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October 29, 2014 - Image 6

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6A - Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Michigan Daily - michigandaiiy.com

6A - Wednesday, October 29, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

Arnone leads 'M'
on and off field

Florie gets chance to shine

For the Daily
Last week, a media committee
announced the 10-man list for
the men's soccer Senior CLASS
Award, which recognizes well-
rounded student-athletes.
It should come as little surprise
then that Michigan's two-
time captain, fifth-year senior
midfielder Tylor Arnone was on
the list of finalists.
"When I heard I was named a
finalist for the Senior Class Award
I felt very honored." Arnone said
in an email interview. "Being the
best person I can be every day
is something that I consistently
think about."
As far as his achievements on
the pitch are concerned, Arnone
has pretty much swept the indi-
vidual awards available to him
in his four years playing for the
Wolverines. He was named to the
All-Big Ten first team in 2012 and
2013 while making the Big Ten
All-Freshman team in 2011. He
was voted the Big Ten Midfielder
of the year in 2013 as well.
Having seen the team win
its only Big Ten championship
while he was redshirted, Arnone
has since notched a total of nine
goals and 14 assists in 72 games.
These modest statistics don't fully
encapsulate Arnone's importance
to the squad. In many ways, he is
to Michigan what Michael Brad-
ley is to the U.S. National Team
- an attacking midfielder more
concerned with dictating the pace
of play rather than making the
highlight real. He is in essence,
the maestro on the pitch, the most
important player on the team.
His importance was high-
lighted in the 3-1 loss to Indiana
on Sunday, a game that Arnone
missed because of an injury. The
Wolverines looked likea different
team whenin possession of the
ball and struggled to assert their
style of play on the game without
their captain. They hope to have
himback assoonas possible,ifnot
against Oakland on Wednesday,
then at least their last two crucial
Big Ten fixtures against rivals

Michigan State and Ohio State.
Arnone though, considers this
achievement one for the entire
team rather than just for himself.
"In my opinion this award
never gets awarded to just one
individual." Arnone said. "In my
case, I'd have to recognize all the
support I receive both academi-
cally and athletically here' at the
University of Michigan."
But what really sets this award
apart from the ones Arnone has
already amassed, is what it means
for his family.
"My nomination is also a
reflection of my family." Arnone
said. "I come from a humble
background and with my mom
being a single parent, things were
never easy or given to us. But my
mom is an amazing woman and
has helped shape me to become
the man I am today and I love
making her proud."
As important as his presence
is on the pitch, Arnone is just as
valuable around campus. He has
volunteered at many different
organizations throughouthistime
at the University, most notably
visiting patients at the C.S. Mott
Children's Hospital, participating
in "U-Meet the Athlete" and
volunteering at the Army vs. Navy
wheelchair basketball game, to
name a few.
Perhaps one of the most
memorable things he did was give
two long-time Manchester United
fans, both 60 years his senior, the
chance to see their beloved club
face off against Real Madrid at the
Big House in August.
As far as academics are con-
cerned, Arnone is a physical edu-
cation major, and in 2013 he made
the Academic All-Big Ten and
won the Big Ten Distinguished
Scholar award as well. The same
year, he was named as the Michi-
gan Association for Health, Physi-
cal Education, Recreation and
Dance Student of the Year.
If Arnone is indeed able to
come away with the award come
December, it would be an amal-
gamation of his hard work and
dedication toward his career as a
student-athlete at the University.

Daily Sports Writer
For someone who just started
running three years ago, redshirt
freshman Corinne Florie is ahead
of the curve.
After not competing last year,
Florie has been racing with the
traveling squad this season. She
was the ninth Wolverine across
the line at the Big Ten Preview on
Sept. 20 and took fourth overall
in the Pre-Nationals open race on
Oct.18. These performances gave
Florie just the edge she needed to
be selected to race at the Big Ten
Championships this Sunday.
This resume would be impres-
sive for any runner, let alone one
who made the switch to competi-
tive running a few years ago.
Florie played basketball year-
round for her first two years of
high school. But in the spring of
her sophomore year, she wanted
a change of pace. After a friend
from basketball suggested she try
cross country, Florie decided to
give itatry, figuringshewouldn't
have the skill set necessary to
compete in another sport.
Since she was only accustomed
to the sprinting on the basketball
court, Florie began running
longer distances over the summer
to build up the endurance she'd
need for cross country. But Florie
didn't time herself, so when she
began running with the team in
the fall of 2011, she was in for a
pleasant surprise.
Despite the fact that she'd only
started running any real distance
that summer, natural talent and
rigorous training with the team
quickly led Florie to the front
of her high school pack. By the
end of her first season, she was
on the squad racing at the New
York state championships - an
impressive feat for anyone, let
alone a junior who had only been
running for a few months.
"Making it to the state meet
my first year on the team was
definitely a highlight," she said.
"Before I started running, I
didn't think about it. But once I
started running with the team
and racing, I started to get the
idea that I might be able to go
somewhere with (cross country)."
Her senior year in high school

was even more impressive. In
addition to captaining both the
cross country and track teams,
Florie set five high school records,
won many of her races and quali-
fied for the state meet again.
Amidst all her racing, Florie
had to make time for college vis-
its. Michigan was always on the
list, among other Big Ten schools.
Both Florie and her father were
already steadfast Wolverine
fans, but her recruitment visit to
Ann Arbor was what ultimately
helped her decide.
"I was a little uncertain about
coming to Michigan because the
team was so good and Michigan
is so academically challenging,"
Florie said. "But when I got on
campus, seeing all the block 'M's'
and maize, I instinctivelyfeltlike
it was the right place for me. It
was kind of likea dream."
During her freshman year,
Florie was redshirted by design
and raced unattached just
twice. She spent her first season
adjusting to various aspects of
collegiate-level cross country,
the biggest difference being the
transition from running as an
individual to being partof a team.
In high school, it's easy to get
caught up in your own race and
focus on beating personal bests
rather than the team's overall

score. When you're running for
a collegiate team, though, that
has to change. Having a team
mentality rather than an indi-
vidual one is critical to the team
dynamic. Focusing on helping
each other through workouts
and races is partially how Michi-
gan has become a strong team.
Florie has also had to adapt to
the fact that the collegiate field is
a lot deeper. Winning - or even
making the top 10 - is not as easy
as it was in high school.
"In was pretty common in
high school for everyoneto sprint
at the beginning, to just run their
own race," Florie said. "You just
knew to take the lead and go. But
in college, people know how to
pace themselves a little bit more
In addition to building up her
collegiate racing resume, Florie
has spent the season honing her
racing motivation. In addition to
the simple desire to work hard
and improve, her drive stems
from a positive mentality.
"If I'm working hard and
doing the best I can, I focus on
that rather than one specific
goal," she said, "like getting into
the Big Ten Championships. It
feels more positive that way."
That technique - putting in
the hard work and "trusting that

the results willfollow"-is paying
off. Many of her teammates are
training at the same level, so
when it came time to decide who
would race on Sunday, it was a
close call. Florie's fourth-place
finish at Pre-Nationals was just
the extra push needed to get her
on Sunday's squad.
"Corinne's been steady all sea-
son and we are excited about the
opportunity for her to compete
in her first Big Ten Cross Coun-
try Championship," said Michi-
gan coach Mike McGuire. "She's
going to give us great effort, and
I think this weekend will serve
as a launching pad for bigger and
better things for her over the
course of the next three years."
The season is looking good
for Florie, but true to what she
said about being grateful for
where she is, she sticks to being
appreciative of the moment.
"I don't know what's going to
happen in the next five minutes,
let alone the next year," she said
with a smile and a shrug. "So I
just focus on my training now
and I'll see where it takes me."
For now, Florie will continue
to focus on the here and now,
taking in her experiences during
her time as a runner at Michigan
and trusting her training to take
her to places she dares to dream.

CCall: #734-418-4115al W olverines come
Email: dailydisplay@gmail.com
_______back for 12th place

RELEASE DATE- Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
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For the
If the Michiga
team's effort in
indication, you c
won't quit in th
the season.
The Wolveri
a 21-stroke defi,
four spots and fi
18 teams with a
the Las Vegas
this weekend.
tournament in
Boulder City,
Nevada got off
to a somewhat
rocky start on
Sunday, as the
dropped to 16t
round of 309 ov
first round, M
an array of hig
teams, including
and UNLV.
Freshman Me
four birdies to fi
a score of 75 to
Senior Lauren G
her score of 75, ,
the team average
The third rot
the weekend'sI
shot a 69 - three
Despite placin
Big Ten compet
and Indiana, th
demonstrated th
results is not ei
Michigan out.
"The areas w
on most are cout
and short game,
coach Jan Dowli

'RABICKI to see the team implementing
Daily our strategy and we were able
to get out there and shoot good
an women's golf numbers. Our second and third
Nevada is any rounds were much improved
an be certain it from the first day."
e remainder of Perhaps the best performance
of the weekend came from Grace
nes overcame Choi. The sophomore returned
cit to move up to the lineup after recently
nish 12th out of missing the Mercedes-Benz
score of 894 at Collegiate Championships on
Oct. 19 due to
an injury.
"I just
"Our second and wanted
some solid
third rounds rounds to get
were much Choi said. "And
(I wanted) to
improved." prove to myself
that even
though I was
injured, I could
h place with a come back and play, and work
'erall. After the hard."
ichigan trailed The tournament marked the
hly competitive end of the fall season for the
San Diego State Wolverines, who will take an
extended break until the next
gan Kim tallied competition in February.
nish Day 2 with "We are excited for the winter
lead her team. season, asitis agreatopportunity
,rogan matched to work on technicalthings along
ehich was under with strength and conditioning,"
. Dowling said. "The offseason is
and evened out where we make the most strides,
play as Grogan both relaxing and getting to
under par. work."
g behind fellow And though it hopes it doesn't
itors Minnesota need to make a comeback
e team's finish again, Michigan can certainly
at one round of gain inspiration from this past
nough to count weekend.
ve have worked Golf is done for now
rse management
said Michigan But we stilcoveralother sports.
''g. "It is great Stay with us until February.






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