0 W. w -W Wednesday, October 1 211= -he Statement 7B Personal Statement: Confessions of a procrastinator by Mark Ossolinski the writer's notebook: writing as movement BY CARLINA DUAN Poetry is largely a practice of holding myself accountable. For me, poetry moves me to action when I begin naming my OWN joy and my OWN fear. I do not want others to-name it, or me. I ask my students to reconsider how the poem reshapes or celebrates or challenges a ques- tion of the self. How the poem creates a new vision. Not every poem has to be "deep," nor does every poem have to have an agenda behind it. But I believe that poetry can create movement and action when others begin to seize their own languages, and undertake the project of naming e-mails their own joys, bodies, hungers, and turn shit in. fears. But when it The poet Aracelis Girmay comes to cre- writes: "I think a poem can ative writing, have many hearts. Many cores. how can we Many moments of great pulse use poetry and potency ... But the heart can and prose also be very quiet, the condensed to move moment of matter or language or others white space or silence that pushes n beyond chills through a body." When I directive seek great poems, I see in them the action? How an ability to perform within this last year of can poetry be type of dual space, to move silent- my under- used as aform of social ly and noisily, to claim multiple graduate career, I've been recon- change? In other words, when names and hearts. For me, writ- sidering the role of writing as a does writing become more than ing acts as movement when it can type of artistic performance, and, a "good" poem, or a "good" story? simultaneously carve and hush. more importantly, as a type of When does writing spark move- I am a poet. The way I navi- social change. How does writing ment? gate, seek and understand the make tides, swing past When world is largely through lyric and doors? What is it about I teach poetry. I write to save. I write to writing in particular writing carve out. I write to buzz, let go, that makes others work- love, push, remember. Above all, move to action, or shops I write because in writing, I find shout? At a very to high myself asking questions, shooting basic level, writ- school arrows, forging visual and ver- ten language students, bal connections. In other words, is performa- I tell my brain is at its most electric tive. I read them I'm when I am writing - and I am stop signs, .,t not able to challenge myself to chase and halt inter- after hard questions, challenge my car. ested in myself to look and upturn more. I read whether or There are plenty of rules that class not they can use we've studied in class on how to fancy metaphors, or be a "good" writer. But I've never how many Shakespeare been taught in a classroom that references they can squeeze writing is, at its core, inherently \yZ in a line. I'm not interested in mobile. Writing evolves, and asks whether or not their poetry its readers to evolve. Writing is a "sounds good." I am interested re-vision ofthe world, and, conse- in what they - and I, too - fear: quently, a re-moving of the world. being responsible for ourselves. It rattles the floors. It lifts us up. How did I get here?" It's a question I've found myselfaskingmany times before. Here again, late at night, wondering just exactly how it is that I am where I am. But this isn't the late-night existential ponderingofa person lying in bed, staring at the ceiling and contem- plating life's meaning; nor am I David Byrne, looking back at my3 life with freaked-out regret - although there is an element of both the nocturnal and the regretful in my ques- tion. Instead, I'm staring at my computer screen _ and the blank word document looking back at me. It's some ungodly hour in the middle of the night. My second coffee of the night- now-turned-morning is next to me - I guess the purpose of the first cup was just to get me to start thinking about writing this paper that's due tomorrow. The blinking black textt cursor in the top left of the sea of white seems to be mocking me: "When I'm blinking, that means you're not writing!" This is not a new experience for me. I'm pissed about it. "How did I get here ... again?" The simple answer, of course, is that I've procrastinated. In spite of telling myself "Never again" after my last all-nighter, and the one before that and the one before that, I've inevitably found myself in the same situation all over again. Ah, procrastination: the bane of many a student's existence. I've been a serial procrastinator for a long time, and even though I'm aware of it and I hate it, I can't seem to overcome it. How did I become such a prolific dilly-dalli- er in the first place? It's clear that for me, the Internet is the main culprit, and getting my own lap- top for the first time in 10th grade - along with the world of poten- tial distractions it brought with it - was a salient event on the path to my current condition of com- puter-induced pseudo-ADD. As I think about all of this, still sitting in an empty library, my paper hardly started, with harsh fluorescent lights serving as the only reminder that I might not be the only person up at this hour, I naturally decide it's time for a break. All that staring at a blank nation of the Digital Age that calls for us to return to ye (g)olden days when people wrote letters, read, had greater attention spans and actually talked to each other, by goodness! While I do some- times wish for those "simpler" times with their fewer distrac- tions and stimuli, that argument and I devote myself fully to my work - once I actually get around to it, that is. Another weird thing is that as unhealthy as my habits are, they've always worked. My procrastination may cause me more stress and sleep deprivation than I'd like, but I always finish my work. Set a deadline for me while. I know that if I didn't pro- crastinate so much, I'd be able to do more of these things. Yet mental block has lingered, and I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it. Until recently. Several months ago, during one of my wonderful procrasti- natory frolics across the Inter- net, as it happens, I came across something that may have finally given me the impetus I needed. A quote from Gustave Flaubert, a writer I know next to nothing about, but who I'd like to think, I'd be more familiar with weren't always wasting my time in front of a screen: "Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work." The combination of a desire for discipline but also excite- ment and creativity seemed to intertwine perfectly with my own frustrations. I've often looked down upon the idea of a perfectly ordered life, consider- ing it artificial and unfulfilling, and I think that mentality *.< tributed to my habit of putting off work. I thought a "regular" life and an exciting one were mutually exclusive, but that's not the case. I can have both. It's the old mantra: Do what you have to do now so you can do what you want to do later. That may seem like an obvious lesson to most, but it's one that took me years to fully embrace. And my new mindset is already paying dividends. Every time I have the urge to check Face- book when I should be working, I think of this quote. Every time I think "I can just start this later," I think of this quote. And as I fin- ish this piece of writing with a (decent amount of) time before my deadline, with the insanity of midterms behind me and a free weekend ahead of me, I really think Flaubert might've been on to something. So if you're some- one who has grappled with the same affliction that I have, sider this message. Focus on the things you need to do now so you can do violent and original things with the time you save. Go read a book. Go build something. Write a screenplay. Throw your compute in the trash. Okay, maybe not t a violent, but you get my point. THE WEEKLY REEL: DAILY DIGEST W WATCH MORE AT MICHIGANDAILY. COM T H E statement Magazine Editor: Photo Editor: Managing Editor: Carlina Duan Ruby Wallau Katie Burke Deputy Editors: lIlustrator: Copy Editors: Max Radwin Megan Mulholland Mark Ossolinski Amrutha Sivakumar Editor in Chief Meaghan Thompson Design Editor: Peter Shahin Amy Mackens COVER BY RUBY WALLAU screen is tough work. I decide to look up the root of the word "pro- crastinate." From the Latin pro- crastinatus, from pro: forward + cras: tomorrow. I contemplate this for a while before realizing, "Hey, it is tomorrow. Yes, that same tomorrow that this paper is due!" Frustration wells up within me, because this is probably the 30th time tonight that I've let myself go down one of these Internet- enabled tangents. I want to throw my computer away. I really do. I frequently envision myself during these moments getting up from my desk, picking up my precious lap- top and chucking it at the near- est trashcan. Or maybe just at the wall. But this fantasy obviously isn't plausible, nor would it solve anything. Like many students, I need my computer for basically all of my schoolwork. So I sigh, and I do my best to refocus and get back to work. Now, this isn't the old condem- is narrow-minded and gives no credit to the incredible ways in which technology has improved our lives. I just know that I'm more susceptible to the diversions offered by the Internet than other people are. My laptop is a portal to an entire world of things that can distract me, from Facebook to YouTube to fantasy sports. Yes, there's the SelfControl app, but even that has its loopholes, and there's always your handy smart- phone with 3G or 4G. To all of you who are able to sit down in front of a computer, block everything out, and finish an assignment days before the deadline: I envy you. And I'm trying to get on your level. My struggle with procrasti- nation is clearly a struggle to be more disciplined, to practice more SelfControl. The weird thing is that in many other ways, I am dis- ciplined. In spite of my bad habit of doing homework at the last minute, I'm a dedicated student and I'll meet it. So what real rea- son have I had to change my ways, other than the constant thought of "Eventually I'll have to"? This way of doing things probably won't work in the real world after college, but do I really need to fix them this instant? The answer, though, is an unequivocal Yes. Pulling all- nighters is obviously unhealthy. But just as important to me is the fact that my biggest source of frustration throughout my years of beinga procrastinator has been the sheer amount of time I've wasted doing utterly inane shit on my computer. I want to be more productive with my time. I'm an English major, but I haven't read nearly as many books as I'd like. I hold on to a pipe dream of one day becoming a screenwriter, but my list of movies to watch and ideas to write down keeps getting lon- ger and longer. I want the time to just go for a walk every once in a