2A - Monday, October 20, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 2A - Monday, October 20, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom E e fidtciian 44a1iy 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com PETER SHAHIN DOUGLAS SOLOMON Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-415 ext. 1251 734-418-4150ext. 1241 pjshahin@michigandailycom dougsoto@michigandaiy.com M MUSICAL MARCH NO AGREEMENT d 'U' fails to meet union demands Forty years ago this week (Oct.23,1974) TheUniversityandtheGraduate Employees Union failed to find common ground in aseries of non- economic demands included in overall contract proposals. The GEO proposals called for an agency shop, class size limits and affirmative action proposals, all of which the University refused. The University counter-proposal also changed several provisions in the GEO's proposal that the union defined as non-negotiable. "In the first place, they made no response to a number of our proposals," union spokesman David Gordon said following the bargaining session the night before. "And secondly, what they came back with was fairly unsatisfactory." University administrators maintained at the time that acquiescingto many of GEO's non- economic demands "would have shut the Universitydown." Thirty years ago this week (Oct.24,1984) Presidential candidate Walter Mondale came to the University to host a rally on the Diag. "The way I look at it, anybody who wants to be president should cometotheUniversityof Michigan and ask for your votes," Mondale told the crowd. Mondale's visit came amid Local Ann Arbor musicians and EdgeFest organizers march is a parade around Kerrytown Saturday. CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Imagination and creativity WHAT: Students can discuss the meaning and purpose of imagination and creativity, and the concepts' connection with God. WHO:Apostolic One WHEN: Today from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union, Welker Room Clinton fellowship info WHAT: Join this information session on the American India Foundation's William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India. WHO: Center for South Asian Studies WHEN: Today from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. WHERE: School of Social Work, Room 1644 Iron writing challenge WHAT: The Sweetland Writing Center is hosting a writing challenge on social media in honor of its National Day of Writing. WHO: Sweetland Center for Writing WHEN: Today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: North Quad Journal editors' tea WHAT: Four scholars from different academic disciplines discuss their experiences in managing open-access scholarly publications to celebrate Open Access Week. Journal Editors' Tea is a quarterly event. WHEN: Today from 4p.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: Hatcher Graduate Library Drug lecture WHAT: Prof. Stephen Strobbe will discuss substance abuse and its consequences. WHO: Council for Disability Concerns WHEN: Today at noon WHERE: University Hospital, Ford Auditorium Positivity discussion WHAT: Visiting professor Oana Branzei and Neil Hetherington, former Habit for Humanity New York City CEO, will speak about how to create positive change in organizations. WHO: Center for Positive Organizations WHEN: Today from 4 p.m. to 5 pm. WHERE: Ross School of Business Colloquium, 6th floor Book drive WHAT: The Detroit Initiative student group and Worldwide Book Drive are collecting books for inner- city community centers in an effort to promote global literacy and education. WHO: The Detroit Initiative WHEN: Today at 8 a.m. WHERgi School of Social Work Social media and violence WHAT: Listen to a psychology lecture headed by Desmond Patton and Rowell Huesmann. WHEN: Today from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: Institute for Social Research, Room 1430 CORRECTIONS . Please report any error inthe Dailyto corrections@michi- gandaily.com. concerns that he would be heckled by members of the University's chapter ofthe College Republicans and other conservative campus groups, as had happened at other college stops across the country. Previously, both Republicans and Democratson campus had accused the other group ofremoving the other's campaign signs. However, Republicans stayed quiet during the event, following a pledge by the College Republicans earlier in the weektonot heckle during the speech. "We're hereto show our support for President Reagan," said LSA senior Terry Peters, chairman of Students for Reagan/Bush. "As a group position, we are not going to heckle." T H REE T HINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW TODAY Despite being paralyzed from the chest down due to a boating accident in 2011, New York resident Matt Ficarra was able to walk down the aisle at his wedding thanksto a battery-powered exoskeleton, Newsday reported. The Michigan women's soccer team scored with less than a minute remaininginregulation against Ohio State on Sunday, but the Buckeyes responded seconds later to force a 2-2 tie on Senior Day at U-M Soccer Complex. " FOR MORE, SEE SPORTSMONDAY St. Petersburg, Florida police arrested a 28-year-old homeless man for allegedly stealingthe handles and pipes of toilets in restaurant restrooms around the city, the Huffington Post reported. The man caused about $1,000 in damage. 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Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for fal term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $110. Witer term (January through Aprilis $115, yearong(September through Apri>is $195. University afiliates ar' su"jetoaeduc"dsubscriptirate.On-campus subscriptions for fatierm are 535. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 41 Friends, family of Ebola patient reach milestoneU 0 'I Quarantine ends for those in contact with U.S. native who died from the disease FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - As her boyfriend Thomas Eric Duncan lay dying of Ebola in a Dallas hospital bed, Louise Troh battled loneliness and fear that she too had contracted the dis- ease while confined to a strang- er's home under armed guard. Troh's confinement was ending Sunday night, along with several friends, family and others who had contact with Duncan after he first became infectious. Ebola has a 21-day incubation period, and the people who interacted with Dun- can after he first arrived in Dallas from Liberia will be in the clear. It's an important milestone in the nation's efforts to contain the outbreak and a cause for cel- ebration for Troh. After three long H-i weeks, she will be able to have a clean bill of health, leave the house and be done withtwice-dailytem- perature readings by government health care workers. She likened the period to being a prisoner. "I want to breathe, I want to really grieve, I want privacy with my family," Troh told The Asso- ciated Press on Friday, lamenting that she was missing Duncan's memorial service at his mother's church in North Carolina because of the quarantine. Troh says she and Duncan planned to get mar- ried later in the week. Duncan arrived in Dallas from Liberia in late September and went to the hospital complaining of headache and stomach pain. He was sent home with a pre- scription for antibiotics to treat a misdiagnosed sinus infection. He returned two days later, was diag- nosed with Ebola and died Oct. 8. The day Duncan tested posi- tive for Ebola, Troh, her 13-year- old son, Duncan's nephew and a family friend were ordered by 5-M a Dallas court to stay inside the apartment among Duncan's used linens and any lingering virus. The unusual confinement order was imposed after the, family failed to comply with a request not to leave the apartment, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said. The four were later taken to an undisclosed gated community. Jenkins and Troh's pastor George Mason delivered the news of Duncan's death to her during the confinement period. The other people who will have their quarantine period end at midnight include Youngor Jallah, Troh's daughter, a nurse's assistant who checked Duncan's vital signs before calling for an ambulance. For nearly three weeks, Jallah has not left the cramped, second- story apartment she shares with her partner, Aaron Yah, their three children, ages 2, 4 and 6, and Yah's 10-year-old son. Unlike Troh, Jallah is not pre- vented from leaving by an armed guard, but Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials have come by daily to check every- one's temperature. "I'm tellingyou, just to step out- side will be so great. To hug my mom and grieve for Eric, not over the phone like we've been doing but in the flesh," Jallah said. Mason said he is coordinat- ing efforts with the city, county and philanthropic community to help Troh and the f amily recov- er. Because of the Ebola infec- tion risk, crews stripped Troh's apartment down to the carpeting, saving only a few personal docu- ments, photographs and a Bible. "They were left with nothing. They are completely devastatedby this, so there's need to have their lives rebuilt," Mason said. Troh plans to partially recover financially with a book written about her life, from growing up in Liberia, meeting Duncan in a refugee camp in Ivory Coast, Duncan's years-long quest to come to America to be reunited with his girlfriend and their 19-year-old son, and his death in an isolationward. Former President Bill Clinton, right, speaks as fellow Democrat U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor listens at a political rally in Hot Springs, Ark., Friday, Oct. 17. Bill Clinton visits Arkansas to boost Democratic vote Former president campaigns for candidates in several contested races PINE BLUFF, Ark. (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton swept through a second Arkan- sas campaign swing in as many weeks Sunday, hoping to keep Democrats in power at home and in the U.S. Senate. Clinton returned to Pine Bluff, seeking the same political successes he had here in 2000 and 2002. Late-in-the-campaign rallies with predominantly black crowds helped put Mike Ross in the U.S. House and Mark Pryor in the U.S. Senate then, and both candidates need Clinton's help "They assume you will show up for a presidential election but won't show up" for a midterm, Clinton said. He cited polls that he said showed that while black people comprise 16 percent of Arkansas' population, the GOP expects blacks to make up just 11 percent of voters this year. With andunpopular Demo- cratic president in the White House, Arkansas Republicans have made unprecedented gains since 2010. The GOP now con- trols the state Legislature and five of six seats in the U.S. House and Senate. "It's game time," said Pryor, the lone Democrat whom Ar- kansans send to Washington. "It doesn't amount to a hill of beans if we don't get out and vote." Early voting begins Monday. Ross is seeking the governor's office against a former congress- man who prosecuted Clinton's impeachment and who has lost three statewide races. Pryor is seeking a third term and his con- test with Rep. Tom Cotton is key to control of the U.S. Senate. Cotton's campaign said the race is about the current presi- dent, not a former one. "We're not bothered by Presi- dent Clinton's support for Mark Pryor. We're bothered by Mark Pryor's support for President Obama, whom he has voted with 93 percent of the time," Cotton spokesman David Ray said. Clinton also campaigned Sun- day for his former director of the Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency, James Lee Witt, and other statewide Democratic candidates. Witt is running to replace Cotton, a Republican giving up a south Arkansas U.S. House seat to challenge Pryor. "You haven't had a congress- man since I. left," said Ross, who left the House in 2012. He criticized Cotton for launching a Senate campaign months after entering Congress Clinton didn't build the Dem- ocratic PartyinArkansas buthas been its figurehead since inherit- ing the mantle from former U.S. senators David Pryor and Dale Bumpers. He spent much of Sun- day's speech telling Arkansas stories, and pointing out people in the crowd, rather than pulling out his presidential credentials. David Pryor served two terms as governor and is the current senator's father. Bumpers, an- other ex-governor, delivered a passionate defense of Clinton at the ex-president's impeachment trial in 1999 - a case prosecuted by then-Rep. Asa Hutchinson, Ross' opponent this year. The Republican-led House voted to impeach Clinton but the Senate acquitted him. "This election is about the fu- ture, and Asa's plan gives hope for the future and will motivate people to vote," Hutchinson spokesman J.R. Davis said after the Democratic rally. Ross was a state legislator] and a former driver for Clin- ton's political campaigns when, in 2000, he challenged Rep. Jay Dickey, R-Ark., who had voted for two articles of impeachment against the president. &