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October 22, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-22

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, October 22, 2014



Plans made
for unlikely
arrival of
Ebola at 'U'

LUNA AN /aaiy
Stony Creek High School student Sydney Watson and LSA freshman Nikki Hallacy enjoy Dogs on the Diag Tuesday. Paws with a Cause, Canine
Assistants and other therapy dogs were present.
Mayoral candidates aim
to ke ep young talent in A

Health System
with county as a
For theDaily
Despite the unlikelihood that
the Ebola virus will come to Ann
Arbor, experts at the University
of Michigan Health System, the
School of Public Health and Uni-
versity Health Service are working
to construct a response plan to the
The worldwide death toll from
the viral disease is more than
4,500 as of Oct. 17. The vast major-
ity of the deaths have occurred
in the West African countries of
Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
However, efforts to contain the
virus seem to be making headway
as the Centers for Disease Control
recently declared Nigeria and Sen-
egal Ebola-free.
On the home front, national con-
cern has increased after Thomas
Eric D tLibeian man vis-
iting family in Dallas, became the

first person in America to die from
Ebola Oct. 8.
That national attention prompt-
ed a formal response from the
University Tuesday afternoon,
when Robert Winfield, the Univer-
sity's Chief Health Officer, sent an
e-mail to the student body regard-
ing the school's current prepara-
tion for Ebola.
"We are behaving in a way to
maximize preparedness, minimize
risk and not alarm people unneces-
sarily," Winfield wrote.
The University has already
issued travel warnings for stu-
dents in countries that are heavily
affected by the virus. Additionally,
a protocol for students returning
from affected regions has been
At UHS, patientscreenings have
become more detailed, particular-
ly in regards to travel histories for
patients who report fever or other
Ebola-like symptoms.
"We never did this level of
screening in the past," Winfield
said. "This is all in response to con-
cern of this infectious disease."
Epidemiology Prog. Eden Wells,
associate director of the preventa-
tive medicine residency, said all
University health units are making
See EBOLA, Page 3A


ristopher Taylor respondents said they would
consider living in Ann Arbor
apes to create a if they were presented with
an educational or employment
ty that attracts opportunity after graduation.
ga ae While the possibility of attend-
U graduates ing one ofthe University's many
post-undergraduate schools
By EMMA KERR may account for a number of
DailyStaffReporter these responses, city officials
understand the need to retain
a Michigan Daily sur- the young professionals gradu-
sf 230 randomly selected ating from the University.
rgraduates, 64 percent of Democratic mayoral can-

didate Christopher Taylor,
an Ann Abror City Council-
member, has created a plan for
attracting and keeping talented
young professionals in Ann
"I want Ann Arbor to thrive
duringthe next two years," Tay-
lor said. "I also want it to thrive
for the next 20 years. That's
why I am absolutely committed
to an Ann Arbor that welcomes
and retains the young, young
professionals, young workers,

young families."
As mayor, Taylor said he
would focus on the amenities
and attributes young people
look for when choosing a city,
which may not necessarily
be on the minds of other City
Council members and older
adults throughout Ann Arbor.
Bryan Kelly, the indepen-
dent candidate for mayor, said
attracting young professionals
to Ann Arbor is not something
See MAYOR, Page 3A

New Ferguson
resolution to
be considered

After rejection
of first proposal,
CSG looks to tackle
police brutality
Daily StaffReporter
After a resolution to stand
in solidarity with the people of
Ferguson was introduced Sept.
16 and was voted down Oct. 7,
a new resolution against police
brutality was proposed during
the Central Student Govern-
4l ment meeting Tuesdaynight.
The new legislation resolves
to stand in solidarity with the
people of Ferguson, Mo., sup-
port the policy solutions out-
lined by an activist Shaun King
and the Dream Defenders - a
social justice organization from
Florida - in their change.org
petition and create a joint event
with the Commission on Stu-
dent Safety and Security dis-

cussingpolice actions.
In August, following the
shooting of unarmed Black
teenager Mike Brown by a
white police officer, the people
of Fergusoniresponded with
protests calling for the end of
racial stereotyping and police
violence. The change.org peti-
tion asks U.S. citizens to end
police brutality in response of
the events in Ferguson.
Unlike the old proposal,
which was authored by both
community members as well as
CSG members, the new legisla-
tion was written by seven CSG
representatives. The current
resolution is also shorter than
the previous one.
"We tried to strip it down
and get to the heart of what we
were so keen on in the other
resolution ...We hope the moral
compass of this assembly is
on par with the values of this
kind of resolution," said LSA
senior Kathryn Abercrombie,
LSA representative and author
See CSG, Page 3A

Dr. Martin Blaser speaks about raising awareness of the role of microbes at his CMS s
Auditorium Tuesday.
NY-U Prof. warns a
antibiotics overconstu

City Theater
to perform
Italian play
Theatre de la
Ville to put on
'Six Characters'
Daily Arts Writer
Note on content: contains dis-
cussion of pieces of art that deal
with sexual violence.
As a form of art that relies on
the interplay between acting and
stage design, the manipulation of
belief and disbelief, theater lends
itselfuniquelyto the interrogating
the problems of meaning-making
and selfhood. The twentieth cen-
tury saw revolution after revolu-
tion in the dramatic arts, each
redefining what it meant to per-
form, to write and to produce.
Next weekend, the Theitre
de la Ville (City Theater) of Paris
will be presenting its interpreta-
tion of Italian writer Luigi Piran-
dello's 1921 play Six Characters

Lecture examines
dangers of popular
Daily StaffReporter
With cold and flu season in
full swing, students may be
heading to medical profession-
als hoping to get a prescription

for antibiotics and a quick and
easy means of restoring good
However, Martin Blaser,
director of the Human Micro-
biome Program at the School of
Medicine at New York Univer-
sity, spoke to around 250 people
on the over consumption of
antibiotics and their long term
effects on human microbes
by giving a peek at parts of his
book, Missing Microbes and
responding to the audience's

The event was hosted by the
University's Host Microbiome
Initiative, the Center for Micro-
bial Studies and Procter and
Blaser discussed his book,
noting that it revolves around
the idea that microbes in the
human body have purposely
been around for a long time
since they are beneficial to
humans. However, modern

Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
TOMORROW LU:35 news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

NEW ON MICHIGANDAILY.COM INDEX NEWS .........................2A ARTS.............A.....5A
Sierra Hansen: Remembering what war looks like Vol. CXXV, No. 15 SU DO KU.....................2A CLASS I FIEDS...........,...6A
MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS 02014The Michigan Daily OPINION...................4A STATEMENT..............18


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