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October 31, 2014 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-31
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Dave Bran
students b
Michigan Sta
When thef
out of the tun
the Daily last
them look to
first. That's
Director wa:
when stut
plummeted ti
why he's slast
He wants,
full again
gameday exp
the students
the most che,
on TV the m
most noise.
But at
Saturday aga
students' mes
of unconditio
protest deeme
Out," more th
the Big Hou
white T-shirt
Team, The7
but call for
As Brandc
student sectio
Saturday, ma
will be makin
to convince U
Mark Schlisse
the embattled
Public po
Kaplan isn't
Saturday's pr
He has hell
donor, as Ka
facilitating t
the T-shirts. S
the plans to ti
Kaplan said1
students and
"higher thanl
as high as I ha
been overwhe
Since M

.NDRO ZUNIGA Kaplan has received "hundreds"
ngSportsEditor of e-mails backing the cause.
Just two responses have been
Athletic Director negative.
don knows the "This issue impacts people
ring energy to all over the board," Kaplan said.
dium. "It's been really nice to see an
football team bursts outpouring of support from so
nel, Brandon said to many people in so many different
t Thursday, most of ways."
the student section The movement has become
why the Athletic such a campus talking point that
s so disappointed Kaplan has been recognized in
dent-ticket sales classes by fellow students, guest
his year, and that's lecturers and professors. Alumni
hing prices for next from out of the state and out of
the country have inquired how to
the student section geta shirt of their own.
to support the "We want to make sure it's a
and improve the dynamic combination of students
erience. After all, (wearing the shirts), and that
matter. They start it's representative of the student
ers; they get shown body," Kaplan said. "It's a holistic
ost; they make the issue, not just an issue that's
pertinent to one part of the
Homecoming on student body."
ainst Indiana, the Personally, Kaplan said he
sage won't be one feels Brandon must go because
tnal support. In a he undermines the efforts of
d "White Out, Dave Michigan's coaches and athletes.
tan 2,200 people at But Kaplan has also received
se will be wearing notes of support citing reasons
s that support "The that range from the relatively
Team, The Team," insignificant, like being upset
the University to about the increase in piped-in
andon." music at Michigan Stadium, to
on has said, the the more serious, like the inaction
n gets noticed. And and secrecy following former
ny of its members kicker Brendan Gibbons'violation
g a concerted effort of the school's sexual misconduct
Jniversity President policy.
A that he should fire For some, the last straw came
Athletic Director. Tuesday, when MGoBlog.com
published e-mails reportedly
* * * sent from Brandon to alumni that
urged frustrated graduates to
licy senior Craig "find a new team to support" or to
t the leader of "quit drinking and go to bed."
otest, but he's the "It's saddening that this
most outspoken person, who is a public figure, is
having this kind of relationship
ped a "very giving" with alumni," Kaplan said. "No
plan calls him, by one wants to see your University
he distribution of portrayed in such a negative,
Since he announced really crass,crude,condescending
he Daily on Sunday, way by someone who is a public
the response from figure and is really supposed to
alumni has been speak for the University."
I expected, but just Four fraternities have already
d hoped." And it has pledged to distribute the shirts
Amingly positive. to their members, Kaplan said.
Monday evening, He expects to pass out another

thousand Friday afternoon on
the Diag. Then, he'll bring the
remaining T-shirts outside
the student gates to Michigan
Stadium on Saturday.
Kaplan says the donor who
purchased the shirts isn't the only
one who has expressed discontent
with Brandon. The goal Saturday
is to prove that the students - the
voice of the University - care
enough to do something about it.
Brandon notices the student
section at home football games.
He knows it has rarely been full
this year.
The students, he said, have
voiced their displeasure through
their behavior, and he's working
to repair that relationship.
But if Saturday's protest is
executed properly, students
will deliver Brandon, Schlissel,
University administrators and a
large TV audience a notice that
the attempt to mend past actions
isn't enough.
And Kaplan said he believes
that message will be hard to
ignore during Saturday's game.
"I have full faith that it's going
to be a very big event," he said.
"It's really spreading incredibly
well. Everyone's excited for
multiple different reasons. It
makes me excited for Saturday."
That it's Homecoming excites
Kaplan even further, because
it means alumni who have felt
alienated by Brandon returning-
for the weekend can join in
"White Out, Dave Out."
If all goes well, Kaplan said,
you'll see a full, energetic student
section Saturday afternoon. But
in addition to supporting the
team, several thousand students
will be equally as critical of the
head of the Athletic Department.
"We don't want to embarrass
the University," Kaplan said.
"We're doing this because we
care about the University; it's not
like we have a vendetta against
it. ... What we're saying is we, as
a student body, we don't believe
that Dave Brandon is the best to
be in this position. Actually, he's

FootballSaturday, October 31, 2014 3

2 1 Footba115citurday;'October 31,.2014

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