at the resources to launch University and developed a closer friendship in their senior year when tech. company they discovered their shared inter- ests in entrepreneurship and energy By LEA GIOTTO consumption. Bothgraduatedin May For theDaily 2011, Dean with a degree from the Business School and Sherman with a University alumni Jack Dean and degree in chemical engineering. Steven Sherman know what's up- The University was instrumen- or, watt's up, to be more precise. tal in launching YouKnowWatt, In March 2013, the duo founded Sherman said. In November 2012, YouKnowWatt, a startup whose the startup won 1000 Pitches, an biggest product is an app - energy. annual competition on campus that io - that allows users to monitor allows students to present their their home's energy consumption business ideas in the hope of win- and the cost of that energy con- ning the $1,000 prize to help make sumption in real time. their pitch a reality. "We were originally interested Sherman added that TechArb, in doing something to make energy which provides resources to entre- consumption more sustainable, so preneurs in Ann Arbor, and the we went into it wanting to make Master of Entrepreneurship pro- consumers more aware of their gram, which he completed in energy consumptions," said Sher- August 2013, provided him and man, a College of Engineering alum. Dean with the resources to make H,-, their startup a reality. While YouKnowWatt helps improve energy consumption at the individual level, the creators hope that it will assist in solving a larger crisis - the terawatt problem. "Basically the terawatt problem is if you look at how much energy the world is consuming and you look at what we're projected to con- sume in 2050 - we're on an unsus- tainable path: huge upward trends in population, energy consumption, and 85 percent of energy comes from fossil fuels we dig up from the ground," Sherman said. "This is an infrastructure that takes decades, if not generations, to change," he said in a talk about the terawatt problem he gave at the Business School in November 2013. Dean and Sherman are also focusing on a new project called Customer Discovery Ninja - which Sherman said allows entrepreneurs to do "on-demand, live interviews" with customers. The market research tool allows entrepreneurs to call potential cli- ents from their Internet browser and conduct a recorded interview. The project's overall aim is to allow businesspeople to make their ideas more accessible to customers and get feedback on these ideas. "Most people think market research and think ... surveys and focus groups - those have really big flaws," Sherman said. He said he thinks that the on- demand interview system will be more effective. "We do have some customers with this and we've developed some traction and we hope to develop some business soon," Sherman said. While the pair said they hope to work again with YouKnowWatt and the problem of energy con- sumption, theyare happy with their current project as well. "We really learned a lot going through YouKnowWatt and jump- ing in headfirst and now we're applying those lessons in Customer Discovery Ninja and we can kinda already see that we know what we're doing." Pending projects near Ingalls Mall could see 'Top of the Park' moved By TOM MCBRIEN Daily StaffReporter With the news of upcoming summer construction, the Ann Arbor Summer Festival's "Top of the Park" series may need to change its name to "Top of Something Else." The Ann Arbor Sum- mer Festival is a three-week music, art and culture series produced as a joint nonprofit venture between the Univer- sity and the city of Ann Arbor since 1984. This coming sum- mer, however, the festival's outdoor component, named Top of the Park, may have to move from its usual location on Ingalls Mall due to pend- ing University construction plans. University spokesman Rick Fitzgerald said the construc- tion plans have yet to be sub- mitted to the University's Board of Regents. "To be a good partner forthe Summer Festival, we wanted to give them an early alert that this project could go forward this summer and to make sure that they had plenty of time to explore more options," he said. Amy Nesbitt, executive director of the Ann Arbor Summer Festival, said a spe- cial search committee is cur- rently evaluating potential alternative locations for Top of the Park. While unable to give specific details, she said three. of the four major locations the committee is considering are on-campus. "Since we are a nonprofit that was co-founded, Top of the Park could potentially have great sites to be hosted on city property," Nesbitt said. "We are trying to be open-minded about this as an opportunity. But historically, there has been so much support from the Uni- versity and the University community that has allowed ,us to do so much that there is a lot to consider. There are many University spaces that really lend themselves well to what we do." Top of the Park is known for showcasing local and national music groups, performance artists and screenings of mov- ies such as "Gravity," "The Hunger Games" and "The Art- ist." With a change of location, however, could come changes in programming. "The move will affect some of the program choices depending on how big a stage we can have," Nesbitt said. "If we have a smaller stage, maybe we can't do quite as big of bands or maybe some of our outdoor exhibits will be affected." Apart from the potential programming changes, the potential move would also result in an increase in the cost of putting on the event, though admission would still be free. Nesbitt said cost con- siderations would be a factor in choosing the temporary location. Additional expenses may include building new struc- tures, rebuilding different booths, altering stage and sound systems and differing power expenses. While festi- val organizers will not know exact costs until a new loca- tion is chosen, they have start- ed a fundraising campaign to help defray any additional expenses should the move in fact occur. This would not be the first time that Top of the Park has had to change locations. Until 2006, the series was held on top of the Fletcher Street parking structure between the Power Center for the Per- forming Arts and the School of Dentistry. The festival derived its name from this original location: Top of the Park(ing garage). Construction on the garage in 2006 forced festival orga- nizers to look elsewhere until they decided on Ingalls Mall as a suitable replacement. "What we have found since 2006 is that it is so welcoming and expansive in Ingalls Mall with some grass and some trees and some shade," Nes- bitt said. "A lot of people really loved the new location." The indoor, ticketed por- tion of the festival, called the Mainstage, will be unaffected by the construction. The festival will run from June 12 to July 5, 2015. 0 WERE YOU INTERESTED IN THE ELECTIONS? Were you, like, really interested? COME TALK WITH US ABOUT POLITICS. We're always happy to listen. @MICHIGANDAILY 0 I I t '5