8B Wednesday October 29 20 The Statement STEM From Page 5B Research done by the US Air Force con- cluded undergraduate females with a larger proportion of female STEM teachers are more likely to declare STEM majors. Of the 157 tenured and tenure-track profes- sors listed in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science faculty page, less than 14 percent are female. "It's true we need more women on our faculty, we also need more minorities, and really there are not enough in the pipeline in terms of enough graduating with Ph.D.s in engineering, which makes it challenging for us to build," Munson said. "We can't tell departments who to hire, but we do approve the pool from which they choose, which lets us ensure it's not just a list of Caucasian males." The dwindling numbers Abigail Stewart, a psychology and wom- en's studies professor, currently serves as the founding director of U-M ADVANCE - a University program designed to improve campus environments for faculty members, particularly women and minorities. Accord- ing to her, recruitment is only half the battle. "ADVANCE, over the past 12 years has coordinated with many faculty depart- ments, including physics and engineering, when it comes to hiring a diverse field of candidates," she said. "But part of it is also making sure that. after we hire them. they aren't being discounted." "In order to ensure that doesn't happen," Stewart said. "We conduct periodical cli- mate studies,goingto different departments and evaluating whether or not there's a healthy work environment in place. Because a lot of the times, for graduate faculty and postdocs, this is their world." "They're not all over campus doing all these different things," she continued. "They're in one space most of the time, and so if that one space is confining or demoral- izing, it can be extremely detrimental." In the meantime, the imbalance contin- ues to create work and classroom atmo- spheres that may not be outwardly hostile, but are tilted in favor of the dominant majority. Hochster described multiple stud- ies carried out over the last decade which highlight obvious examples of engendered sexism appearing in everyday contexts. One of those studies, also cited in Pol- lack's article, pointed to work done by Yale researchers who quantifiably concluded that women in STEM fields with the same qualification as their male counterparts are less likely to be offered the same job. And if they did get the job, they would - on aver- age - collect $4,000 less in annual pay. This creates a cyclic nature of depre-_ ciation in the classroom that Davis, as the director for WISE, feels needs to be com- bated while tangible efforts are made to make classrooms more renresentative of the population. "A critical mass of any group within a larger setting is important in terms of climate, so small numbers of women in a classroom can lead to a feeling of margin- alization," Davis said. "As the numbers increase there is a qualitative difference in terms of comfort levels and contributions." Carrie Schoeneberger, an Engineering senior and SWE's external vice president, described her experience interning at a nuclear power plant over the summer. "I was put into a systems engineering group and almost everyone was male, but I feel like I was able to adapt to it," she said. "No one was openly being discouraging or anything but you pick up on little things - like people (censoring) jokes so they don't 'offend the woman.' " Engineering senior Lauren Reeves, presi- dent of Michigan's chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), added that the biased treatment becomes more visible when faced by women of color. "A lot of times in my classes if we're breaking into groups, I'llnotice that it's usu- ally just other people of color who approach me to work with them," she said. "Which furthers the sort of negative, unwelcoming attitude alot of people don't even have to think about." "And because there are so few of us, the problem feels even more magnified," Reeves said. Through NSBE,Reeves and other members try to create a close-knit fam- ily that can offer new students the outlets they may need to express concerns and seek guid- ance. Though with an ever-diminishing body of Black student engineers, the situation presents a catch-22. "Our membership depends completely on how many Black stu- dents are accepted by the College of Engineer- ing," Reeves said. "So the smaller that number is, the harder it is for us to create a strong commu- nity for the people who are here." A ticking clock So why are we talking about this now? According to McKay and Munson, many of these issues have been brewing behind the scenes for decades. Though departments across the country have been trying to address the daunting task for years, recently, the discussion has been pulled to the forefront in a highly transpar- ent, social-media-centric world. "What's encouraging, though, are the most recent results of the check-ins we do every five years across campus to gauge whether or not we're addressing the prob- lems," Stewart said. "In the first one we did, from 2001 to 2006, we got a pretty regular spread, but from 2006 to 2012,,there's been this huge, positive upswing in dialogues about these topics." "Part of that is transparency," Stewart added. "Though I'm convinced more has to do with just a general willingness to hit these problems head-on, which is inspiring." Still, concrete explanations for seemingly random dips in representation - like the one experienced across most STEM fields over the last decade - are few and far between. One possible answer has to do with the economy. Curiously, the slowdown of women's rep- resentation in the STEM workforce early in the 21st century coincides with upticks in national employment figures. When those employment percentages fell in 2008, after the housing and credit meltdown, women turned back to science coursework. Mapped in yearly demographic reports by the National Science Foundation, strong upward trends in the representation of women in STEM occupations between 1997 and 2003 were followed by years of a slow, plateauing decline. But after 2007, there was an acceleration, likely due to a larger portion of female undergraduates seeking degrees that offered more job security in the midst of a tenuous economic crisis. Even so, the pro- gression is more dire when limiting our view to computer science, where - unlike any other subsection of STEM - representation has fallen since the early 1990s, showing no signs of slowing the decline after 2007. "I think this holds true for a lot of minori- ties going after the sciences," Munson said. "The job security these majors offer has always been a great pull, so the economy is definitely a factor, but we hope the trend continues." "It's worth noting that these pressures from the economy also means they're more anxious about whether or not they want to go after those careers - go after those careers as women," Stewart said. " 'Is this really somethingI want to devote the rest of my life to?''Will I be viewed differently in society, as less of a woman, if I do?'" The explanations-for why representation slowed when the economy soared are more difficult to come by, but can provide insight into avoiding similar dips in the future. Some lines of reasoning cite societal pres- sures on females to move away from bread- winner roles, especially at times when the traditionally male-dominated economy isn't sputtering. READ MORE AT MICHIGANDAILY.COM Homecoming Ring Sale $100 Off All Gold Rings October 29th, 30th, & 31st 71:00am - 4:00pm _, 1:-