2A - Friday, October 31, 2014
The Michigan Daily -- michigandaily.com
2A - Friday, October 31, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
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LEFT Redshirt senior defender
Nick Lewin uses his head
to block a shot during the
Wolverine's win over Oakland
Wednesday night. (JAMES
COLL ER/Daily)
RIGHT Students protest on
the Diag Wednesday to call
attention to sexual assault on
campus. (ABIGAIL KIRN/Daily)
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Lewan verdict
Former Michigan left
tackle Taylor Lewan pleaded
guilty to one charge of dis-
turbing the peace and one of
being drunk and disorderly,
the Ann Arbor News report-
ed Thursday. Two counts of
assault and battery and one
of aggravated assault were
dropped in the plea deal.
Medical board
Six University faculty
members were appointed to
the Institute of Health. The
new picks bring the total
number of University faculty
who have been elected to the
board to 59. The organiza-
tion is part of the National
Zombie Horror Rachana classic
Film Festival Indian concert
WHAT: International
Studies is hosting a film
festivalthat will show
zombie films from around
the world.
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Today from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate
BooMix at
the CCRB
WHAT: The CCRB will
have a DJ, a magician,
a double feature of
Halloweentown, a midnight
buffet, crafts and haunted
glow laser tag.
WHO: Center for Campus
WHEN: Today from 10 p.m.
to 2 a.m.
WHERE: Central Campus
Recreation Building
WHAT: A performance of
traditional Indian music
and dance features a wide
variety of cultural history.
WHO: Michigan Sahana:
Indian Classical Music and
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Stamps
Feel Good
WHAT: Students can watch
the movie "Hocus Pocus."
There will be a free soup
bar, cider and donuts.
WHO: Trotter
Multicultural Center
WHEN: Today from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
WHERE: Trotter
Multicultural Center
At least two people
are dead after a plane
crashed into a building
at a Wichita, Kansas airport,
KSN reported. The plane lost
an engine during takeoff and
crashed into the Flight Safety
Building while attempting to
return to the runway.
The Michigan football
team seeks its second
win against a Power
5 opponent when it hosts
Indiana for Homecoming on
Saturday. Thousands plan to
"White Out" the game to call
for Dave Brandon's firing.
The longest serving
mayor of Boston,
Thomas Menino, passed
away Thursday at age 7. He
left office after five terms
when he was diagnosed with
advanced cancer in February.
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The Michigan Daily (sSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. One copy is avalable free of charge to al readers. Additional copies may
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are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must
be prepaid The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
Chris Smither Band-O-Rama:
WHAT: Smither has been
mixingfolkand blues music
for over 50years. Known
as a great songwriter,
guitarist and singer, his
music has been covered by
other artists and featured in
movie soundtracks and on
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Todayat 8 p.m.
WHERE: The Ark, 316 S.
Main St.
Let's Go Boo
WHAT: This University
Bands Homecoming
performance merges with
Halloween festivities.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium
0 Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-
Mayoral candidates
weigh in on city debt
Parties vie for women
voters before elections +
Taylor and Kelly talk
issues nothighlighted
in election so far
Dariy StaffReporter
having won the four-candidate
democratic primary with a near
majority vote.
Kelly noted that Republican
Gov. Rick Snyder's low popular-
ity in Ann Arbor gives straight-
ticket votes to Taylor who is
a Democrat. Without a party
affiliation, Kelly's campaign for
mayor comes with less support.
With the election just around Still, Kelly's goal of continuing
the corner, the two candidates political discourse in Ann Arbor
for mayor of Ann Arbor - City throughout the mayoral elec-
Councilmember Christopher tion has brought additional city
Taylor (D-Ward 3) and indepen- issues to the forefront. In par-
dent Bryan Kelly - weighed in ticular, dealing with debt in Ann
on some of the issues not at the Arbor has been a main point of
forefront of discussion in recent focus for Kelly while Taylor has
months. said little on the topic.
Since Taylor has been heav-
ily favored throughout the cam- Debt
paign, Kelly said though there
was a short period where he was Kelly said one of his primary
optimistic about his chances, he concerns is Ann Arbor's debt,
does not believe he can win the including pension debt and
race Tuesday. Taylor said he feels healthcare. Kelly said he is con-
optimistic about the outcome, cerned the city will continue to
launch new initiatives that will
contribute to the city's financial
Kelly said the city will profit
from development projects in
the next two years and that these
funds earmarked for these pro-
grams should be directed toward
lowering debt. Decreased debt
will lead to lowered taxes, which
Kelly believes is critical to the
city's growth.
Taylor noted that the Ann
Arbor bond rate has been highly
rated by rating agencies. He said
while the city needs to keep track
of itsobligations, Ann Arbor does
not have a debt problem.
"It is our obligation to repay
the debt that we have incurred.
We do not incur debt without
a robust plan to pay it back and
an excellent reason for incurring
the debt. We do not incur debt
for operational expenses, we
incur debt for capital expenses
and that's good practice," Taylor
Homelessness and
affordable housing
Another issue largely down-
played during this election are
the challenges faced by Ann
Arbor's homeless population.
Last winter, the City Council
faced issues of housing those
sleeping in the street during the
cold winter and debated dif-
ferent ways to best keep at-risk
individuals safe. However, the
problem is still present year-
"The real fix to homeless-
ness is housing and services to
get people ready to support that
housing through employment,"
Taylor said. "We need to make
sure that people who need a
hand up get a hand up and that
there are jobs available for them
and that houses and that homes
are affordable."
Taylor noted that the city has
limited resources and the hous-
ing market is a key determiner
Daily StaffReporter
Since October, thet
Republican National Con
has funded a campaign de
to encourage women to v
GOP candidates. The co
cial imitates the TLC sho
Yes to the Dress" and fea
group of young women sh
for a wedding dress.
Brittany, the main .
ter of the ad and an und
voter, prefers a wedding
called "The Rick Snyder,"
her mother, to Brittany's
encourages her to purchas
Mark Schauer."
This ad isn't the first f
election season: Can
across the country are usi
vision ads to appeal to
women voters.
"They're trying to
draw a contrast between
sort of the same old and
some forward looking
agenda," said Michael
Traugott, director of
the University's Cen-
ter for Political Studies.
"They're hoping that
women will respond to
Traugott said Republica
didates in the gubernator
senatorial elections in the s
compelled to reach out to
because they now make
majority ofthe votingpopu
"The emphasis on
is something since the 8
women became a majo
the electorate just as the:
majority of the populatic
said. "The turnout rate is
for women than the turno
for men currently, so won
therefore the largest sing
ing block in the electorate
can get a lead and hold it
women this is a big step tc
winning an election."
In the 2012 Presidentia
tion, Gallup polls indicated.
gender gap in voting prefe
The Republican Party in par
NI has suffered from a lack of female suppo
supporters. Among female voters, "TE
Barack Obama attained a 12-point say w
College lead over the Republican candidate, for pr
nmittee Mitt Romney. typica
esigned "The national party has apoor peopl
'ote for reputation with women, so they as av
miner- need to try to convert them to decisi
w "Say support Republican candidates," other
tures a Traugott said. "Especially when people
opping the polls show that they're run- the ge
ning behind on women." say, 'V
charac- Josh Pasek; faculty associate seemI
decided at the Center for Political Studies Lynn
dress whose research focuses on how doing
" while media shapes political views, said trying
horror, the Democratic Party is typically lar ret
se "The viewed as the owners of women's Lat
issues, with party platforms that Wome
for this often emphasize pro-abortion the U
didates policies. lege D
ng tele- "Things like abortion tend to and S
"If you can get a lead and
hold it among women this is
a big step towards winning
an election."
be thought of as something that's the di
an can- more of a women's issue than Pas
ial and sort of national issue necessar- used1
tate are ily," Pasek said. "And so you'll see televis
women a lot of Democrats trying to say way t
up the to women that the Republican the po
lation. prp-life policies are going to be "If
women detrimental to them in some way, you pi
Os and shape or form." half t
rity of Terri Lynn Land, the Repub- merci
y are a lican candidate for U.S. Senate, be you
on," he has been known to support a said."
higher ban on abortions in all cases. In Ho'
sut rate response to Land's views, U.S. not ki
nen are Rep. Gary Peters, the Democratic sion as
le vot- candidate, approved an adver- of ane
. If you tisement that featured several "W
among women expressing outrage over (ads)'
awards Land's stance on healthcare for tion,".
women. To counter, Land created have
i Elec- a 30-second ad that questioned perioc
a major Peters' claim. appea
rences. Pasek said it's more difficult to it and
rticular argue a female candidate is not differ
'rtive of women's issues.
he Democrats... are going to
ell these candidates that are
ro-life policies ... and that's
ally going to be helpful for
e who a using gender issues
way to try and make their
on," Pasek said. "But on the
hand there are a bunch of
e who are going to look at
ender of the candidates and
Wait a minute. That doesn't
to match up.' So what Terri
Land is almost certainly
in a commercial like that is
g to encourage that particu-
ura Meyer, co-chair of
en's Issues Committee of
niversity's chapter of Col-
Democrats, said both Land's
nyder's ads were missteps
because they can be
viewed as condescending.
"I think candi-
dates should (approach
women) in an educated
and informed way,"
Meyer said. "I think it
needs to be a way that
treats them as equals
who are perfectly capa-
ble of understanding the
issues, understanding
fferent candidates."
ek said commercials are
to target women because
sion is the most efficient
o reach a large segment of
you're going at women and
ick a good show, more than
he people that your com-
al's going to hit are going to
ur target demographic," he
That's pretty effective."
wever, Pasek said he does
now to what extent televi-
ids drive the ultimate course
hether that works or not
work is still an open ques-
he said. "Television ads
a four to five day effect
d. Five days after the ad has
red everyone has forgotten
it doesn't make much of a
ence anymore."