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October 20, 2014 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-10-20

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Monday, October 20, 2014 michigandaily.com
After 40
years, SSD

Schoolboy Q performs at Hill Auditorium Saturday.
Dance Mar on kicks off
ftmdraing with 5K inA

Conference features student population is registered
with the office, with learning dis-
experiences of abilities listed as the most com-
mon category.
students with The 40th anniversary cel-
ebration lasted for most of 2014
disabilities and included events each month
designed to increase awareness
By JULIA LISS of disabilities on campus. One
DailyStaffReporter program focused on navigating
graduate school with a disabil-
The Office of Services for Stu- ity and another promoted ADHD
dents with Disabilities continued awareness.
a yearlong celebration of 40 years The conference featured a
of service with an all-day confer- panel of three students who
ence Friday at the Hatcher Grad- receive accommodations through
uate Library. The conference, SSD. Public Health student
which was attended mostly by Surabhi Rajaram, Social Work
faculty and staff, included several student Lloyd Shelton and LSA
keynote speakers and a discussion senior Jeremiah Whittington
panel composed of students with each discussed their experiences
disabilities. as University students living with
Since the office opened in disabilities and the ways in which
1974, it has helped students with the office impgcts them.
disabilities achieve success by The panelists said having the
providing accommodations and SSD community is helpful, along
services- including academic and with the support groups it offers
transportation accommodations, through which they can interact
peer mentoring programs, assis- with other students with disabili-
tive technology and free skill ties, but they also noted that more
tutoring. According to the office's can be done to make the Univer-
annual report, 5.1 percent of the See SSD, Page 3A

Student org.
resumes efforts
after raising over
$500K last year
Daily StaffReporter
Gravel and orange leaves

crunched under the shoes of
about 120 University students
and Ann Arbor residents Sunday
afternoon as they ran through the
Nichols Arb to raise money for
the University chapter of Dance
Marathon's Third Annual 5K For
the Kids.
The run raised $2,500 toward
DMUM's yearlong fundrais-
ing efforts to support pediatric
rehabilitation programs at the

University's C.S. Mott Children's
Hospital and Beaumont Chil-
dren's Hospital in Royal Oak. The
5K was DMUM's first major fun-
draising event of the year. Last
year, the organization raised over
$500,000 for pediatric rehabili-
tation programs in the University
of Michigan Health System's C.S.
Mott Children's Hospital and
Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak,

Before running the traditional
5K, running a one-mile fun run
or walking the route, participants
were thanked and encouraged by
a few of the families who benefit
from DMUM's efforts.
DMUM Communications
Chair Brian Dobmeier, a Business
junior, was the first person to
break the blue ribbon at the end
of the run.
See DANCE, Page 3A

Public health
event honors
student's life

Symposium examines
global engagement,
collecting research
For theDaily
About 200 people gathered at
the A. Alfred Taubman Biomedi-
cal Science Research Building for
the Fourth Annual Sujal Parikh
Memorial Symposium for Health
and Social Justice.
In 2010, University medical stu-
dent Sujal Parikh was killed in a
motorcycle accident in Kampala,
Uganda, where he was conduct-
ing AIDS research as a Fogarty
International Clinical Research
"It was really started with
friends and colleagues that were
inspired by his story and inspired
by his ability to bring people
together," said medical student
Maia Anderson, the symposium's
student leadership chair.
The interdisciplinary event
aims to draw students interested
in medicine, law, pharmacy, busi-
ness and public health. Rackham

student Nadia Sebastian, a mem-
ber of the student planning board,
said it is designed to be a celebra-
lion of Farikh's life and an oppor-
tunity for students with similar
interests to discuss global health
and social justice issues.
This year the symposium was
designed to be as interactive as
possible, Anderson said. The event
featured two Design Thinking
Sessions, one titled "Re-Envision-
ing Global Engagement at UM"
and the other titled "What Comes
Next?" The event also featured
two keynote speakers, several
lightning talks and poster ses-
sions, which gave students and
faculty the opportunity to present
their research.
The first keynote speaker was
Dr. Vincent Iacopino, the senior
medical adviser at Physicians for
Human Rights and an adjunct pro-
fessor of medicine at the Univer-
sity of Minnesota Medical School.
Throughout his career, Iacopino
has traveled across the world
teaching people in underserved
areas how to better use available
tools to diagnose and treat diseas-
es. At the symposium, he stressed
See HEALTH, Page 3A

Participants in the Detroit Marathon run down the highway early Sunday morning in Detrdit.
Detroit Marathon draws
record-breaking entries

to discuss
changes to
Proposed resolution
will lose N.University
for homecoming party
Daily StaffReporter
This week's Ann Arbor City
Council meeting will include dis-
cussion ofresolutions regardingthe
closure of North University Avenue
for a University of Michigan home-
coming block party, approval of a
state grant for improving routes to
local schools and an ordinance to
amend the city's non-discrimina-
tion ordinance.
North University
Avenue Closing
Councilmember Sabra Briere
(D-Ward 1) is sponsoring a reso-
lution to close North University
Avenue between State and Thayer
streets Friday, Oct. 31, for a Home-
coming Block Party. The State
Street Association and Ashley's, a
nearby restaurant, have requested
the closure of this area.
See COUNCIL, Page 3A

80 percent of
participants hail
from Metro Detroit
ManagingNews Editor
DETROIT - Thousands of
runners paced anxiously on the
cold, brisk October morning
on W. Fort Street. In the dark,
donning disposable layers and

gloves, the runners awaited
the horn to signal the begin-
ning of the end of their months
of tireless training: the start of
the Detroit Free Press/Talmer
Bank Marathon.
Soon, the city's streets filled
with marathoners as thousands
funneled through the starting
line. Traveling over the Ambas-
sador Bridge, into Canada, back
through the Detroit-Windsor
Tunnel, through Mexican-
town, Corktown, Greektown,

Indian Village and Belle Isle,
the participants took a unique
tour of the city - and a bit of a
neighboring country.
Some took a shorter tour,
opting for running the more
manageable 13.1 miles offered
for both halves of the full dis-
tance. The first half of the mar-
athon - which runs through
Canada and offers a sunrise
view over the Ambassador
Bridge - hosted almost 14,000
See DETROIT, Page 3A

Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
TOMORROW LO: 4 news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Fred Tomaselli brings "The Times" exhibit to UMMA Vol. CXXV, No.14

N EW S ......................... 2A A R TS........................... 5A
SUDOKU..................... 2A CLASSIFIEDS ............... 6A
OPINION .....................4A SPORTSMONDAY..........1B

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