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November 03, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-11-03

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2A - Monday, November 3,2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom


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Clerical workers unionized

Forty years ago this week
(Nov. 2,1974)
University clerical employees
voted to join the United Auto
Workers in a five-dayelection that
asked staff to choose between
joining the UAW and remaining
without a union. The vote fol-
lowed almost a year of efforts on
the part of the University's 3,200
clerical workers to form a union.
"I'm very happy and not really
surprised," clerical organizer
Pam O'Connor said after the vote.
The vote was 1,144 in favor to
920 not in favor. Following the
announcement, Hubert Emer-
ick, the UAW's associate national
director for technical, office and
professional staff, said the newly
formed union would be called the

Concerned Clericals for Action.
Thirty years ago this week
Nancy Aronoff, a student
representative on the Univer-
sity's Classified Research Review
Panel, raised objections over a
proposal from two electrical and
computer engineering professors
in conjunction with researchers
at the Woods Hole Oceanic Insti-
tute in Massachusetts.
The proposal, submitted for
funding to the National Science
Foundation, called for research
that would help improve the U.S.
Navy's anti-submarine capabili-
ties, according to Aronoff, which
would violate the classified
research rules of the University.

University President Mark Schlissel posesfor a picture
with a student, in his Halloween open house Friday.

Ia T E-E10

N EWS Vi D E13
Watch University President
Mark Schlissel's speech
accepting Athletic Director
Dave Brandon's resignation
at a press conference
Friday. James Hackett
was announced as interim
athletic director.
Despite being depicted as
an archetypal romcom,
"Heathers" delivers satire
and social commentary
about mental illness and
the superficiality of high
school culture. Though the
film opened in theaters 26
years ago, this dark com-
medy's message still reso-
nates today.

"The Flash"
The CW's "The Flash" con-
tinues its strongfirst season
in its fourth episode, "Going
Rouge." The episode provid-
ed the supporting cast with
depth and introduced a new
recurring villain, Captain
Cold. The episode explores
trust between the Flash and
his team at S.T.A.R. labs.
Schlissel's first
University President Mark
Schlissel has had to address
athletics controversy during
much of his first semester
on campus. Schlissel said he
wants to ensure an appro-
priate balance between the
University's athletics and

Building Our Material
Future Conversations

Nine years ago this week (Nov.
Students and faculty from the
University of Michigan-Dearborn
expressed concern regarding the
cuts of more than 36 classes, pri-
marily in the College of Arts, Sci-
ences and Letters..
The cuts, which occurred due
to budget shortfalls of at least
$300,000 according to CASL
Dean Katie Anderson-Levitt,
were announced after course
guides had already been printed
and distributed.
Cuts were also projected to
occur in other schools on the
Dearborn campus, namely the
School of Management.
The Obama administra-
tion is preparing for pos-
sible GOP control of both
the House and Senate, The
New York Times reported
Sunday. White House aides
are looking for potential
compromises on trade, taxes
and infrastructure.
The Michigan hockey
team was swept in
the Upper Peninsula,
suffering a pair of blowout
defeats to Michigan Tech.
The results dropped the
program into its worst start
since 1986.
Eight Egyptian men
were convicted of "incit-
ing debauchery" for
participating in a same-sex
wedding,theAP reported Sun-
day. The men were charged*
after a video was leaked of the
ceremony. Each man received
three years inprison.

WHAT: Eric Hernandez
will lead a presentation
about developing future
Latina/o leaders for the
Latina/o Studies Program.
WHO: Department of
American Culture
WHEN: Today from 4 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
WHERE: Haven Hall

734-418-4115 opt.3
Arts Section
. Sports Sectin
Display Sales
Online Sales

News Tips
Lettersto the Editor
Editorial Page
Photography Section
Classified Sales

WHAT: Students will
learn about new trends
in materials research and
design applications around
the world
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Today from 5 p.m.
to 7 p.m
WHERE: Duderstadt

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Tea ceremony Luke Winslow
demonstration King
WHAT: Following a WHAT: The Michigan-
discussion with Prof. born singer-songwriter will
Kristin Surak about the tea perform music from his new
ceremony's association with album, EverastingArms.
Japanese culture, students WHO: Michigan Union
will observe a traditional Ticket Office
Japanese tea ceremony. WHEN: Today atit p.m.
WHO: Center for Japanese WHERE: The Ark

WHEN: Today from 4p.m.
to 5 p.m
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building

. Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

Five things to know
about- MarkSchauer

candidate looks to
become 'education
Daily StaffReporter
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From Page 1A
something or to break something
off - almost for sure you should
quit. There's not nearly enough
quitting in society. There's way
too much perseverance, there's
waytoo much sticking with stuff.
I've read alot about howyou're
not really into economic indi-
cators, the stock market and
those sorts of things despite
being an economics profes-
sor at Chicago. You prefer
to observe the world around
you. So, what advice would
you have for undergraduates
and graduates who are going
through school and the diffi-
culties and drudgework that
school involves? How could
they maintain their creative
That is a great question and a
hard question. Success in school
is not closely tied to creativity. I
can speak for myself that I made
it through an undergrad at Har-
vard notthinking once. I was just
an incredibly good memorizer
and absorber of information and
so I could get A's without hav-
ing to think at all. It wasn't until
I got into the real world that I
realized that anyone asked me
to think. There's this tension
between simply memorizing and
regurgitating to do well in school
and actually exploring ideas and
being excited and following tan-
gents. In the end as I look back
on my own life and the people
around me, I think the people
who did what they loved and who
were less worried about exactly
their GPA and more worried-
about what they had passions for,

I think those people turned out
to be more happy in life. ... If I
could go back and talk to my stu-
dent self I would say "care a little
less and explore a little more."
A lot of your findings have
been met with controversy,
such as the theory that legal-
ized abortion reduces crime.
How can students deal with
controversy when they gradu-
One of my mentors was Gary
Becker, who was a famous
economist who is a Nobel Prize
winner who did a lot of contro-
versial work who just died last
year..And one time when I was
being criticized a lot - I've been
criticized for a lot of things so I
don't remember the particular
case - he sat me down and he
said, "so how do you like being
criticized?" and we talked about
what was going on, I told him
about the criticisms. And he said
something which I think is really
true. He said, "It's no fun being
criticized, but it's even worse
to be ignored." He said, "The
thing that really drove me crazy
is when people ignored what I
did." So if you think you're right,
or even better, you know you're
right, then it's not so hard to take
the criticism. If you figure you're
wrong and it turns out you're
wrong, I think it's incredibly
important to admit that you're
wrong, and to go fighta different
battle. But there's nothing worse
than trying to protect a pub-
lic image that is not warranted,
because you just don't want to
be embarrassed. There were a
couple times where I've just plain
been wrong and I admitted I was
wrong and I'm glad I did and that
worked out well.
But I think it's even what

you're saying is less an issue
for academics. Because part of
academics is the acceptance of
a wide variety of ideas, what
you're saying really, really binds
is in the workplace because
firms and organizations are very
socialentities. And there arevery
strong norms and it's very hard
to go against the grain in a firm,
it's very hard to rock the boat in
a firm. There's not the challenge
that there is in academics. That's
where the really hard issues
come up.
Your beginning and most
famous research concerned
crime. But, with your role at
Chicago, as a consultant and
your current book focusing on
advice,it seems that that focus
was diminished. How do you
ensure that that passion is still
part of your daily work?
What I love to do more than
anything is get a big pile of data
and a computer and me and the
computer and the data and just
understand it. Don't know why
but for just the weirdness that
I have is that I love to do that.
And the sad thing is that I almost
never get to do that anymore and
it really is a loss and a sign that
I did something wrong that now
I end up doing things that I can't
delegate. ... It's really a waste in
the sense that I get to do a lot
of things that for many people
would *be really fun, but they're
not that much fun for me. The
things that I don't get to do are
the things that aren't so much
fun for other people. So I don't
know, maybe someday, ifI'mtrue
to my own advice pretty soon I'll
go back to my roots and I'll spend
a lot more time in front of a com-
puter and a lot less time talking
to nice people like you.

From Page 1A
about two different visions of what
America is about."
In remarks before the presi-
dent spoke, Sen. Debbie Stabenow
(D-Mich.) called Tuesday's elec-
tion a "great equalizer" for people
across the state, in reference to the
large amounts of money that have

been poured into several state-
wide campaigns. Across the two
mosthigh-profile races inthe state
- those for the U.S. Senate seat
being vacated by Sen. Carl Levin
(D-Mich.) and the governor's seat
- it has been projected/ that close
to $90 million.
In the U.S. Senate race, U.S. Rep.
Gary Peters (D-Mich.) is polling
an average of 12.4 points ahead of
his opponent, Terri Lynn Land,
the former Michigan Secretary of

State. Peters' Democratic counter-
part in the race for governor, Mark
Schauer, faces a tighter race and
is currently within several points
of his opponent, Republican Gov.
Rick Snyder, making the get-out-
the-vote effort especially signifi-
cant for Democrats.
"What happens on Tuesday is
that it doesn't matter who we are,
and it doesn't matter how much
money we've got in our pocket, a
See OBAMA, Page 3A

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